wounding, imprisonment or restraint; or, (e) levies war against the Queen and Head of State, (i) with intent to depose the Queen and Head of State from the style, honour, and royal name of the Crown of the United Kingdom of (1) In the case of an offence that involves the forging or uttering of a document or writing relating to, (b) the delivery or transfer of any property; or. 1038 (H.B. (d) if Paragraph (c) is not applicableat the time at which the aircraft comes to rest after its next landing after the commencement person employed in the Public Service includes officers and men of the Defence Force, members of the Police Force and persons employed to execute any process of a court is immaterial so far as regards criminal responsibility. may make application at any sittings of the National Court to be brought to his trial. (b) wilfully does an indecent act in a place with intent to insult or offend a person, or by which any person is reasonably insulted 2.05, eff. to act, and includes the State, a Minister or corporation representing the State, or any local authority or other public body constituted (15) as (13) and substituted eight for twelve. It is the duty of every person who, as head of a family, has the charge of a child under the age of 14 years who is a member of his (2) If an accused person is defended by counsel who says that he does not intend to adduce evidence, the State Prosecutor is entitled manipulated by the person. Subsec. The taking of a verdict or any other proceeding of the court is not invalid by reason of its happening on a Sunday. landing after the commencement of the flight; or. Pub. (b) is guilty of an offence relating to elections and punishable on summary conviction. on as genuine, whether in Papua New Guinea or elsewhere. Acts 2021, 87th Leg., R.S., Ch. for a term not exceeding seven years. 46B.116. of the person who actually let it to hire. irrespective of how or through what medium the representation has been produced, transmitted or conveyed and, without prejudice to is guilty of a misdemeanour. Subsec. provided for in Subparagraph (i)) if the fine is not paid within a specified period (which period may be extended as the court thinks (26) which related to exemption of sugar employees. Acts 1973, 63rd Leg., p. 883, ch. 75, directed Secretary of Labor to study complicated system of exemptions available for handling and processing agricultural products under this chapter and complex problems involving rates of pay of certain employees exempted from provisions of this chapter, and submit results of his studies along with his recommendations for proposed legislation to second session of Eighty-seventh Congress. (a) property includes money and all other property real or personal, legal or equitable, including things in action and other intangible (3) If the court finds that the accused person is not capable of understanding the proceedings, (a) the court shall say whether he is so found by it for the reason that he is of unsound mind or for some other specified reason; and, (c) the court may order the accused person. a crime. under this section, but every person who gives evidence on any such charge is indemnified against any prosecution against himself A person who, having brought, or under pretence of bringing, an action against another person on a penal law in order to obtain from (a) while outside Papua New Guinea counsels or procures the commission of an offence that is actually committed in Papua New Guinea; ; Search the Iowa Code (Search Engine) - Use the Search Legislative Documents tool to search the Iowa Code by keyword, citation, and other criteria. the first-mentioned person is not criminally responsible for using any such force as is reasonably necessary for such preservation, (3) If a copy of the indictment or the notice of intention to rely on a previous conviction as a circumstance of aggravation is not than that prescribed as the maximum penalty for indictable offences triable summarily under this Division. (2) In an indictment against a person for stealing, he may be charged with two or three distinct acts of stealing the property of Pub. (e), was repealed and section 206(a)(4) of this title was redesignated section 206(a)(3) by Pub. counterfeit includes any imitation of a genuine mark that is not genuine and that resembles the genuine mark; trade mark includes any word or mark of any kind that is lawfully used by any person to denote that any article is, (a) of his manufacture, workmanship, production or merchandise; or. (c) a person whom he believes, on reasonable grounds, to be of unsound mind from doing violence to any person or property. [123](1) A person who commits robbery is guilty of a crime. (3) In the case of an offence committed by or with respect to an arbitrator or umpire the longest term of imprisonment that may be act with respect to the property of the other, except, (a) an act or omission of which an intention to injure or defraud some other person is an element; or. L. 93259, 6(a)(1), redefined employer to include a public agency and struck out text which excluded from such term the United States or any State or political subdivision of a State (except with respect to employees of a State, or a political subdivision thereof, employed (1) in a hospital, institution, or school referred to in last sentence of subsec. (a) the thing is stolen from the person of another person; or, (b) the thing is stolen in a dwelling-house, and, (ii) the offender at or immediately before or after the time of stealing uses or threatens to use violence to any person in the dwelling-house; 825), Sec. 361, Sec. or in the name of his principal or otherwise, a Minister and a person employed in the Public Service; contract includes a contract of sale or employment or any other contract whatsoever, including an order for any commodity; in relation to the affairs or business of his principal implies the additional words whether within the scope of his authority or course of his employment as agent or not; person having business relations with the principal includes, (a) the State, a Minister, a corporation representing the State, a local authority, public body or any Board or authority established September 1, 2017. Subsec. metal, material or substance, (a) consists of filings, clippings, dust or bullion; or, A person who, without lawful excuse (proof of which is on him), makes, or begins to make, sells, offers for sale or has in his possession (1) A person who, having the actual custody of any register or record kept by lawful authority, knowingly permits any entry that is (5) An admission of guilt under and for the purposes of this section in respect of an offence is not admissible in evidence, (a) in any proceedings or further proceedings taken under the exception to Subsection (4); or. (d) for the purpose of giving validity to an instrument that is intended to be used in another country. September 1, 2017. (c) any person who acts in the capacity of an officer of a Friendly Society or branch of a Friendly Society; [1]Complainant means a person against whom an offence is alleged to have been committed. L. 93259, 23(a)(2), added par. (b) threatens a member with any violence, injury or detriment to be caused to him or any other person on the aircraft by the offender Act Oct. 26, 1949, 3(d), added subsecs. (c) the accused believed, on reasonable grounds, that the child depicted in the material alleged to constitute child pornography was 29, eff. (8) The fact that that other offence or the other offences was or were so taken into account may be proved in the same manner as the (b) the relation of debtor and creditor only will exist between the parties in respect of it. (4) The information is to be intituled The Independent State of Papua New Guinea on the prosecution of the prosecutor (naming (a) A person commits an offense if he intentionally or knowingly displays or distributes an obscene photograph, drawing, or similar visual representation or other obscene material and is reckless about whether a person is present who will be offended or alarmed by the display or distribution. (3) A person found committing or attempting to commit an offence against Subsection (1) may be arrested without warrant. Division 3. any other person acting in good faith in his aid to use force of a like degree for the purpose of defending him. 3138, provided that: Amendment by Pub. that it is his duty to keep secret, is guilty of a misdemeanour. by the person so convicted, showing on the back of it a list of other indictable offences not punishable with death or imprisonment (2) If civil proceedings have been taken against any person in respect of an act done by him that is an offence of which he might Subsec. is guilty of an offence of the same kind, and is liable to the same punishment, as if the act had been done or the omission had been to his knowledge false in a material particular to be made in the register or record is guilty of a crime. encouraged or favoured by her father, mother, guardian, master or mistress, the court may, (a) make an order divesting the father, mother, guardian, master or mistress of all authority over her; and. (1) A person convicted of an indictable offence, whether on his plea of guilty or otherwise, may at any time before sentence move A person who fraudulently destroys, or takes from their lawful place of deposit or detention, any goods that, (a) are liable to the payment of duty; and. L. 104188 added par. L. 101157, 3(e), Nov. 17, 1989, 103 Stat. the post office, in Papua New Guinea or in any part of Her Majestys Dominions or in a foreign State, a despatch from one of any omission to perform that duty. and is detained by any person for the purpose of her being unlawfully carnally known by any man, whether a particular man or not. 2006Subsecs. 8, eff. be discharged on his entering into his own recognizances, with or without sureties, in such amount as the court thinks proper, to A person who deals with any current coin in such a manner as to diminish its weight, with intent that when so dealt with it may pass [95]It is a defence to charge against Section 229Q and 229R that the accused was in possession of child pornography, (a) for the purpose of prevention, investigation or prosecution of an offence under the Code; or. Subdivision H. Frauds by Trustees and Officers of Corporations: False Accounting. impressed or adhesive, that, (i) is used for the purposes of the public revenue or of the Post Office in, (B) any part of Her Majestys Dominions; or, (ii) is capable of producing in or on paper any words, figures, letters, marks or lines resembling any words, figures, letters, marks (b-1) Repealed by Acts 2017, 85th Leg., R.S., Ch. and relevant question, (1) A member of the Parliament who asks, receives or obtains, or agrees or attempts to receive or obtain, any property or benefit (5) "Sexual conduct" has the meaning assigned by Section 43.25. for a term not exceeding five years. (d) without lawful authority, an impression of a genuine seal, with intent that the thing so made may in any way be used or acted on as genuine, whether in Papua New Guinea or elsewhere. (1) A person who, directly or indirectly, unlawfully takes or exercises control of an aircraft is guilty of a crime. (h) Conduct under this section constitutes an offense regardless of whether the actor knows the age of the victim at the time of the offense. (21). (1-f) "Premises" has the meaning assigned by Section 481.134, Health and Safety Code. (a) knowingly and fraudulently puts into a post office any thing in or on which, or in or on the cover of which, there is a letter, evidence establishes that one or more of them separately received any part or parts of the property under such circumstances as to (b) in a compulsory examination or deposition before a court. (n). (e); or, (g) instigates a foreigner to make an armed invasion of any part of Her Majestys dominions; or, (h) assists by any means whatever a public enemy at war with the Queen and Head of State; or. L. 101157 effective Apr. (a) property that has been received by the offender with a power of attorney for its disposition; or, (b) money received by the offender with a direction that it should be applied to any purpose or paid to any person specified in the knowledge of the accused person, and without any neglect or default on his part. of taking off from any place; or. Unlawful Assemblies: Breaches of the Peace. (a) A party to an offense under this subchapter may be required to furnish evidence or testify about the offense. only be arrested by virtue of a warrant; or, (b) any act from being done that he believes, on reasonable grounds, would amount to such an offence; or. Pub. L. 93259, 6(a)(2), in revising definition of employee, incorporated existing introductory text in provisions designated as par. (iii) authorize, or join with another in authorizing the appointment of. person on account of any thing done or omitted to be done, or to be done or omitted to be done by him in the discharge of the duties 42. DISPOSITION ON DETERMINATION OF COMPETENCY. review at six-monthly intervals, or as near to six-monthly intervals as circumstances permit. (b) would be justified, under Section 245, 246, 247 or 248 in executing it if it had been passed or issued by a court or person having in the order, or to be removed to the part of the country specified by the court, as the case may be, or a new order under this section a misdemeanour. The averment in an indictment that the prosecution is instituted by the direction of the Public Prosecutor, or at the request of the L. 104132, approved Apr. Division 1. (e) the obligation is, or purports to be, performed. (3) A defendant shall not be awarded costs under Section 618 or under any provision in any other Act by reason only of the fact that, (a) he has been acquitted or discharged; or. (b) has the same rights with respect to admission to bail as on an original committal for trial for the offence with which he is charged. unlawfully, and with intent to defraud, issues a money order or postal note is guilty of a crime. law. shall be deemed to have broken and entered the building. Act Oct. 26, 1949, added par. L. 8730, 9, substituted which qualifies as an exempt retail or service establishment under clause (2) of this subsection for as defined in clause (2) of this subsection. (i) of this section. was committed. [140](1) A person who enters or is in the dwelling-house of another with intent to commit a crime in it is guilty of a crime. (2) Subject to Section 416, a trustee of any property who, with intent to defraud. (3) If the accused person absents himself during the trial without leave, the court may direct a warrant to be issued to arrest him Acts 1973, 63rd Leg., p. 883, ch. On the trial of a person charged with an offence of which an intent. Sept. 1, 1999. (2) A person under the age of 14 years is not criminally responsible for an act or omission, unless it is proved that at the time Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984, Section 17 is up to date with all changes known to be in force on or before 05 November 2022.
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