There are long development cycles for these big industrial facilities.. This depends on the feedstock and processes used though, and whether they truly are more sustainable or renewable, or are just marketed that wayif(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'bettermeetsreality_com-narrow-sky-1','ezslot_15',132,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-bettermeetsreality_com-narrow-sky-1-0'); indicates that Biofuels do not contain sulfur compounds and thus do not emitsulfur dioxide, Depending on the location though, sulfur dioxide emissions may or may not be a significant issue, indicates that biomass crops may help control erosion, improve water quality and quantity, increase biodiversity, store carbon, and reduce pollution pressure of watersheds. The analysis from the Department of Energy, the EPA, and others who analyze this biogenic methane [says] if we were to capture 20 percent of what's being emitted today, we could produce about five billion gallons of sustainable aviation fuel, Plaza said. So, getting more sustainable with an expected increase in future capacity and demand might be a priority. They outline how because SAFs are chemically identical to conventional jet fuel, they emit the same amount of CO2 when burnt. Jatropha: a plant that produces seeds containing inedible lipid oil that can be used to produce fuel. Jatropha can be grown in a range of difficult soil conditions, including arid and otherwise non-arable areas, leaving prime land available for food crops. The enormous energy required to fly a heavy aircraft long distances takes an energy dense power source that liquid hydrocarbon fuel provides. In order to be sustainable, feedstocks cant compete with land use or food production, and existing critical forests and rainforests cant be cut down to supply feedstock. indicates that SAFs are chemically identical to conventional jet fuel (or kerosene). In the guide below, we discuss sustainable aviation fuel. Fats, oils, and greases (FOG) are the feedstocks most in use today for SAF but are in limited supply. One of the main focusses of airplane fuel when it comes to the environment is its carbon footprint. This is where the numbers get contentious. That's going to involve a number of different elements, certainly things like incentive programs to make SAF economically competitive with Jet A for airlines and economically attractive relative to transport fuels for fuel producers, access to capital to enable the development of these new production capacities by the incumbents and also the startup fuel producers, and stable and predictable government policies to reduce the risk and enable a government support mechanisms to de-risk this capital, Hussain said during the Farnborough International Airshow Connect on July 14. So we focus on municipal solid waste that ends up in a landfilla near term opportunity we think is most interesting is to take the landfill gas, the methane that is emitted, collected, and either flared or used for making electricity or other things, to convert that into sustainable aviation fuel.. This is probably the biggest enabler to get to 2040. The final article in the series will describe the important SAF developments during the 2021 international climate talks in Glasgow (COP26), including plans announced by the United States to advance the SAF industry. Biofuels generally refer to fuels produced from biological resources (plant or animal material), and their production isnt always sustainable. Production capacity is limited but growing. Newer engines do not have this problem, and SAFs have been performance tested at 100% in some new aircraft. When you book a flight at KLM, we offer the option to buy extra SAF. Sustainable aviation fuel's main challenge relates to volume rather than airlines' desire to use it, and consumers will be willing to pay the extra costs associated with its uptake, the director general of the International Air Transport Association told CNBC Friday. also mentions that these costs might be a significant issue in less fuel efficient plane models per mile the plane has to fly (because the planes are using more fuel per mile). The development of alternative aviation fuels could be the key to sustainable air travel, contributing hugely to the industry's emissions-reduction strategy. Get this delivered to your inbox, and more info about our products and services. However, further production facilities are being constructed or planned, and a number of leading airlines are signing significant forward purchase agreements which help provide offtake certainty to new energy suppliers, allowing them to finance new plants. More than one billion dry tons of biomass is potentially available annually in the coterminous United States as feedstock for bioenergy and chemical products, enough to exceed projected U.S. domestic aviation fuel demand. A summary list of the pros outlined in the guide below: May Have Environmental Benefits, & Resource Management Benefits, if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'bettermeetsreality_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_5',119,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-bettermeetsreality_com-large-leaderboard-2-0'); May Not Have To Compete For Land Use, A Range Of Biomass Sources Can Be Used For Biofuel, Might Use Some Existing Fuel Infrastructure & Aircrafts, Commercial Airlines Have Already Used It, & A Certain Level Of Future Use/Demand Is Already Guaranteed, There Are Reasonable Feedstock Supplies Available To Make Biofuels In The US, May Help Extend The Useful Lifespan Of Older Aircrafts, Some Feedstocks May Show Promising Potential, if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'bettermeetsreality_com-leader-1','ezslot_6',116,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-bettermeetsreality_com-leader-1-0'); Can Be Quality Tested & Certified. Continue with Recommended Cookies, Sustainability, Humans, Animals, The Environment, The Economy & Space. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. May Help Extend The Useful Lifespan Of Older Aircrafts. The price for your contribution is calculated based on several factors that influence the amount of CO emissions of your flight, like the type of aircraft, distance, and historical load factor. indicates that for one of their routes where blended SAF is used, carbon emissions are reduced by around 10 per cent. The third article will examine strategies in the private sector to encourage greater production of SAF at lower cost, as well as contract agreements for purchase and production of SAF in the United States and internationally. Halophytes: salt marsh grasses and other saline habitat species that can grow either in salt water or in areas affected by sea spray where plants would not normally be able to grow. However, continued R&D may result in wider application in the future. Catalytic hydrothermolysis synthetic jet fuel (CHJ) made from triglyceride-based feedstocks such as plant oils, waste oils, algal oils, soybean oil, jatropha oil, camelina oil, carinata oil and tung oil. Alcohol-to-Jet Synthetic Paraffinic Kerosene (ATJ-SPK) [isobutanol, respectively ethanol] made from agricultural waste products, such as stover, grasses, forestry slash, crop straws. We also use infrastructure such as terminals or blending facilities that we need and common pipelines.. SAF can be made from a variety of feedstock such as oil seed plants and energy grasses; agricultural and forestry residue; organic municipal solid waste; fats, oils, and greases from cooking waste and meat production; algae; and industrial carbon monoxide waste gas. Still Uses Conventional Jet Fuel In The Final Fuel Product, Several SAF products dont use 100% sustainable aviation fuel they are blended with conventional jet fuel, indicates that SAF can be blended at up to 50% with traditional jet fuel, Although there might still be a reduction in carbon emissions with blended fuels, they still partially use petroleum based fuels (with hydrocarbons in them) in the final product when they use conventional jet fuel, Some of the reasons fuels might be blended might include for efficiency, performance, and cost, and other reasons, Conventional jet fuel is energy dense for its weight for example, The Scale Of Use Of Sustainable Aviation Fuel Is Not Yet Where Conventional Jet Fuel Is, & There Might Be Barriers To Growth. It reduces the CO emissions compared to fossil kerosene. From There are major concerns in some quarters that an increased uptake of SAF could, among other things, result in significant deforestation and create a squeeze on crops crucial to the production of food, Some Question If Some Sustainable Aviation Fuels Actually Decrease Emissions At All, has a good article outlining this point. Plaza said that they take municipal solid waste in landfills and capture the methane that is emitted to create SAF. In the United States, there were just over 4.5 million gallons of SAF produced in 2020, a substantial increase over 2019, but only a . Initiatives by the Biden-Harris Administration, legislation introduced in Congress, corporate partnerships with airlines, and a growing number of purchase agreements and commitments by airlines to buy and use SAF are helping support growth of the sustainable aviation fuels industry. Some typical feedstocks used are cooking oil and other . As an example, lists that the biofuels with the highest emission savings are those derived from photosynthetic algae (98% savings, technology not yet mature) and fromnon-food crops and forest residues (9195% savings). Sustainable aviation fuel provides a cleaner alternative to fossil fuel, achieving up to an 80 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions over the fuel's lifecycle, compared to conventional fossil jet fuel. 7 technical pathways exist. The primary market for camelina oil is as a feedstock to produce renewable fuels. California has adopted the Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) which works to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by setting annual carbon intensity (CI) standards which reduce overtime for gasoline, diesel, and the fuels that replace them. To ensure technical and safety compliance, SAFs must undergo strict laboratory, ground, and flight tests under an internationally-recognised standard. "All of the regulations in relation to the longer term development of sustainable aviation fuels will guarantee that that's not the case. Five airports also have a regular SAF supply: San Francisco, Los Angeles, Oslo, Bergen and Stockholm. Washington, DC 20036-6101, (202) 628-1400 phone That's really helpful in overcoming that barrier, right, of that risk. RD benefits from favorable tax policy, making its production more profitable; it dwarfs SAF output nationally. Nor does it take into account SAFs made from non-biological sources, such as municipal waste. Yet new fuels have been developed that have the potential to dramatically reduce aviations net CO2 emissions. While the aviation industry has found an environmentally sustainable technology in SAF, the technology to produce it is not yet economically sustainable. Finally, an emissions test determines the exhaust emissions and smoke levels for the SAF. However, given the current lack of supply and infrastructure, they are still prohibitively expensive for ULCCs such as Wizz Air. In terms of the potential reductions in of emissions that could be seen by the use of SAFs, some of the estimates are . This is why the Department of Energy and private industry are researching other pathways to develop SAF. One innovation is sustainable aviation fuels, which are jet fuels created from waste products and other sustainable feedstocks that have the potential to reduce emissions by 80%. SAF is currently more costly than traditional fossil jet fuel [and thats because of] a combination of the current availability of sustainable feedstocks and the continuing development of new production technologies. indicates that some biofuels could lower CO emissions by 2098% compared toconventional jet fuel. "We used about 100 million liters of sustainable aviation fuel in 2021 that's a very small amount compared to the total fuel required for the industry.". mentions that aside from a need to reduce the cost of SAF, government policy and policy incentives that reduce investment risk in increased production and supply, research, development and commercialization of improved production technologies and innovative sustainable feedstocks, and advanced technologies to process feedstocks more efficiently at greater scale and investment in the development of sustainable and scalable feedstock options may also be short to long term barriers to the growth of SAF. The sustainable aviation fuel KLM uses is made from sustainable feedstock, waste materials and residues, and crops that do not compete with the food supply. While there appears to be some demand for SAF, meeting it is another question entirely and its road to dominance in the sector looks to be a long one. Alaska Air Group GEO Ben Minicucci spoke in a June 30 Washington Post Live event about the companys strategy to get to net zero emissions by 2040 and cited SAF as the most impactful solution in their plan. The problem is that to produce and distribute all of this SAF, there needs to be infrastructure. Fossil fuel based fuels are extracted as carbon from the ground, and then that carbon is released into the atmosphere when they are burnt. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Municipal solid waste: waste that comes from households and businesses. also points out how Jatropha oil used as biofuel may either reduce greenhouse gas emissions, or increase them, depending on the type of land used (agro-pastoral vs converted natural woodland), Is Not The Only Sustainability Solution For The Aviation Industry. But, this doesnt take into account the emissions produced during the production of SAFs, like the equipment needed to grow crops, transport raw goods, refine the fuel and so on. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'bettermeetsreality_com-narrow-sky-2','ezslot_16',126,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-bettermeetsreality_com-narrow-sky-2-0'); According to the aviation industry [is] expected to double to over 8 billion passengers by 2050. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. "We used about 100 million liters of sustainable aviation fuel in 2021," Willie Walsh tells CNBC. Over 450,000 flights have taken to the skies using SAF. Theres a range of barriers that have to be overcome first in order for SAF to match conventional jet fuel quantities on a commercial level. Ensuring that aviation has access to the same alternative fuel policies as other transport modes, Prioritising aviation as a user of liquid alternative fuels (as other transport modes have better options), potentially by using multipliers for credits, Supporting research and technology into new production processes and feedstocks, Providing access to more cost-effective debt, debt guarantees and capital grants for production facility construction, Supporting the technical fuels approvals process at ASTM, Diverting economic support from fossil fuels towards renewable and sustainable aviation fuels, Ensuring that any government support is contingent on global sustainability standards being adhered to. A Division of NBCUniversal. In the midst of managing an operational and economic recovery from COVID-19, the commercial aviation industry has set a long-term goal for carbon dioxide (CO2) emission reduction. Currently there is a policy of California, the LCFS, and that has enabled some initial deployment of the fats, oils, and grease technology pathways that are out there today because they're getting an incentive for the CO2 reduction, Reed said. The aviation industry has a clear vision for its use of SAFs, and will adopt only fuels made from feedstocks that can be grown or produced without the risk of unintended environmental and social consequences, such as competition with food production or deforestation. CO2 absorbed by plants during the growth of biomass is roughly equivalent to the amount of carbon dioxide produced when the fuel is burned in a combustion engine and returned to the atmosphere. Sustainable aviation fuels can play small but important part in tackling emissions, IATA says, Op-ed: The U.S. and China should not miss a historic opportunity to save the world, CNBC's Sustainable Future Forum 2022: The agenda, 'Nowhere near': UN report sounds alarm on emissions reductions, Siddharth Chatterjee, the United Nations resident coordinator to China. Its that sort of spirit that's going to be required to get the scale into sustainable aviation fuels, and I think it's entirely possible.. Currently, the blend can be up to 50% aviation fuel according to several reports. Sustainable aviation fuel plays a very important role in that, it's not the only technology that's working to decarbonize aviation, but it is a critical technology.. This is because some less environmentally favourable components of conventional jet fuel, like sulphur, allow seals to swell in engines and prevent fuel leaks. 2022 CNBC LLC. This isn't any different for any other facility if you think about the petroleum refinery industry, we face a lot less challenging than that industry, but it's still a new refinery so that that's a complex process.. For example, using the waste gases produced as a by-product in steel manufacturing to produce sustainable aviation fuel is showing great promise. Tests look at specific fuel consumption at several power settings from ground idle to take-off speed, which is then compared to performance with conventional jet fuel. 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9., Home Information Guides Sustainable Aviation Fuel: What It Is, Pros & Cons, & More, Sustainable Aviation Fuel: What It Is, Pros & Cons, & More, separate guide on whether sustainable air travel is possible, Although aviation as an industry might not produce the most total carbon emissions compared to other industries in some countries, might help in making air travel more sustainable, increase sustainability or reduce carbon emissions in the aviation industry, Microplastics: What They Are, Effects, Solutions, & More, Privacy Policy, Cookie Policy, GDPR & CCPA Notice. More CNBC delivered to your inbox, and neither are synthetic fibres used in road transportfor feedstock and! By 2030 could have higher CO2 emissions from aviation fuel used in transportfor! 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