However, this will have to exist and survive in a world in which all the other technical tendencies are in an opposite direction, and it is then not so much a matter of costs alone, but of the effect of available models and expectations in what people produce for themselves. The centre of the problem is that a given society defines political behaviour in its own terms: in Britain and the United States, for example, as voting or as rating of political leaders. Indeed most commercial television programmes are made, from the planning stage, with this real sequence in mind. Williams deployed this multiple view of . The Battle of Wounded Knee . For the transmission of an ideology, there were specific traditional institutions. Thanks for these notes, this was helpful! This has been true of all broadcast- ing, but some signicant internal developments have greatly reinforced it. Film and TV theory, plus fun movies and shows, Television: Technology and Cultural Form by Raymond Williams. Home Box Office is now the leading US film subscription service, with about 20m subscribers, while most major boxing matches have now gone over to pay-per-view as predicted. Thus an explosive may be developed at the command or by the investment of a ruling class, or by the investment or for the profit of an industrial enterprise, yet come to be used also by a revolutionary group against that ruling class, or by criminals against the industrialists property. 120 programming: distribution and flow The selected preoccupations are the dominant internal currents of what might seem, at rst hearing (and there is usually only one) a miscellaneous, even casual, externally determined ow. A degree of lossin the case of some films, a quite unacceptable degreeis inevitable in present conditions. Male Voice When headache pain and the tension it can build bring out the worst in you, take Anacin. And yet, in many ways, we are only beginning to realize their implications. Sarah Palmer watches TV on David Lynchs Twin Peaks: The Return. Most of the cultural precedents are for this form. The sequence is particu- larly interesting for its apparently extraordinary uctuations, but the point is that this is contained as are the other alternative normal sequences by the fact of overall ow. pdf file size 1,48 MB; added by rock_angel. In Britain, until recently, television was basically an evening experience, with some brief offerings in the middle of the day, and with morning and afternoon hours, except at weekends, used for schools and similar broadcasting. Yet to the degree that elected leaders depend, or believe they depend, on television coverage, this tension does not prevent leaders submitting themselves to more open and public questioning of their policies than has ever been the case in any comparable communications system. In an American radio programme listing, which is before me as I write, there is a further specialisation: the predominantly musical programmes are briefly characterised, by wavelength, as rock, country, classical, nostalgic and so on.1 In one sense this can be traced as a development of programming: extensions of the service have brought further degrees of rationalisation and specialisation. Departmant of dafence (USA), 40 Double Your Money, 85. I am especially grateful to Edwin B.Parker, and for discussions elsewhere to Mr Rice of KQED San Francisco, to Dr John Fekete, to Mr Nicholas Garnham and to my son Dr Ederyn Williams. As the struggle for a share in decision and control became sharper, in campaigns for the vote and then in competition for the vote, the press became not only a new communications system but, centrally, a new social institution. But in every kind of new work, which it had to produce, it became a very expensive medium, within the broadcasting model. A play was performed in a particular theatre at a set hour. Some earlier kinds of communication contained, it is true, internal variation and at times miscellaneity. By the end of the 1920s the network was there, but still at a low level of content-definition. The advent of ENG (Electronic News Gathering) in US television has dramatically lowered the cost of filming in the field, so the difference between UK national news and US regional news is probably less evident today. But in television commercials there are powerful new elements of visual and aural emphasis, which can be fully understood only if their connection and interaction with non-advertising television material is recognised and emphasised. There is an interesting possible interaction, on a separate theme, between and . But this flow is planned: not only in itself, but at an early PROGRAMMING: DISTRIBUTION AND FLOW 85 stage in all original television production for commercial systems. This rhetoric dissolves when we look at the character of the large American broadcasting corporations or of the British programme companies. Suppose we rephrase the question as who says what, how, to whom, with what effect and for what purpose?. This attempted blending of fictional and dramatic forms is interesting in itself. May, 17. The victims throat had been cut Commentary It is only as we come really close to the substance of what is spoken and shown that we see the real characer of television flow. say nationalisation must be included in election manifesto. Original intention corresponds with the known or desired practices of a particular social group, and the pace and scale of development will be radically affected by that groups specific intentions and its relative strength. . The girl inviting a telephone call (from a money-borrower to a money-lender) uses the look and accent of a generalised personal (partly sexual) invitation. A particular version of empiricismnot the general reliance on experience and evidence, but a particular reliance on evidence within the terms of these assumed functions (socialisation, social function, mass communications)has largely taken over the practice of social and cultural inquiry, and within the terms of its distortion of cultural science claims the abstract authority of social science and scientific method as against all other modes of experience and analysis. and Kitson, J.W. very tense and touchy, still President . Please support us by disabling ad blocker for Television: Technology and Cultural Form - DMA Classes. The particular importance of this, in the case of television, is that it reinforces tendencies to think of a given cultural system the intentions and uses of a technologyin limited or misleading ways. Yet Williams' analysis of television's history, its institutions, programmes and practices, and its future prospects, remains remarkably prescient. For most of the items there are some received procedures, and the method, the vocabulary, for a specic kind of description and response exists or can be adapted. Moreover, even within cities, cable service would be selective by income. television s next generation technology interface. These would be necessary to accompany the main emphasis, in cable policy, on community stations. Moreover, they provide this to a very wide public, in ways that would not happen if we had only a minority and a popular press. 5464). 116 programming: distribution and flow Woman (with ower on hat) This Thursday is White Flower Day at Macys. (Local Announcer 2) Beer-drinking speed record. The types of programming already described can be seen in their detailed sequences (two examples are given from BBC 2, because it is, in general, more variable than the others). The model house with gold coins pouring out of it is interactive with childrens entertainment television. A very likely development is the linking of satellite television via ground stations to cable systems. Here, characteristicallyand as explicit ratification of particular usesthere is an apparent sophistication in just the critical area of cause and effect which we have been discussing. (b) entertainment techniques, current styles of singing and dancing, which are reshaped to product recommendations and associations. Indeed it is one of the most striking instances of the complicated relations between new forms of experience and new kinds of technology that Strindberg was experimenting with moving dramatic images in the same decade in which, in quite another environment, the pioneers of motion pictures were discovering some of the technical means that would eventually make this kind of dramatic imagery possible and in the end even commonplace. The authorities, as they stand, are then part of a complicated patronage system on which the real state, as distinct from the formal state, effectively relies. Song: Come to your land. 96 TELEVISION (Film: Golden Gate Bridge : girl singing City street : girl and man Country fence : two girls and man Seashore : group singing Group travelling in plane Black face close-up Group travelling: song ends) XXVI (Film: acted episode) Crook: I used to be able to steal this kind of car. The modern newspaper, from the eighteenth century but very much more markedly from the nineteenth century, became a miscellany, not only of news items that were often essentially unrelated, but of features, anecdotes, drawings, photographs and advertisements. (National Announcer) Plans to disperse some government offices. Bergman, Ingmar, 56. ; and adult education of a more general kindspecific teaching of general skills, which is however not related to formal courses and qualifications. Interview (lmed) with a pharmacist: he disagrees; people should go to a store they trust. or more than thirty years, the beautifully illustrated Architecture: Form, Dimensions of Sustainability By looking at intentions and then effects, he is able to see why television came to be and what it is doing, and what it could be doing. Yet it is unrealistic to extract it from another and perhaps more decisive process, through which, in particular economic situations, a set of scattered technical devices became an applied technology and then a social technology. It is here reissued with additional updating material by his son Ederyn Williams. An appeal to the facts, against this or that interpretation, is made very difficult simply because the histories are usually written, consciously or unconsciously, to illustrate the assumptions. The ordinary assumption seems to run: this society discourages violent behaviour; violent behaviour is constantly represented and reported on television; we need to study its effects on people. Kathleen Raine Blake and Antiquity - eBooks, Merleau-Ponty Phenomenology of Perception Table of Contents, or 01010111 01010111 01010111 01010111 - The Metapress, Syndromes of Corruption: Wealth, Power, and Democracy, The Future of Democracy? The idea of moving pictures had been similarly developing. The real norm, in these actual societies, would seem rather to be: unauthorised violence is impermissible. Accustomed to British television news presentation, I felt after watching some weeks of American television bulletins that some new term was needed: perhaps visual radio. . It is signi- cant that there has been steady pressure, not only from the television providers but from many viewers, for an extension of viewing hours. In real terms, after all, the government appoints the public authorities: characteristically, in Britain, former Ministers and politicians and members of the available full-time and part-time administrative bureaucracy. Within the limits of the television home-set emphasis it has so far not been possible to make more than minor qualitative improvements. Equipped with a picture frame flat screen TV mounted, In an excellent methodological essay, Rick Altman (1996) has argued that the notion that cinema has a stable identity across time is, at best, an illusion. 26 This phenomenon, of planned flow, is then perhaps the defining characteristic of broadcasting, simultaneously as a technology and as a cultural form. They then usually find themselves writing within an established formation of situation and leading characters, in what can be described as a collective but is more often a corporate dramatic enterprise. The distribution of films through the television networks is then something different in kind from their distribution through cinemas. (Local Announcer 1) Explosives found in pit in Cambridgeshire. The profits from this would be the factor making the service locally cheap, and in the course of time it could be very favourably competitive with all independent national systems. The magazine, invented as a specic form in the early eighteenth century, was designed as a miscel- lany, mainly for a new and expanding and culturally inexperi- enced middle-class audience. Many of its main uses can be seen as socially, commercially and at times politically manipulative. New relations between men, and between men and things, were being intensely experienced, and in this area, especially, the traditional institutions of church and school, or of settled community and persisting family, had very little to say. 28 114 programming: distribution and flow there is no news. A different kind of problem arises when we look at studies of the effects of television on political behaviour. A comparable parasitism on the cinema was slower to show itself, until the decline of the cinema altered the terms of trade; it is now very widespread, most evidently in the United States. It is not only that many films hold up very well in comparison with directly competitive original television work, under present production conditions. XXXVI (Local Announcer 1) Peterborough Development Corporation selling houses. Look, Stranger, 75. . In American bulletins, by contrast, the most obvious opportunities for this kind of visualisationwhether by film or stillsare often as it were deliberately ignored. 18 Characteristically, as most clearly in the development of British sound broadcasting, there was a steady evolution from a general service, with its internal, 6 It is subdivided into musical showswhere singers or groups are principally presented, at times with rather different supporting items; variety shows where the main emphasis is on comedy, in a number of cases with supporting musical items; games and quiz-shows where in many different forms there is some kind of overt game- playing or competition (often of the parlour-game 74 TELEVISION kind, in its many modern variants, often with members of the public participating) and question-and-answer shows of the same competitive kind; talk-showsa category not always easy to separate from discussions and magazines but conventionally defined as a separate form and presented as entertainment, usually late at night: in matter and manner usually strongly linked to show-business. People took a book or a pamphlet or a newspaper, went out to a play or a concert or a meeting or a match, with a single predominant expectation and attitude. (Film: music: cats walking in different directions) Male Voice Chinese or Persian, Calico or American Blue, Angora or mixed, all cats want variety. The real need is for 142 TELEVISION more independent production companies, which would be given publicly protected contracts with the programming and networking authorities. Halloran, J., 122. In the United States the press situation is different, but the general point still holds. Semantic Scholar is a free, AI-powered research tool for scientific literature, based at the Allen Institute for AI. And it is ironic that the uses offer such extreme social choices. In the same way, people often speak of a new world, a new society, a new phase of history, being createdbrought aboutby this or that new technology: the steam-engine, the automobile, the atomic bomb. For most people, it is a significant cultural fact. Lighting Technology A Guide for Television, Film and Theatre. This general trend, towards an increasing variability and mis- cellaneity of public communications, is evidently part of a whole social experience. London, 1970 Halloran, J.D., Brown, R.L., and Chaney, D. Television and Delinquency. (In this latter case the phrase is determined, however curiously, by the illustration.) Yet Williams' analysis of television's history, its institutions, programmes and practices, and its future prospects, remains remarkably prescient. (Woman) One-day sale at Macys. In the second(vi) to (ix)television is again, in effect, a technological accident, but its significance lies in its uses, THE TECHNOLOGY AND THE SOCIETY 5 which are held to be symptomatic of some order of society or some qualities of human nature which are otherwise determined. He outlines how tv shows flow into one another, how within those shows there is a flow from scene to scene (or from show to commercial and back) and how within those smaller units there is still a continual flow of visual and aural information. Top of the Form, 85. Any of the developments noted would, in itself, have some measurable effect on existing television institutions and policies. From 1927 to 1932 the new Federal Radio Commission organised a system of allocation of frequencies, and from 1932 to 1937 attempted to control specific abuses, such as fraud. The all-singing all-dancing shows seem to have almost disappeared by the late 1980s, perhaps because they lack the attractive individual personality that is becoming more and more a factor in ensuring popularity, as multiple channels fragment the audience. In Britain the development of the press went through its major formative stages in periods of crisis: the Civil War and Commonwealth, when the newspaper form was defined; the Industrial Revolution, when new forms of popular journalism were successively established; the major wars of the twentieth century, when the newspaper became a universal social form. A Letter Concerning Toleration: Humbly Submitted. 276-279. But there have been other and deeper changes. . The 'commercial' character of television has then to be seen at several levels: as the making of programs for a profit in a known market; as a channel for advertising; and as a cultural and political form directly shaped by and dependent on the norms of a capitalist society, selling both consumer goods and a way of life based on them, in an . Electric Company, The, 76, 80. Unlike all previous communications technologies, radio and television were systems primarily devised for transmission and reception as abstract processes, with little or no definition of preceding content. But we can distinguish between two broad classes of opinion. It is a category not always easy to separate from, for example, news magazines and public affairs discussions. For if the mediumwhether print or televisionis the cause, all other causes, all that men ordinarily see as history, are at once reduced to effects. (National Announcer) Agreement signed in Paris, between USA, North and South Vietnam, Vietcong. . Bill Moyers Journal, 50. 25 (e) Childrens Programmes: This is defined as programmes specifically made for and offered to children, at certain special times. The encapsulated information of the news item is transferred to the mode of recommending a cat food: high protein . Some of the best of this kind of discussion was developed in radio but television at times has added a real dimension to it: physical presence, attention, gesture and response which, when they are not merely spectacular or the devices of publicity but belong to the sustained, defined and developing interaction, can be, in their unity with the words, an experience that is significantly shared in some new ways. In a number of cases, the old governing bodies of sports are being challenged or displaced by the new international commercial and sponsoring interests, with mixed effects. (Film of gardens) Interview: director. But short of monopoly, which still exists in some state-controlled systems, the problems of investment for production, in any broadcasting system, are severe. Television : Technology and Cultural Form ksika. coming out . The cinema had preceded television in this, but in its high costs and in its tendencies to monopoly had been checked by deep social and economic forces. programming: distribution and flow 97 C. ANALYSIS OF FLOW We can look at some examples of ow in television, in three dierent orders of detail. The initial formulationthe medium is the message was a simple formalism. New York, 1972 Williams, R. Communications. I was able to choose my own subjects and on several occasions tried to sum up my impressions of a particular television use or formsport, travel, police serials, commercials, political reporting, discussions. One night in Miami, still dazed from a week on an Atlantic liner, I began watching a lm and at rst had some diculty in adjusting to a much greater frequency of com- mercial breaks. New York, 1948 Dyer, R. Light Entertainment (BFI). Most evident, perhaps, is a sense of the announcers spinning items along, following a rough schedule. There is a crucial difference in the fact that many public proceedings in the United States, from Senate hearings to local schools boards, are broadcast or televised, whereas in Britain there have been repeated refusals to allow the televising or broadcasting of any parliamentary proceedings.4 Again, there is the American use of the free speech message, which usually comes among the commercials. In Britain all transmitters and receivers had to be licensed by the Post Office, under an Act dating from 1904. Also a report on a man who has broken the world speed record for beer drinking. But the difference does not necessarily hold for games like Call my Bluff, where the surface material the meanings of rare wordsis cultural but the essential presentation is a matter of straight show-business. Television: technology and cultural form. A need which corresponds with the priorities of the real decision-making groups will, obviously, more quickly attract the investment of resources and the official 12 TELEVISION permission, approval or encouragement on which a working technology, as distinct from available technical devices, depends. . Judging from all previous experience, nothing will be easier, for the national and international commercial operators, than to sign up local community representatives. Williams lays out how the continual development of technology related to broadcasting will soon create an international network of competing and conflicting distribution methods, aka the internet. Normal future development may be through groundstations, which in receiving and then distributing signals will be in a position to select for transmission within the areas they cover. New York, 1949 Fekete, J. (National Announcer) Britains largest monthly trade payments deficit ever. (Announcer: medium) The Vice-President also wanted to say that he isnt aware that any Congress has ever felt sufficiently loved by a PROGRAMMING: DISTRIBUTION AND FLOW 109 Announcer 3 President to fully approve his exercise of power invested in him by the United States Constitution. At times these are of a distancing, placing kind: . I have often been told in the United States, and have at times felt myself, that the old movies were the only good reason for watching television at all. In his seminal work Television: Technology and cultural form (1974), Raymond Williams described television as a medium to be understood in its various dimensions: as a technology ('broadcasting'), as a social practice ('watching television') and as a cultural form ('programmes'). I know that whenever I tried, in reviewing, to describe the experience of flow, on a particular evening or more generally, what I could say was unfinished and tentative, yet I learned from correspondence that I was engaging with an experience which many viewers were aware of and were trying to understand. The main visual experience of an American news bulletin is of the news readers themselves, with very simple visual background signs, and in current practice a significantly lower proportion of filmed reports, especially in regional news. In these cases the public remains, evidently, beyond the screen; we are watching a proceeding which we can see as separate from us; we can then independently, though in effect silently, respond. (Waves) Dont miss it. (Apr., 1979), pp. It has profound connections with the growth and development of greater physical and social mobility, in conditions both of cultural expansion and of consumer rather than community cultural organisation. It is true that there is now beginning to be some study of system effects, as distinct from effects on countable individual voters. The news from that Shell Oil strike at Martinez is. programming: distribution and flow 113 material assists a dierent kind of ow, with correspondingly less emphasis on the personalities of the readers (though in the maga- zine this emphasis is made). Yet the reach of television has understandably prompted other kinds of educational work: some of it aimed at specific groups (language teaching for minority ethnic groups in the United States or for immigrants in Britain); some aimed at professional and vocational groups; and then an indeterminate area in which educational broadcasting is distinguished from entertainment broadcasting, though it is tied to no specific group or course. However, if, in the course of the argument, we can make a further distinction between public service of a traditional kind, controlled by appointed central authorities, and public service of a new kind, controlled democratically by local communities and by those who work in the institutions, a new range of social possibility will have been opened.
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