Optimization of Mechanical Oil Extraction from Jatropha Curcas L. Kernel Using Response Surface Method. Valipour, A. Biofuels are more environmentally friendly. doi:10.1016/S0960-8524(99)00069-3, Gui, M. M., Lee, K. T., and Bhatia, S. (2008). Table 4 shows a comparison of physicochemical properties of Jatropha Curcas biodiesel and diesel and corresponding biodiesel standard in Europe. The seeds of Jatropha Curcas have a thin shell and an oblong shape with a dark back colour (Dehgan, 2012). Considering environmental issues and to reduce dependency on fossil fuel many countries have politicized to replenish fossil fuel demand from renewable sources. Optimization of Biodiesel Production by Microwave Irradiation-Assisted Transesterification for Waste Cooking Oil-Calophyllum Inophyllum Oil via Response Surface Methodology. Jatropha Curcas is a drought-resistant shrub or tree that grows wild or in semi-cultivated environments. Some algae strains can produce oil daily. 43, 495520. Extraction parameters such as extraction duration (515min), heating power (180540W), solid/solvent ratio (1:101:40), and solvent type were optimised (ethyl acetate, n-hexane and acetone). doi:10.5772/intechopen.72803. The type of feedstock extracted, the cost and the environmental impact of the material used for extractions are frequently taken into account when choosing an extraction process. reduces the greenhouse effect). J. Supercrit. In Africa and parts of South America, these diseases have devastated cassava food crops. Other solvents, such as ethanol, hexane, and others, are more difficult to separate, and the finished product is usually not suitable for culinary use but is suitable for other industries. Inst. For gardeners who want to enjoy the deep green foliage and red blooms of the ornamental jatropha plant, climate has to be taken into account. Jatropha Curcas seeds with shells (Rao and Rao, 2013). Jatropha curcas is a perennial, oil-seed bearing shrub originating from Central America, and which has now been introduced to other tropical regions in Africa and Asia. Biomass and Bioenergy 19, 115. Energ. A study looked at the chemical composition, toxic/anti-metabolic components, and impact of different treatments on their levels in four Mexican Jatropha Curcas provenances (Herrera et al., 2006). The extraction was carried out using n-Hexane as the solvent, with solid-to-solvent ratios of 3:1, 5:1, and 7:1 (v/w) and three distinct extraction times of 4, 5, and 6h (hrs). Forum 29, 1224. Most of the Jatropha plant is also toxic to humans, and so biodiesel pioneers are attempting to find a plant that is useful for food and livestock feed as well as biodiesel fuel. However, in terms of cost, the overall benefits of using biofuels are much higher. Can be harvested in non-rainy season. A fuels heating value is the amount of heat created during burning per unit of fuel. J. doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2009.02.015. New York, USA: The New York Botanical Garden Press. 31, 40514059. A recent review by Che Hamzah et al. Vehicles that run on biodiesel achieve 30% fuel economy compare to petroleum based diesel engines. The second year of operation begins to produce fruit, and by the fourth or fifth year, the economic output has stabilised. Performance of Jatropha Oil Blends in a Diesel Engine. doi:10.1016/s0165-9936(04)00524-2, Keywords: Jatropha biodiesel, biodiesel properties, engine performance, engine emission, economic viability, Citation: Riayatsyah TMI, Sebayang AH, Silitonga AS, Padli Y, Fattah IMR, Kusumo F, Ong HC and Mahlia TMI (2022) Current Progress of Jatropha Curcas Commoditisation as Biodiesel Feedstock: A Comprehensive Review. Editor M. F. Ramadan (Academic Press), 197218. A combination of certain selected food crops and Jatropha might have positive overall impacts on yields and farmer income, but such trials are still at an early stage of research and further work is needed. A Multi-Variant Approach to Optimize Process Parameters for Biodiesel Extraction from Rubber Seed Oil. Sustainable Energ. doi:10.1016/j.indcrop.2007.09.001, Gbitz, G. M., Mittelbach, M., and Trabi, M. (1999). doi:10.1002/jctb.5869, Tat, M. E., and Van Gerpen, J. H. (1999). Pet. Its advantages are: Towards Domestication ofJatropha Curcas. Sairam, P., Ghosh, S., Jena, S., Rao, K., and Banji, D. (2012). doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2008.05.023, Alrashidi, M., Derawi, D., Salimon, J., and Yusoff, M. F. (2020). Jatropha Curcas emits fewer pollutants than diesel and may be used in diesel engines with equivalent performance. Insufficient market opportunity, insufficient government incentives, lack of clear regulations and legislation, ownership issues, arable land scarcity, inadequate technology in seed collecting and processing, and poor agronomic performance Jatropha seed were the key obstacles to sustainable Jatropha biodiesel production. At present, algae biofuel is still largely in an experimental state, where making investments in them is still very costly, while offering only very little monetary recompense. The worldwide effort to find a sustainable and environmentally friendly alternative to todays fossil fuel dominated energy supply has already resulted in a substantial and rapidly growing demand for biofuels. It improves engine lubrication and increases engine life since it is virtually sulphur free. Crops Prod. Without massive soil nutrient inputs, jatropha is not a cost-effective alternative to imported oil, according to the ECHO website. Management 55, 164171. Engg. Jatropha Curcas nuts or seeds are produced in quantities ranging from 0.5 to 12 tonnes per year per hectare. Another biodiesel fuel disadvantage is that it can harm rubber hoses in some engines. . Biomass 8, 277282. The crops tend to be lesser varieties of the original, say of corn, for example, making it unsuitable for human consumption. doi:10.3390/cleantechnol3010002, Mohammed-Dabo, I., Ahmad, M., Hamza, A., Muazu, K., and Aliyu, A. 27, 283290. Again, based on todays experience, the researchers agreed that per mass unit of seeds between 20%-40% of pure plant oil is extractable. Mechanical screw presses are suitable for higher oil yield feedstocks since roughly 814% of the oil remaining in the cake and residual material. Advantages of Bioethanol: 1. Calculation of Open Channel Flow Hydraulic Radius: Calculate using Trapezoid Area, Simple DC Brushless Motor Driver Control, Regulator Circuits & Diagram. doi:10.1016/j.tree.2011.08.006, Madiwale, S., Karthikeyan, A., and Bhojwani, V. (2018). Processes 8, 786. doi:10.3390/pr8070786, Cunha, S. C., and Fernandes, J. O. South Afr. In addition, the plant is relatively drought resistant, although as will be discussed later this largely depends on the method of cultivation. J. Supercrit. Fuel Process. (Kumar et al., 2018) used a redesigned and modified microwave from a commercial microwave to extract oil from Pongamia Pinnata seeds. 9:815416. doi: 10.3389/fenrg.2021.815416. Investigations on Performance and Emission Characteristics of Diesel Engine with Biodiesel (Jatropha Oil) and its Blends. Nayak, B., and Patel, K. (2010). Because of the poisonous nature of the oil, use for edible purposes is restricted. The oilseed preparation, temperature, mode of operation, and equipment design all affect oil recovery efficiency. 102, 11941199. Second-generation non-edible feedstocks may assist with food security while also lowering manufacturing costs dramatically. A higher ratio indicates a lower environmental impact, as less fossil energy is needed to produce, refine and distribute the fuel. Chem. J. Supercrit. Bioresour. Biofuel Mandates in the EU by Member State and United Kingdom - 2021. Various experiments, ABSTRACT The present study focuses on the application of neem biodiesel and dimethyl carbonate as alternative fuels for modern engines, examining their properties and emission characteristics under, By clicking accept or continuing to use the site, you agree to the terms outlined in our. Even more important for FACT is that a careful introduction of Jatropha does indeed and in the first place benefit the large number of small farmers and other peasants that live today in poor rural villages of Africa and Asia., Eize de Vries is a freelance journalist specialized in renewable energy sources and is the Wind Technology correspondent for Renewable Energy Worlde-mail: rew@pennwell.com. Trends Ecol. (1997). Appl. Ind. doi:10.1016/j.biortech.2012.01.177, Koh, M. Y., and Mohd Ghazi, T. I. livets abc hjlp til dig der sger forstelse og udvikling. Environ. The smaller the projected in the coming years. of Jatropha and Algae biodiesel as they are easily obtained (Ahmad et al., 2011; Akbar et al., 2009; Azhari et al., 2008; Choudry et al., 2011). Renew. 154, 112688. doi:10.1016/j.indcrop.2020.112688, Foidl, N., Foidl, G., Sanchez, M., Mittelbach, M., and Hackel, S. (1996). Suganya et al. Performance and Exhaust Gas Emissions of Using Biodiesel Fuel from Physic Nut (Jatropha Curcas L.) Oil on a Direct Injection Diesel Engine (DI). Advantages of Supercritical Fluid Extraction for Recovery of Squalene from Wine Lees. Grow in low and high rainfall areas. Mace, G. M., Norris, K., and Fitter, A. H. (2012). Energy 69, 427445. Potential of Jatropha Curcas L. As Biodiesel Feedstock in Malaysia: A Concise Review. The long harvest cycle of Thirty to Forty years locks the land use. Int. Future research should concentrate on either increasing the fuel qualities of Jatropha biodiesel and modifying diesel engines to improve performance and emission characteristics. (2010). Viscosity, which is also an essential attribute of lubricants, is one of the most significant fuel qualities of biodiesel and diesel fuel generated from petroleum. Mater. Kumar et al. Francis et al. doi:10.1016/j.rser.2013.05.065, Melvin Jose, D. F., Edwin Raj, R., Durga Prasad, B., Robert Kennedy, Z., and Mohammed Ibrahim, A. The nut and the kernel both yield oil. Despite having a native range that spans South and Central America, South-East Asia, Africa, and India the plant now has a pantropical distribution with distinct Jatropha Curcas seed provenances (Garnayak et al., 2008; Kumar and Sharma, 2011; Moser, 2011). Cosolvent Transesterification of Jatropha Curcas Seed Oil. Bioresour. Technical Aspects of Production and Analysis of Biodiesel from Used Cooking Oil-A Review. Prod. Mechanical extraction (cold press technique and expeller-pressed method) and solvent-based extraction were utilised in many developing nations to extract the oil content from the seeds (Soxhlet extraction method). Other oil sources must be investigated in order to make biodiesel production more feasible. Production of Biolubricant from Jatropha Curcas Seed Oil. It has been successfully tested and has excellent stability at low temperatures, making it an interesting option for use in jet fuels. Crops Prod. Uganda and other countries are exploring the use of Jatropha curcas nuts for biodiesel fuel production in order to lessen their dependence in imported oil. Convers. It has a higher cetane index and emits less carbon dioxide emissions, among other advantages. Furthermore, in order to maximise productivity, effective agricultural techniques that match local environmental circumstances must be used (soil, climate, etc.). doi:10.1016/j.renene.2014.01.039, Saravanan, N., Nagarajan, G., and Puhan, S. (2010). Biomass and Bioenergy 25, 309318. used ultrasonic irradiation to extract and convert the oil from macroalgae Enteromorpha compressa biomass utilising tetra hydro furan (THF) as a cosolvent and H2SO4 as a catalyst to extract and convert the oil into biodiesel.