SpaceGodzilla would use his energy to create two flying crystals, which would reach the ground and become crystal spires. At the end of this tunnel, there were a few small platforms floating above nothingness. While most levels involved going to the right to get to the exit, the path of this level was primarily going down, by walking to the edge of one platform and jumping down to a lower one. --- Controls ---. I don't know much about prehistory, but I believe all of these enemies represent real animals. Im going to try getting rid of him and seeing if that solves the problem. Moguera's replacement first appeared in Pathos. The background music was terrible, like if someone put all the sounds an NES was capable of making into a blender and then piecing them back together into a "song". So, I decided to make one, as a remix of "Goodbye To A World. I began to suspect that all the Zenith levels would be like this. Join the world's largest art community and get personalized art recommendations. Aggregate Destoroyah had more hits and had large arms and a micro-oxygen beam. Face asks that if Zach will miss him, and then Zach gets back to the board. This page was last edited on 11 July 2022, at 11:50. After a long stretch of nothing, I reached a lake. But I had an idea, to wait for him to lunge with one of his heads, and immediately blast it with the heat beam: It worked, and to my surprise the heat beam had actually obliterated Ghidorah's middle head. At last it was down to two bosses, and a final encounter with the Hellbeast. I'm a dead man." I had to no choice but to send another monster to his death. A lot of the trouble came from stocky red demons that stood on top of tall, narrow mountains and spewed fire. Hello everyone! Red appears at the end of every world, and usually his level involves running away from him with Anguirus, Mothra or Godzilla in Hell. The White Team from Patzer will appear later to get revenge on Carl for killing their king. He attacked Godzilla by jumping on him, stabbing with his mandibles, and using his signature webbing stream to paralyze Zach's monster. for his 10th birthday. I got hit by one of the needles, and it looks like its injected Caesar with psychedelic drugs. He also gave me some other games like Legend of Zelda, Bomberman and some stupid thing called Action 52, but Godzilla had to come first. And Mothra, just like Godzilla, was shrunk to half size. But it stopped doing this after a few well aimed kicks to the face. The destroy all monsters code sends me to this area where Im a robot that uses a club to kill little monsters. Zach noted how the movie she first appeared in did not come out until one year after this game was released, concluding she might have originally been in the game to promote the upcoming film. Its getting difficult to avoid these things. I was somewhat relieved when an actual level came up. He was the strongest monster before Acacius, but was easily killed by Red's final form. Some kind of a monster with a long neck and a whale's skull. I descended into the blood, slowly sinking to the floor. I would need to defeat Mecha King Ghidorah quickly to prevent him from using the Machine Hand, so I sent Solomon to fight him. I noticed that the first level was a Red Temple, so at least I would be familiar with the level graphics if nothing else. It looked like the Blue Angel from the Graveyard, except now it was red and had a skull face. As soon I started, there was already an enemy prepared to attack, a centaur wielding a whip. Just when I think Im getting somewhere, it wants ANOTHER password. I can't really convey the feeling it gave me in words, and I won't try. Though its arsenal is limited, the toad can birth many smaller toads out of the holes in its back. I had gone through four of these waves until I reached the end of the hall, where I heat beamed the last of the monsters over the edge into an abyss. It has been years since the player had been on the NES Godzilla game, years of his death. Hi, its Psyke here. But in this segment, I was no longer in the winter forest, but instead a very empty grassy plain, with a bright gray moon in the sky. I've been trying to keep my promise and suppress this memory for years, but it seems as if I have to get it off my chest. With NES Godzilla specifically, I was on the edge of my seat wanting to read what the game was going to throw out next. She suffered from some kind of mental disorder that caused her to go into "episodes". It started out as Fake Godzilla, then turned into a normal Mechagodzilla with more attacks that his film counterpart had, and then transformed into Not-Mechagodzilla. Right from the start I could see that the graphics where freakishly different. The bat was a highly mobile boss, fast and difficult to hit. I know that the game knows about this because after I defeated the Moon Beastthis happened. One of the birds bit me, but I regained health quick from killing all of them, they were rather weak. The new strategy was to rapidly float up down while moving back and forth across the stage, trying to constantly keep its jaws aimed towards me. After the death of his second to last monster Anguirus, Red revealed to Zach that he had known him for a long time and that he killed Melissa (meaning he was the cause of her "episodes"). Its a new card that can be unlocked in CAMPAIGN mode that can spawn enemies from other planets and it can also create blackholes. They liked to hang out in a field together and look at the stars, but one night she did not say anything to him; she just staring directly at the Moon, trembling. Imago Battra is much like fighting a clone of Mothra, although Battra is distinctly faster and stronger. And at the end of the level, the situation reached a climax, as the swarms of monsters fused together in one enormous, terrifying hybrid: Once I had gotten through the initial shock, I discovered the way to destroy this thing: constantly shooting eye beams at the Hedorah cluster that formed its "heads". Also, certain enemies acted as if they were aware you had to jump down, and would stand at the edge of a lower platform, waiting for you. Is this what he meant by "Will you miss me?" Very tough. In the last part of the fight I wasn't using much strategy, just attacking as brutally and as fast as I could. Now they can drop Health capsules. And then, the final stage had been completed. I noticed there wasn't a theme for Acasius for the official OST of the NES Godzilla Creepypasta. But Ghidorah soon saw through my tactic and started using physical attacks as well. The only benefit Mothra had was being able to fly over obstacles in some levels. As I guessed, the level was a winter themed recolor of the forest stage. The music has a primordial sound, its like a slow knocking on wood. But unlike the regular forest, I didn't feel unnerved starting this one. A pack of raptors, who must have sensed that something else was still alive, came rushing in from the right side of the screen. I walked along without interruption for only a minute until my path reached a dead end. However, before Destoroyah could release the attack, Godzilla clawed Destoroyah's chest and defeated him. With two levels down and three to go, my monsters and I had taken our foothold in the world of nightmares that was Zenith. I know now that these glitches with Gezora were my first warning sign that something was very wrong with this game. Face gave Solomon to Zach in Extus after he answered "Yes" on a question that went "WOULD YOU LIKE A NEW MONSTER?". I guess I wont be finding out, at least not right now. There was also music in the background, which was the goofy Gh1d0ra music that used to be playing in the Quiz levels. SpaceGodzilla does everything in his power to knock Zach back to the left corner of the screen, so he can create more spires. It is during this fight that Zach almost gets killed, Red eventually killing all of his playable monsters except Acacius, who was locked away at the start of the planet by Red. SpaceGodzilla appeared in Dementia. Aquatic enemies were everywhere, and they were hard to avoid. // AI Biollante is now more agressive in her second form. Ironically, despite being the smallest planet, Pluto was the largest and most diverse world in the game. In the original game, even though Mothra could fly, she was unable to fly over an opponent. " Send your last monster, I will end this futile struggle. King Caesar is back, where the Boss Icon was. I don't know how powerful it would have been, because just before it could fire I punched Destoroyah in the chest cavity, destroying him! After a few seconds, he would step back, turn around and start spitting out grenades, which would bounce when they hit the bottom of the screen. If it's even accurate to refer to them as being "of the game", that is. Face is a face that asked questions to Zach when he entered the question marks. This is going to sound crazy but it's the absolute truth: The game made this level from one of my memories. Will he make it out alive? Red kills Solomon, then he kills Anguirus, and he finally devours Godzilla. For this part of the fight I had to rely on brute strength. I was also feeling very hot, which made concentrating hard. Perhaps a little too fast. Although my excitement had worn down some, it wasn't long at all before I got to my first boss battle. When flying Destoroyah appeared, Zach used Mothra. This traumatized Zach, so he suppressed the memory for years. With Ghidorah defeated, I was returned to the board. I pressed onward. 58. Entropy had a different layout, but was similarly huge and diverse. There was a massive gap between the ground I was walking on and the ground to the right of the screen. I would have swam across it and continued walking to the right, but due to the huge mass of brambles in the way, there was nowhere to go. This made Zach angry and hate Red even more, so he threatened him by saying "You're going to pay." Aftertwo hits, the Dorat transformed intoChimera. Shit, I didnt even think Id be fighting him now, I wasnt prepared for this! "You're here now. So its just a matter of getting enough hits in. It was certainly an unorthodox looking level. On the second to last world, Extus, the last level was a graveyard instead of a chase level. The first thing I notice is that it moves very fast, faster than any of the previous bosses. But judging from the icon it was a different Ghidorah than the original, standing on the ground instead of flying. When I pressed the button to start a level on the TV Screen like I normally would, this screen with an animation popped up. Guh. One thing I really like is that he can aim his beam up and down, which should come in handy. If you've ever had a heat rash, it felt similar to that. I didnt unlock one in the level. These "winter raptors" acted far different from their temperate relatives. When it realized one tactic was ineffective against Zach, it would immediately change to a different one. The grotesquely detailed pinkish red icon also caught my eye. Gorosaurus had no projectile attacks, or anything else that could match Solomon's claws. The Giant Toad is trying to eat Caesar, and his tongue is both his primary weapon and his weak point. That sight has always haunted me. This cycle repeated around three times, until the monster was defeated. This guy is tough. I really did not want to know what this last encounter was going to be like. a lot of echoes, and sometimes it sounded like someone was hitting a drum underwater. And very early in the level I encountered something else I didn't expect to see: Original enemies from the game! This is the end. These two were shit but it went into laughable territory and became enjoyable that way. The pink area on its upper jaw was a weak point, too many hits there would cause it to spasm uncontrollably. I hadn't even been asked if I wanted one. I went to approach them, and they ran away. It used this to its advantage, and would float beneath the ground and spring up randomly to bite at you. I couldn't tell what it was supposed to be, and I was afraid to find out. I wasn't about to let a little glitch stand in my way. The password music plays in the background. But Solomon was faster, and by slashing and heat beaming without pause, the cyborg monster soon met its end. Very similar to Gigan's Saw, it immobilizes the monster and rapidly drains the health bar. I took a screenshot, but I didn't stay to see who won the fight. When commenting, please remain respectful of other users, stay on topic, and avoid role-playing and excessive punctuation. I had to destroy multiple vines, as well as dealing with more enemies. All the assets from the game were converted to use an specific palette to keep the consistency between stages/planets. Megalon appeared in Entropy. Overall it was pretty mediocre, but back then I didn't care. It looks as if this might give me some answers as to what this game is about. Where are all the animals? This area has less gravity than normal. 227 Favourites. After that previous stage I call "Time Warp", the next stage appeared to be a Toxic Waste Dump. I think the cause of this is King Caesar. These monsters do not have "Not-versions" of themselves. The middle icon I still didn't get, except that it looked "fleshy", and vaguely like an organ of some kind. It also could go underneath the water and rapidly emerge from a different place. Please note that everything shown in the video is work in progress and issubject to changes. The creatures ignored me for the most part, although the raptors did attack me when I got too close, or if I attacked them first. Also if you look at the garbled text at the right corner of the screen, you'll notice what appears to be a bird in a cageI still have no idea what that meant. Red appears at the end of every world, and usually his level involves running away from him with Anguirus, Mothra or Godzilla in Hell. Chimera is what the Dorat (Showa King Ghidorah's replacement) transformed into after Zach killed it with two hits. I jumped back when this appeared, accompanied by a terribly distorted version of the password theme. To compensate that, Im releasing another Work in Progress video, featuring: A game based on the officialNES Godzilla Creepypasta is currently in development. It was walking very slowly when I saw it, but I was happy to at least see something alive. I dont understand this at all. I was forced to move back. He absorbed my heat beam! Acacius is the strongest monster in the Godzilla Creepypasta; however, Acacius barely managed to defeat Red, almost costing Zach his life. I'll just tell you the important parts, because I don't like bringing this experience back into my head unless I have to. I entered the code again and it was rejected. The beaked gorilla didn't stand a chance, as one of the raptors immediately lunged at it and ripped open its back legs. To sum it up, most of the game revolved around getting through (very repetitive) outer space levels while smashing up tanks and jets, and then fighting against Godzilla's monster enemies.