Unix to verify file has no content and empty lines, BASH: can grep on command line, but not in script, Safari on iPad occasionally doesn't recognize ASP.NET postback links, anchor tag not working in safari (ios) for iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad, Adding members to local groups by SID in multiple languages, How to set the javamail path and classpath in windows-64bit "Home Premium", How to show BottomNavigation CoordinatorLayout in Android, undo git pull of wrong branch onto master. The content you requested has been removed. Hope it will help you to fix your problem. I have an issue where the selected value is not working for the Html.DropDownList helper method. I have tried to write some code as per your requirements to test what you want and it works fine for me. We don't see where the values come from. public class BiodataSingle { public BiodataSingle () { this.MDA = new List<SelectListItem> (); this . SelectList(Model.Countries,"Id","Name",Model.SelectedCountry))%>. So simply doing this: var selectionList = new List<SelectListItem> { new SelectListItem { Value=".", Text=".", Selected=true } }; and your Razor: You should just change name of your ViewBag prop to something else, like: ViewBag.NewsItemList = new SelectList(ViewBag.NewsItemId.Items, "Id", "Name", item.NewsItemId); and on View Value Property. Thanks loads. I adapted my code with your example and it works. Any idea/solution ? Another point, regarding which should work, AFAIK List<> is an IEnumberable class (can other people confirm this please? The commit ( 773ff47) that closes this issue prevents selection of the first item if the widget's value is set using the value method. In other views I have this code that works well, and get the selected value in an Edit View: Controller: ViewBag.AREA_ID = new SelectList(securityAreaList, "ID", "DESCRIPTION", securityActivity.AREA_ID); View: @Html.DropDownList("AREA_DDL", (IEnumerable<SelectListItem>)ViewBag.AREA_ID, "-- Select Area --", new { @class = "form-control input-sm" }) That way you will not have to cast. This happens even though expected behaviour would be to just leave the subsequent DropDownListFor selected to their default values. How to bind dropdownlist in partial view in mvc 4 using model? public class Country If not, you can try it again. country object collection 2.valuefield 3.textfield 4.selectedvalue (country object) which are exposed as properties in my view model object.controller is filling up this properties after post back happens.but last value - 'selectedvalue' is not working as expected.controller is setting previosuly selected country to this property after post back First of all, how do you populate ViewBag.NewsItemId.Items ? Gets or sets a value that indicates the value of this SelectListItem. Again, I will try to be clear: let say we have one Person, that has a list of contact and each contact has a Contact Type. The reason I need to use the first option is so that I can add the class attribute to the control. And 'Model.Countries' is also an exposed property of type 'Countries' i.e. Could you provide more details as to how this fixes the problem? As I mentioned in my reply to your post on my thread (where I was having the same problem), http://forums.asp.net/p/1469027/3432797.aspx#3432797. { Yes,I tried specifying property nameas name for Drop Down,but still drop down is setting back firstitemas selected itemupon post back. Were sorry. I did lots of forms, and It works fine when I create into the controller a select list and asign it to a viewbag with the same name as the property name. 20 Bay Street, 11th Floor Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5J 2N8 In My controller I made one option with its property selected as you suggested and it worked fine. email is in use. postback. Since new I only see 1 visual, Fetching the selected value. See below: However when I try the below in by view it works: The below also works but since the field name does not match the model, it will not post correctly. Assigning the this measure to title of the text box like so: Unfortunately the title will of the chart itself will not be updated, not sure if this is a bug or by design. The typical pattern is submitting an HTML form [HttpPost] by clicking a submit button. I have changed it List in Model View property. A good reason not to use ViewBags and View Dictionaries. Please refer to the The content must be between 30 and 50000 characters. Below is my code: Controller C# List<SelectListItem> mlist = new List<SelectListItem> (); mlist.Add ( new SelectListItem { Text = "-Please select Option-", Value = "Select" }); mlist.Add ( new SelectListItem { Text = "No", Value = "No" }); mlist.Add ( new SelectListItem { Text = "Yes", Value = "Yes" }); ViewData [ "myList"] = mlist; LINQ syntax where string value is not null or empty; LINQ: adding where clause only when a value is not null; C# LINQ select from where value is not contained in array / list; LINQ, simplifying expression - take while sum of taken does not exceed given value . In the example "Denemark". I don't understand what I am doing wrong from the controller I send the select List: I suggest you could refer to the following code: Edit: If it is still not working, I suggest you could check the DropDownList values and make sure it contains the selected value. Configuration. What happens is that if one DropDownListFor has a selected value (ie. A card visual is above the column chart that is captures the selected sales territory, and goes blank if no axis value is selected. Html.DropDownList Selected Value Not Working (Using Constructor with IEnumerable). spelling and grammar. A card visual is above the column chart that is captures the selected sales territory, and goes blank if no axis value is selected. That bug is evil. I remember in the past that the Selected option was not working in past versions and you had to figure out other ways to get that to work. User navigate away and after some time s/he come back to list view 5. } I even look at the Data columns after selecting the Country and the columns seem to be black too. Id = id; Firefox is probably removing the selected attribute from all of the options. Is this a bug with .NET 4.5? public List Countries{ get; set; } The 12th annual .NET Conference is the virtual place to be for forward thinking developers who are looking to learn, celebrate, and collaborate. Youll be auto redirected in 1 second. SelectList(Model.Countries,"Id","Name",Model.SelectedCountry))%>. Great solution, It worked for me as well. specific selected value. +1 (416) 849-8900. Thank you once again for your help. I am post backing page upon a 'button' click. This property is typically rendered as a value="." attribute in the HTML <option> element. new It seems that there is something wrong with the MVC Preview 2 on the selectedvalue of dropdownlist. The challenge with a link is, links do not submit an HTML form and the link does not contain the user's selection. public int Id { get; set; } new jquery select2 modal not opening modal on select2 example modal on select2 select2 change event not working in modal search not working in modal select2 select2 not searching select2 input not working in modal select2 search is not working how to load select2 in modal opening select 2 not working in modal popup select 2 search doesn't work . { } List in View Model object. The content you requested has been removed. I am sure it is simple mistake I made but I just can't find it. Sessions throughout each day brought by Microsoft MVPs, knowledge leaders, and technical experts from across a wide variety of industries. Problem is in your ViewBag property name. Also, you should use a view model class rather than using ViewBag. If item.NewsItemId is of type T, ViewBag.NewsItemId.Items must be of type IEnumerable (or any other collection type implementing it). Understand that English isn't everyone's first language so be lenient of bad public class CountryModel User click 'Reselect items' - I am calling selectListItem with iid loaded from cookie. Provide an answer or move on to the next question. I created a measure like you did to capture the selection of the axis value: I assigned the measure to a card visual, as you can see from the gif below, it works as expected, so as@MattAllington asked, please describe in more detail your expected result. public Country(int id, string name) Youll get to hear from industry-leading experts, make connections, and discover cutting edge data platform products and services. And then in view I just put (I have the onchange event and class for dropdown too here but you can remove those if you want). How can I dynamically add data to a List property in view model in a razor view? C# How to access value of Selected property of SelectListItem in LINQ query? As long as the select element is within the form, the user's selected value is submitted to the action along with any other form inputs. I only see one visual - the one you are selecting. working ? My dropdown list items populated from the database table and working fine and want to save the selected dropdown list item into another sql database table but saving only value (id) instead text. Gets or sets a value that indicates the value of this SelectListItem . 1. Reference; Definition. ", How To Change Default View In MVC 4 Web Application. <%= Html.DropDownList("Countries", I have prepared a StackBlitz example here. But strange thing is my old 'Countries' is still inheriting IEnumerable interface. I saw one place working and another not working using the syntax, When I researched this, I determined the ViewBag.NewsItemId was actually a null in the view. These are my entities: a Counterparty has many contacts, and one contact has a "contact Type" and this is the combo isn't working. simple and straightforward and no fluff. specify an 'Country' object. Did you create SelectListItem as I mentioned before? SelectList(Model.Countries,"Id","Name",Model.SelectedCountry) where fourth parameter is accepting an object (selectedValue).So i believe we can Another possible reason (and the correct one, based on the comments below) is that ViewData ["Title"] is overridden by another value. and still nothing. Set value of the Title property in the controller: ViewBag.TitleList = new SelectList (new string [] { "Mr", "Miss", "Ms", "Mrs" }); viewModel.Title = "Miss"; // Miss will be selected by default. (Sorry about finnish in the text values and variable names, but those shouldn't matter :D), and it works. Because it is same as your property in Model it will not work. I tested with the following code and it works fine as it is selecting the previously selected country in the dropdown list box after new SelectListItem() {Text="--Please Select--", Value="0"}, This change was introduced in order to match better default behavior of the SELECT element. How To Get Selected Option Value From Drop Down List Using JavaScript [ with source code ], Part 34 Generating a dropdownlist control in mvc using HTML helpers, L-30 | Change value on select | dropdown get value | selected dropdown text | select option value js, Populate a DropDownList based on another dropdownlist selected value in ASP.NET, (#55) Dropdown in asp.net core using SelectList | Asp.Net Core tutorial, ASP.NET Core MVC Tutorial Insert Save Dropdownlist Selected Value Visual Studio2019, Get the value of dropdown list on select index changed in ASP NET MVC 5 | Part 30, Dynamically Populate Second Dropdownlist from a first dropdownlist using Jquery Ajax, Asp.Net Core 6: Bind DropDownList and Access Selected Value In Controller Using C#.Net, How to get the Selected Value from dropdown menu without submit button in JavaScript. Countries : List, IEnumerable, IEnumerable. I have posted some example code on that thread, <%= Html.DropDownList("SelectedCountry", The title of the text box and the bar chart should be change when choosing the country. It may have broken on an upgrade? What are you trying to do? I created a measure like you did to capture the selection of the axis value: GetSelected Sales Territory = SELECTEDVALUE ('Dimension City' [Sales Territory]) I assigned the measure to a card visual, as you can see from the gif below, it works as expected, so as @MattAllington asked, please describe in more detail your expected result.