The product of fast pyrolysis, called bio-oil, is an energy-rich liquid recovered from condensable vapors and aerosols. This change in volume is as high as 1600 times under atmospheric pressure. Google Scholar, Amen-Chen C, Riedl B, Wang XM, Roy C (2002a) Softwood bark pyrolysis oil-PF resols part 1. Biomass is pretreated to improve the accessibility of enzymes. There are several thermo-chemical routes for biomass-based energy production, such as direct combustion, liquefaction, pyrolysis, supercritical water extraction, gasification, air-steam gasification and so on. Couhert et al. Feedstocks for biomass gasification exists in different forms with each type having peculiar issues. Sarah Alexander; Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry; Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. Biomass, Conversion Routes and Products - An Overview Authors: Kamal K Pant Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Pravakar Mohanty Abstract Biomass refers to all organic matter generated through. Holzforschung 56:281, Andersson G (1995) Transport of forest energy wood in Sweden. High hydrolysis ratio is also an important requirement for the effective utilization of monosugars present in lignocellulosic structures. Volume II: Final Reports, APAS Clean Coal Technology Programme, EC, Brssel, Bergman PCA, Boersma AR, Kiel JHA, Prins MJ, Ptasinski KJ, Janssen FGGJ (2005) Torrefied biomass for entrained-flow gasification of biomass. In: Meyers, R. (eds) Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology. Various reactors for combustion process [41]. The three major steps involved are pretreatment, enzymatic hydrolysis, and fermentation. Biomass feedstock characteristics such as particle size, moisture content, shape, heating value, carbon content and ash content significantly affect the gasifier performance. EN-3B-069-DK). Two other main routes to hydrocarbon biofuels are seen in the upper section of Figure Routes to Advanced Biofuels: gasification and pyrolysis. In: Proceedings of the 19th international conference on fluidized bed combustion, Vienna, 2325 May 2006, Prins MJ (2005) Thermodynamic analysis of biomass gasification and torrefaction. Direct Combustion Processes Directs combustion furnaces can be divided into two broad categories & are used to produce direct heat or steam. The EEA is an agency of the European Union, /data-and-maps/figures/ga-downloads/62YM03VZW1/routes-for-converting-biomass-to-energy, Figure 2.1 EU Bioenergy potential.eps.75dpi.gif, Figure 2.1 EU Bioenergy potential.eps.75dpi.tif, Figure 2.1 EU Bioenergy potential.eps.75dpi.png, Adhoc data sources are cited in the assessments, EU bioenergy potential from a resource efficiency perspective. Chem Eng Technol 19:110, Brunner T (2006) Aerosol and coarse fly ashes in fixed-bed biomass combustion. Ind Eng Chem Res 39:11431154, Cheng WH, Kung HH (1994) Methanol production and use. This process is mainly physical and requires harsh reaction conditions since the decomposition of the polymeric substances is limited. Biomass refers to all organic matter generated through photosynthesis and many other biological processes. The process is carried out at temperatures between 800 and 1300C. a conversion route describes the pathway from the production of the energy crops, the provision of residues, by-products, and/or wastes at the place of origin up to the provision of the biomass in a predefined form at the gate of the conversion plant, the provision of secondary energy carrier (e.g., solid, liquid, or gaseous fuel, district heat), Thus, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change UNFCCC in 2005 [1], defined it as follows; A non-fossilized and biodegradable organic material originating from plants, animals and micro-organisms. Compared with the other biomass conversion technologies, the process is largely non-selective in terms of the biomass feedstock. Schweizerisches Bundesamt fr Energie (ed), Bern, Eigenverlag, Houck JE (1993) Atmospheric emissions of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, methane, non-methane hydrocarbons, and sub-micron elemental carbon particles from residential wood combustion. This has made it to be a potential energy source since the carbon dioxide captured during photosynthesis could be released when it burns. The average area of forest and wooded land per inhabitant varies regionally. The technologies include thermal, thermochemical, and biochemical conversions. How? The report aims to be a more accessible version of the ETC/SIA study, aimed at the non-technical reader. During the pyrolysis/gasification process, water need about 2.3MJ/kg to vapourize and as well 1.5MJ/kg to raise it to 700C. energy demand, if properly utilized., DOI:, eBook Packages: Springer Reference Earth & Environm. Ind Eng Chem Res 34:703717, CrossRef Download Figure 2.1 EU Bioenergy potential.eps.75dpi.gif (2.0 MB) Figure 2.1 EU Bioenergy potential.eps.75dpi.tif (6.3 MB) Figure 2.1 EU Bioenergy potential.eps.75dpi.png (36.5 KB) Biomass Bioenergy 27:3139, Czernik S, Bridgwater AV (2004) Overview of applications of biomass fast pyrolysis oil. This is because the process discharges more fuel or heat in order to vapourize the excess moisture to the temperature of the syngas [13]. 2020 The Author(s). Biomass Bioenergy 16:115, Gustafsson G (1981) Artificial drying of wood chips for energy purposes. Biomass . Hydrothermal liquefaction (also known as direct liquefaction) is essentially pyrolysis in hot liquid water. Tailored products could be obtained by setting the necessary parameters at optimum [29]. A comparison between the existing techniques is established in the present work. Open Access is an initiative that aims to make scientific research freely available to all. Pyrolysis involves the conversion of biomass into hydrocarbon liquids, gases, or solids in the total absence of oxygen at temperatures ranging from (400 900 oC). While the growing need for sustainable electric power can be met by other renewables The Unique Role of Biomass Biomass is our only renewable source of carbon-based fuels and chemicals 3. The aim of this study is to provide an overview for thermochemical and biochemical biomass conversion technologies that were employed currently. Proceedings of IEA/BE conference, task III/activity 6 and 7, Uppsala, pp 193197, Thrn D et al (2006) Sustainable strategies for biomass use in the european context. Low and high ash PWSs (8.5 and 46.7 wt%) were subjected to fast pyrolysis conversionto maximise the bio-oil yield by optimising the reactor temperature and pellet size. Weinheim, VCH, Ribbing C (2007) Environmentally friendly use of non-coal ashes in Sweden. Hydrothermal liquefaction is a relatively low-temperature (300400C), a high-pressure process that produces bio-oil from relatively wet biomass in the presence of a catalyst and hydrogen. Open University Press, Milton Keynes, Wieck-Hansen K, Sander B (2003) 10 years experience with co-firing straw and coal as main fuels with different types of biomasses in a CFB boiler in Grena, Denmark. The second stage is conversion of such acids into CO2 and CH4 commonly called biogas through the use of methane producing bacteria. Products formed during this process is as a result of different reactions that takes place in the biomass which mainly depends on factors like temperature, pressure, and time of treatment. Conversion of lignocellulose to biofuels and chemicals requires three main steps: destroying the lignocellulose structure by pretreatment, hydrolyzing hemicellulose/cellulose to fermentable monomeric sugars by enzymatic saccharification, and finally converting monomeric sugars to chemicals or biofuels by microbial fermentation. Agricultural optimisation of fuel supply. Part of Springer Nature. Anaerobic digestion is a process used to produce biogas through biological treatment of biomass. It is well known from literatures that high temperature and short residence time favours formation of condensable fractions, high temperatures and longer residence time favours non-condensable gaseous products, and as well solids fractions are only favoured at low temperatures [28]. J Nat Gas Chem 12:219227, Prll T, Bolhr-Nordenkampf M, Strauss T, Hofbauer H (2006) Description of local heat release in an industrial scale bubbling bed waste incinerator. SSCF=Simultaneous saccharification and co-fermentation. Variety products: biomass energy is versatile as it creates a lot of products. TEKES, Helsinki, Thrnqvist T (1988) Wood fuel storage in large piles mechanisms and risks of self-ignition. berarbeitete Auflage). The finely ground biomass feed is heated rapidly at high temperatures between 450600C for a very short residence time of typically less than 2seconds. Also, the studies are aimed towards reduction of greenhouse gases and other harmful effects posed by fossil fuels to the environment. Direct combustion processes. Usually, both stages of biogas production are performed in a single tank. The following chapters deal with specific technologies . 2, EU-Project: exploitation of marginal forest resources for fuel (CEC Nr. Fuel 84(10):12951302, Baxter LL, Jenkins BM, Miles TR et al (1994) Alkalis in alternative biofuels. D. Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht/Boston/Lancaster, Fernando R (2007) Cofiring of coal with waste fuels, CCC/126. Biomass conversion technologies 1. Also, high moisture content in a biomass reduces the achieved temperature in the oxidation zone which results in incomplete cracking of the products released in the pyrolysis zone. Publishing on IntechOpen allows authors to earn citations and find new collaborators, meaning more people see your work not only from your own field of study, but from other related fields too. al. The key benefits of using biomass as an energy source include the fact that the components, when released, do not constitute a net contribution back into the atmosphere as well as the reduction on the dependence of non-renewable or imported fuel sources. In: Energy Delta conference 2007, green gas session Groningen, 2021 Nov 2007, Sun Y, Cheng J (2002) Hydrolysis of lignocellulosic material for ethanol production: a review. In fact, the success of the petroleum industries may be the reason that certain biomass conversion processes have been underdeveloped to date. We demonstrate the effectiveness of a novel, integrated technology based on moderate temperatures and low pH to convert the carbohydrates . These pathways involved several schemes in which hydrolysis and fermentation process are carried out either concurrently in the same reactor or separately [47]. Gordon and Breach Saina, New York, Cuchet E, Roux P, Spinelli R (2004) Performance of a logging residue bundler in the temperate forests of France. The practical value of the conversion processes selected for commercial use with biomass will depend strongly on the availabiUty and price of the same chemicals produced from petroleum and natural gas. AOCS Press, Urbana, Kujawski W, Zielinski L (2006) Bioethanol one of the renewable energy sources. Pyrolysis can be thought of as a standalone process or a precursor process to gasification or other technologies where the gas or liquid product of pyrolysis is used as an intermediate feedstock in the production of more complex products downstream. In comparison with fast pyrolysis, intermediate pyrolysis is operated at optimum temperature range of 300500C. Fermentation converts the biomass partially into sugars using acids and/or enzymes. Herein we have selected a number of types of biomass (woody, herbaceous, etc.) The presence of high amount of such inorganic elements in a biomass feedstock leads to serious operational problems such as agglomeration, deposition, fouling, sintering and corrosion or erosion. In: van Swaaij WPM, Fjllstrm T, Helm P, Grassi a (eds) 2nd world conference and technology Exhibition on biomass for energy, industry and climate protection, Rome, 1014 May 2004, pp 662665, Hartmann H, Romann P, Link H, Marks A, Mller R, Amann E (2004) Secondary flue gas condensation for domestic wood chip boilers. The use of feedstock with high moisture content reduces biomass conversion efficiency and as well the production rate. Aberdeen University (ed), UK, Selbstverlag, Mitchell CP (1997) Development of harvesting and storage technologies essential for the establishment of short rotation forestry as an economic source of fuel in Europe. In: 15th European biomass conference and Exhibition, Berlin, 711 May 2007, Wischnewski R, Werther J, Heidenhof N (2006) Synergy effects of the co-combustion of biomass and sewage sludge with coal in the CFB combustor of Stadtwerke Duisburg AG. This parameter could be achieved by grinding the biomass feed finely. Biotechnological Routes to Biomass Conversion James D. McMillan National Bioenergy Center National Renewable Energy Laboratory DOE/NASULGC Biomass & Solar Energy Workshops August 3-4, 2004 2. Clean gas: biomass energy is a cleaner gas as compared to other forms of energy. `Biomass conversion technologies Biomass can be converted into different forms of energy by using various processes. During a general conversion route of lignocellulose, monomeric molecules such as xylose and glucose are firstly produced through the fermentation process (Menon and Rao, 2012).Subsequently, the key intermediate products, furfural, and 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF), can be produced through dehydration of pentoses and hexoses, respectively (Chheda et al., 2007). Biomass combustion remains a major source of energy production throughout the world and has replaced coal as a renewable source of energy in many power plants. 4) recognition of the technology by the US Department of Energy and other agencies. In: Kitani O, Hall CW (eds) Biomass handbook. Ethanol from lignocellulosic biomass is produced mainly via biochemical routes. For references, please go to or scan the QR code. By Elizabeth Quintana Rodrguez, Domancar Orona Tamay By Rini Setiati, Septoratno Siregar and Deana Wahyuni IntechOpen Limited Our team is growing all the time, so were always on the lookout for smart people who want to help us reshape the world of scientific publishing. During the process, biomass feedstock is converted to CO2 and water including smaller amount of other species which depends on the composition of the biomass and the process parameters. In: Fazzolare RA, Smith CB (eds) Beyond the energy crisis opportunity and challenge. Biomass is the term used to describe all materials that contain carbon in an organic form. Conversion of biomass feedstocks through fermentation process is a vital issue because it allows for the production of wide range of substances under mild conditions. An alternate route to produce liquid products from syngas is through gas fermentation, a hybrid thermochemical/ biochemical process. Biochemical biomass conversion technologies refer to conversion of biomass through biological pre-treatments. The torrified biomass is hydrophobic and soft which can easily be crush, grind or pulverized [20, 33]. Biomass is a special resource that can be used for the production of electricity, heat, and other fuels including methane, hydrogen and liquid biofuels. Contact our London head office or media team here. Pergamon Elsevier, Oxford, pp 12471252, Ogawa T, Inoue N, Shikada T, Ohno Y (2003) Direct dimethyl ether synthesis. from publication: Thermal processing technologies for biomass conversion to clean fuels | Uncertain supplies of oil, climate change and . Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. Biomass . Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Lee J (1997) Biological conversion of lignocellulosic biomass to ethanol. The schema shows the most common biomass categories derived from agriculture, forests and wastes, and the conversion routes that are expected to become economic by 2020.