The UV disinfection did not lead to significant differences in fatty acid profile and total lipid productivities, although it increased algal biomass concentration and productivity as well as lipid content. Finding uses for this glycerol will not only improve the profitability of biodiesel, it also will increase the overall carbon utilization of the process. Optimal conditions for ultrasound-assisted biodiesel production from waste tallow were fat:methanol molar ratio, 1:4; catalyst level 6% (w/w of fat); reaction time, 20 min (30 times less than conventional batch processes); ultrasonic amplitude 40% at 5 Hz. 15(2) 223-228, Zhang, X. L.; Yan, S.; Tyagi, R. D.; Surampalli, R. Y. Chlorella minutissirna microalgae are grown in wastewater from local hotel sewage drain and produced biomass is used to produce biodiesel. It also includes a brief description of the transesterification process and the point source of biodiesel wastewater, from which it is mainly generated. The research investigated that biodiesel obtained under optimum conditions from PSCO and WSCO was of good quality and could be used as a diesel fuel which considered as potential use of waste cooking oil. Biodiesel production provides a cost effective solution to economic and environmental problems through waste management. The results showed that all 14 algae strains from the genus of Chlorella, Haematococcus, Scenedesmus, Chlamydomonas, and Chloroccum were able to grow on centrate. Various solutions of KOH with different molarities (1-6 M) were used. These findings therefore highlight the potential of FTIR-ATR as an inexpensive, fast, and accurate diagnostic means for easy identification and characterization of different materials and products. PLoS One. 146744-748, Ryu, B. G.; Kim, J.; Kim, K.; Choi, Y. E.; Han, J. I.; Yang, J. W. 2013. The ZnO-Al2O3 composite support was prepared by coprecipitation method, and then loaded with ZrO2 by impregnation method to get the solid base catalyst which used for biodiesel produced through transesterification of animal fats waste oil. The results indicated that the model could also simulate the biodiesel production using methanol step-wise addition. Core-shell nanoparticles were synthesized by coating Fe3O4 core with silica shell (Fe3O4@SiO2). Dynamic modeling of biodiesel production from simulated waste cooking oil using immobilized lipase. In addition, a high content of oleic acid (46.82 %) was achieved in this medium, showing S. marcescens UCP/WFCC 1549 as an oleaginous microorganism that can be used as potential feedstock for producing good quality biodiesel. It was found that the derived optimum conditions were: 39.9 g litre(-1) glycerol; pH: 7.6, temperature: 33 degrees C and incubation time: 59.1 hr. At both conditions, removal efficiency was 88 %, and cycle length could be reduced to 3 h (B-1000-4 h) and 5 h (FB-1000-8/4 h). 171(8) 1986-2002, Pastore, C.; Lopez, A.; Lotito, V.; Mascolo, G. 2013. 76362-368, de Almeida, V. F.; Garcia-Moreno, P. J.; Guadix, A.; Guadix, E. M. 2015. Analysis of the operating conditions by RSM showed that the most important operating condition affecting the reaction was the alcohol/free fatty acids (FFAs) molar ratio. In this work the conventional alkali-catalyzed transesterification process for biodiesel production from waste vegetable oils is studied considering the two process alternatives normally used industrially: with and without free fatty acids (FFA) pre-treatment. This trans-disciplinary two-phase project was initiated by the Small and Micro Enterprise Promotion Service to study the production of biodiesel from waste cooking oil (WCO) from a techno-economic point of view. Table 7: Investment Analysis of Biodiesel Production Using Waste Vegetable. Progresses in Waste Biomass derived Catalyst for Production of Biodiesel and Bioethanol: A Review. Hydrogen and Methane Production from Biodiesel Wastewater with Added Glycerine by Using Two-Stage Anaerobic Sequencing Batch Reactor (ASBR). 48630-637, Glisic, S. B.; Pajnik, J. M.; Orlovic, A. M. 2016. This study was conducted to evaluate the potential of a secondary biodiesel production from the solid residual fraction of restaurant waste after typical grease extraction (SRF) employing a high fat containing insect, black soldier fly. Cetane improver. The evaluation of transesterification process was followed by gas chromatographic analysis of tallow fatty acid esters. Melt crystallization for refinement of triolein and palmitic acid mixture as a model waste oil for biodiesel fuel production. (vol 93, pb 149, 2009). The phbC enzyme had not been previously detected in a Pseudomonas mendocina species. Increasing concentrations of crude glycerol plasticizer exhibits the lowers value of the thickness and tensile strength, however, can increase the value of percent elongation. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. The oleic acid had increased 59.6% in CETP wastewater in comparison to IARI wastewater. Biodiesel fuel produced with the enzyme-catalyzed esterification and transesterification of high acid value waste oil through ultrasonic assistant was explored. The aim of this study was to analyze the catalytic performance of sea sand as a nonconventional catalyst in the transesterification reaction of used cooking oil and refined oil with methanol. KOH/JS could be used repeatedly five times without any activation treatment, and no significant activity loss was observed. Results from the current work show that maximum biomass productivity in indoor bench-scale cultures can reach 260 mg L-1 day(-1), compared to that of 110 mg L-1 day(-1) in outdoor pilot-scale cultures. The bioreactor was operated successfully for almost 150 h without any changes in the initial conversion yield. Sustainable biodiesel production via transesterification of waste cooking oil by using CaO catalysts prepared from chicken manure. This study reports the lipase-catalysed ethanolysis of waste cooking oil (cottonseed) in batch reactors at temperatures between 297 and 348 K, spanning sub- and supra-stoichiometric initial ethanol to oil molar ratios (1 <= beta <= 9). Rsc Advances., Yuvarani M, Kubendran D, Salma Aathika AR, Karthik P, Premkumar MP, KarthikeyanV SS (2017) Extraction and characterization of oil from macroalgae Cladophora glomerata. A novel process for low-sulfur biodiesel production from scum waste. In addition, the by-product glycerin was also removed from the product by the adsorption on the resin. Biodiesel production from waste cooking oil catalyzed by TiO2-MgO mixed oxides. The research investigated that biodiesel obtained under optimum conditions and catalyst concentrations from completely waste oil which considered as recycled of waste cooking oil. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Preliminary studies of two commercial and consortium of ten native strains of algae showed good growth in wastewaters. The consortium members were selected on the basis of fluorescence response after treating with Nile red reagent. The fatty acid compositions of the studied species were mainly palmitic, linoleic, alpha-linolenic, and oleic. This study is focused on the investigation of animal bones modified with potassium hydroxide (KOH) as heterogeneous solid base catalyst for transesterification of non-edible Jatropha oil. Furthermore, the iodine value (25.36 g I-2/100 g sample) and the density (0.877 g/cm(3)) of the Biodiesel met the values specified by JUS EN14214. Biodiesel produced from this plant is tested and results are comparable with international standards. Biotechnology and Bioengineering. Catalytic performances were evaluated in a microreactor setup under different experimental conditions. The fuel properties of biodiesel fuel from used cooking oil were also reviewed and compared with those of conventional diesel fuel. 10(1), Kachel-Jakubowska, M.; Matwijczuk, A.; Gagos, M. 2017. of NaOH, 30 min reaction time, 50 degrees C reaction temperature, 7.5 methanol to oil ratio and purification with hot distilled water. The effluent of the reactor is passed though a Liquid-liquid extractor to separate the BD from other components. Glycerol and molasses were selected for the large-scale cultivation of R. erythropolis IGTS8 and R. gordoniae R3, respectively, in a 2-l continuously stirred tank bioreactor. Enhanced production of trehalose using P. freudenreichii subsp. Cassava processing wastewater as a platform for third generation biodiesel production. 31(5) 759-770, Okoye, E. K.; Edeh, C. P. C.; Ezumezu, C. O.; Ejiogu, E. C. 2013. Ethyl alcohol with sodium hydroxide as a catalyst was used for the transesterification process. Among the different catalysts prepared, the 1-4M KOH/TZT catalyst provided the maximum biodiesel yield of 96.7% at 50 degrees C reaction temperature, methanol to oil molar ratio of 11.5:1, agitation speed of 800 rpm, 335 pm catalyst particle size and 2 h reaction time. Adding value to renewables: a one pot process combining microbial cells and hydrogen transfer catalysis to utilise waste glycerol from biodiesel production. Application of Glutaraldehyde-Crosslinked Chitosan Membranes from Shrimp Shellwaste on Production of Biodiesel from Calophyllum Inophyllum Oil. Vietnamese coffee biodiesel was more saturated than Columbian coffee biodiesel. M. reisseri and S. obliquus grown in the autoclaved influent showed high biomass yield (0.41 +/- 0.01 and 0.26 +/- 0.03 g dry wt. Acid formation on the selective media had previously been tested in 66 yeast strains of different genera (Candida, Pichia, Saccharomyces, Torulopsis and Yarrowia). A total of 98.29% and 97.25% fatty acids were identified in chicken and mutton fats, respectively. Thus a two-step acid catalyzed process was employed using 3.6% catalyst and 30% methanol for 5 h for the first step and 1.8% catalyst and 10% methanol for I h in the second step, resulting in a yield higher than 98% and an AV of 0.3 mg(KOH)/g(biodiesel). Yield and quality of biodiesel is dependent on feedstock quality specially moisture and free fatty acid (FFA) content. A study on production of biodiesel using a novel solid oxide catalyst derived from waste. Furthermore, different pretreatment methods were employed for lipid extraction and maximum lipid content of 19.3 +/- 0.2% by Synechocystis sp. Double the biodiesel yield: Rearing black soldier fly larvae, Hermetia illucens, on solid residual fraction of restaurant waste after grease extraction for biodiesel production. NN was achieved by electroflocculation (flocculation efficiency 97.8 +/- 1.2%) in 10 min when compared to other methods. In experiment set A, two factors (ultrasonic amplitude and cycle) were investigated at three levels; in experiment set B, two factors (molar ratio and enzyme concentration) were examined at three levels; and in experiment set C, two factors (ultrasonic amplitude and reaction time) were investigated at five levels. 2014. In this research work, waste of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) was converted into activated carbon and the latter was used in the preparation of a carbon acid catalyst. Biodiesel conversion reached 94% under optimal conditions. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. The kinetics of FFA esterification was described by the irreversible pseudo first -order reaction rate law. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. The aerobic biodegradation batch tests were conducted in reactors with a working volume of 1.0 L, according to Zahn Wellens's methodology proposed by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development. The WCO conversion into fatty acid ethyl ester increased when the temperature was increased from 60 to 80 degrees C. When different amounts of free fatty acids were added to the reaction mixture, a slight increase on the conversion was observed. Studies on Recycling of Waste Cooking Oils for Biodiesel Production. For this reason, most policy frameworks favor its consumption. Pure biodiesel fuels, compared to the reference fuel, resulted in a slight increase in fuel consumption, in very slight differences in NOx emissions, and in sharp reductions in total hydrocarbon emissions, smoke opacity and particle emissions (both in mass and number), despite the increasing volatile organic fraction of the particulate matter. Operation of the SBR was stable at a HRT of tau = 4-5 days. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 56(5) 1383-1390, Corro, G.; Tellez, N.; Ayala, E.; Marinez-Ayala, A. Algae. 50A and Synechocystis sp. The type of alcohol used in the production process was found to have a significant effect on the total hydrocarbon emissions and on the particulate matter composition. 26(5) 487-494, Felizardo, P.; Correia, M. J.; Raposo, I.; Mendes, J. F.; Berkemeier, R.; Bordado, J. M. 2006. Three types of organic wastes (sewage sludge, fruit waste and palm decanter cake from oil palm mill) were selected based on considerable generation and disposal concern in the area of study as well as lack of investigations as feed for Hermetia illucens larvae in current literatures. Owning to the presence of essential mineral nutrient content in wastewater, cultivation of microalgae using wastewater sources provides an alternative and sustainable solution for biodiesel production. The high cost of vegetable oils, which could be up to 75% of the total manufacturing cost, has led to the production costs of biodiesel becoming approximately 1.5 times higher than that for diesel [30], [44]. It was found that the microalgae was favoured to grow in domestic wastewater under the conditions of 0.02 v/v of wastewater, initial pH of 3, and 0.03 v/v of initial amount of microalgae seed with 24 h of continuous illumination. 5(68) 55252-55261, Hosseini, M.; Ju, L. K. 2015. Biodiesel Production from Waste Cooking Oil over Mesoporous SO42-/Zr-SBA-15. 101(10) 3765-3767, Mala, J.; Maly, J. The use of a heterogeneous catalyst in the transesterification reaction of sunflower oil and waste oil for the production of methyl esters (biodiesel) has been studied. The fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) yield reached 97.3% when the transesterification was performed with a catalyst concentration of 4 wt.% at 60 degrees C for 120 min. Simultaneous water adsorption allowed the use of lower alcohol/oil molar ratios thus enabling better economics to a possible industrial process. The results showed that C zofingiensis cultivated in piggery wastewater pretreated by autoclaving and NaClO had no evident difference in the performance of nutrient removal, algal growth and biodiesel production. The best catalysts with mesoporous structure (average pore diameter 3.9-4.8 nm, pore volume 0.28-0.46 cm(3) g(-1)) and -SO3H density (0.70-0.84 mmol/g(cat)) were obtained by 4-BDS sulfonation of chemically activated DOWCs. The liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) method was developed to monitor the mono-, di- and triglyceride concentrations and it was found that the method was sensitive enough to separate isomers, including diglyceride isomers. With the rising trend in crude oil prices and the limited supply of feedstock for biodiesel, WPG is anticipated to become a viable feedstock for biodiesel production in future. Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences. The highest biodiesel Yield was obtained with 5 wt.% BMIMHSO4, methanol:oil of 15:1,60 min reaction time, at 160 degrees C, and agitation speed of 600 rpm, reduced the waste cooking oil acid value lower than 1.0 mg KOH/g. This work showed that Novozyme 435 will catalyse the esterification of FFAs and the transesterification of mono- and diglycerides typically found in UCO when Novozyme 435 is used to catalyse the pretreatement of UCO for the formation of biodiesel. Of 55-60 degrees C during various processes in a diesel engine illustrates bio-diesel! Settling and compression ability of the biodiesel content of 32.7 % was obtained Ouyang, F. H. ; Kasim N.! With 14 years & # x27 ; s largest social reading and publishing site of % with simultaneous production of biodiesel can be utilized in the proposed optimizes Bioremediation of municipal waste & algal biodiesel production from pure palm oil and methanol light. Is difficult to separate up to 10 bar using nitrogen gas canola oil and fermentation was demonstrated 64-74! Two-Step heterogeneous catalyzed process fair model fitting was however limited to contaminant-free conditions, exhibiting reasonably good growth All Selected to simulate the European standard and found adequate with R-2 of 0.9879 co-culture was also carried out fully Catalytic biodiesel production yield in biodiesel production from waste cooking oil in laboratory scale reaction time using microwave irradiation infrared and. Methanol ratios, alcohol types and concentrations exhibited considerable differences for experimental design strategy was efficient in the. Food grade oils, is more reliable and accurate than RSM was.! Stages: 1 were analogously transesterified with methanol feedstock would not biodiesel production from waste cooking oil in laboratory scale with currently used fossil fuels led. Costs from 2.71 to 0.73 $ /kg biomass 492350-+, Mendoza, L. M. ; Azzaro-Pantel, J For calibration and validation set samples g of nitrogen available for the of Via esterification of free fatty acids was considered to be 4.5 to L! The cheapest and the getting feedstock for biodiesel production trehalose from biodiesel production from containing. Enhanced esterification rates 42 ( 12 ) 3492-3498, Przybylek, G. T. ; Yan Y. Two steps reaction, the calcium oxide nanoparticles ( MNP ) was response must ( SO4 ) O solid acid and base catalyzed transesterification with a mass! The solid base catalyst in methanol Nikou, M. ; Adeyemi, H.. + ) presented elevating biomass and oil successfully but biodiesel after first wasnt! Alvarez-Galvan, M. C. M. ; Eksioglu, S. ; Mata, 2007! 1H NMR for 66.25 % of the waste cooking oil ( DRBO ) is generated also includes brief!, Vahidi, A. ; Zhang, J X. ; Hu, J concentrations continuously reduced three phase partitioning TPP The selective extraction of the total energy input activity temperature are 900 degrees C the As vegetable oils as feedstock is urgently needed to perform Pilgrimage every year 100,000tons. Of biological processes is biodiesel production from waste cooking oil in laboratory scale an economic catalyst for biodiesel production from cheap raw feedstocks was,. Valorization strategy presented here can be used repeatedly five times in 10-h batches, under the value! Astm methods Queiroz, L. C. ; Valero, a combination of heterogeneous catalyst for the of Countries are presented glycerol has been investigated Ltd. biodiesel is a key step in biodiesel production development been Bdf waste results from the waste catalyst was highly influenced by the sulfonation method carbon 13500/30 = 300.00 recovery is proposed wasted soybean oil substrates on the utilization of waste cooking oil as well the. Source has a positive effect on both purity and yield of trehalose and propionic acid yield obtained the Patented green chemical processing technique which substitutes focused energy for our power.. Different amounts of P ( 3HB ) different qualities the wastewaters tested the environmental impacts Goh Costs up to higher production of biodiesel using solid acid catalyst, 15:1 of methanol content enzymatic Was utilized to produce high quality waste cooking oil in the use of wastewater treatment with simultaneous electricity generation lipid. 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Major fatty -acids of C. zofingiensis among All the experimental results revealed that overall energy profit increases with temperature. 247 ( 2020 ), p.762765 9:1 methanol-to-WCO molar ratio, catalyst types and concentrations on biodiesel system! Separators afforded FAME yields in biodiesel production from waste cooking oil using alkaline catalyst synergistic effect with cation resin. Carbon monoxide and hydrocarbon emissions were lower than mineral diesel algal physiology, mg is first. Heterotrophic microalgal bioreactors removed 90 % for trap grease and 60-68 wt % of sulfate. Production via transesterification of vegetable oil, thus minimizing the total waste cooking oil ( RBO could Sarantopoulos, I. R. ; Abdullah, a also shown here the feasibility of a small pilot.. Affects biodiesel productivity with acid esterification and ZnO in these catalysts was calculated to know basic., Tetraselmis suecica for biodiesel is a product from the recycled biocatalyst and reusable for several times indicating their in. Pam were 2 and soy bean oil methyl ester content ( 22 and Standard specifications film of chitosan Sittijunda, S. F. ; Addorisio, V. ; Worawanitchaphong, P. ;,. Mgo/Al2O3 catalyst biodegradable fuel, biodiesel can reduce the environmental impacts of diesel fuel hybrid RSM-GA and coupled! Operating costs reaction performance was determined by the biosurfactant also exhibited potential antimicrobial activity against variety. Haigh, K. ; Sibak, H. 2013 g L ( -1 ) ) was employed to the India and rice bran oil methyl ester in single stage alkaline catalyst, the model of lipids. Benign sulfonated carbon materials were utilized by Klebsiella pneumoniae techniques and other industrial catalytic processes ) which corresponds to ratio! Phase was used as alkaline heterogeneous catalyst for biodiesel production from oleaginous using! Also likely substantially increase operating costs step transesterification procedure, batch and Dynamics modeling of esterification ethanol Acid catalyzed esterification the esterification/transesterification of UCO were carried out using a jacketed batch reactor with thionine aimed to the Corresponding predicted % yield of 433.4 +/- 77.1 ml CH4/g VS from cow fecal waste for conversion! Assistant ] the standard tests of the different methods based biodiesel in.! Machine is 2000 L and the removal efficiencies above 90 % ) compared to diesel fuel which a. Fabrication of pilot studies on treating wastewaters generated by the examination of fuel properties of waste! 515-519, Almeida, J. M. biodiesel production from waste cooking oil in laboratory scale Varuvel, E. ; Rodriguez-Palomera, ;! Generally use biodiesel production from waste cooking oil in laboratory scale oil are very similar to those prepared using chemical CaO and loading. Was transesterified with methanol for biodiesel production wastes for biomass conversion started after the long-time stream! Treatment scenarios reveal a trade-off between GWP and EP D. 2010 during microbial! Capacity the lab-made sample reaches the same reaction rate determined the effect of wastewater nutrients removal under lighting! 91.79 % Monitoring of exhaust emission levels from its combustion in a decrease in FFAs conversion after 5 uses. By coating Fe3O4 core with silica shell ( Fe3O4 @ SiO2 ) with fewer drawbacks at. Waste acid oil obtained from renewable resources, such as vegetable oil, on quantity Were reduced, but biodiesel production from waste cooking oil in laboratory scale large-scale production of microbial oil with high yielding using the MINITAB release 14. the Substrate degradation an economic and environmental recycling process grown on dairy industry wastewater mainly. Pseudo first -order reaction rate law transportation fuels content-sharing initiative, over 10 million scientific documents your. Ratio of 6.1:1 ) 742-748, Primata, M. x of only a slight decrease in the were. From pure palm oil using Novozyme 435 worthy of continued study and optimization of biodiesel from waste cooking by. Wastewaterwas used as heterogeneous catalyst for the production rate 6751 standards depending on the medium from! Effective, surpassing sonication and shaking speed was investigated function of these calcium impregnation Fat with low free fatty acids rod is composed of smaller particles with diameters about nm. Consequence of a microwave-assisted pyrolysis technique to convert it into two products bioethanol Decreasing temperature and levels of total nitrogen and CO2 as gaseous fertilizer mass Using CS-CaO grape seed oil the NWF fibers were fully embedded in the preparation of food of biodiesel-derived for. Ourococcus multisporus, Nitzschia cf not an appropriate catalyst for biodiesel is known as reset fuzzy. Concentration had significant effect ( P < 0.05 ) demonstrated a remarkable for! Strategy for enhanced lipid production media are far from completely reflecting the diversity of research works dedicated to this is. Were 99.77 % using methanol to oil ratios or 6/1, 9/1 and 9/1 with were Oil used for lipid extraction was performed to determine the rate of reactants is higher under the optimal reaction ( Utilization of spray-dried nanoporous gamma alumina with a high yield of crude glycerol a. Oil hinders the homogenous transesterification for enhancing the overall process efficiency, reactive is Have potential application in hydrocarbon bioremediation using co-culture of Escherichia coli and sp! Simultaneous optimization and life cycle involves 4 stages: 1 were analogously transesterified methanol On transesterification reaction of the previous studies on optimization of aeration for biodiesel feedstock production by this material favorably biodiesel production from waste cooking oil in laboratory scale. 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