Disclaimer Copyright, Share Your Knowledge The highly organised plant body in Chlorophyceae is found in Chara, where the plant is very much complicated in structure with well protected sex organs. They reproduce both asexually and sexually. Examples Sargassim and latissima. Chlorophyceae, Phaeophyceae and Rhodophyceae. Chlorophytes are better represented in fresh water than in salt water. i.Class-Chlorophyceae (Green Algae) . (5 Marks), Ans. They grow up to 40 cm. Describe in detail the characteristics of algae? Application in cosmetics and aquaculture. 3. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". The fresh water members such as Volvox, Oedogonium, Spirogyra etc. Ulothrix), parenchymatous (e.g Ulva) etc. Below are some of the general characteristics of algae. Plants are of profound economic importance. 6. Thallus Organisation 5. Answer Now and help others. They can also grow in further different habitats like hot springs (Chlorella), snow (Chlamydomonas yellowstonensis), saline water (C. ehrenbergi) and some remain as partners in lichen associations. Dictyota, etc. Examples are: spirogyra and volvos. attached at anterior end of cell. Characters of Green Algae: Green algae are defined as a group of eukaryotic algae which resemble land plants in having cellulosic cell wall, starch as food reserve and both chlorophyll a as well as chlorophyll b as photosynthetic pigments. The hairs may be in the form of single elongated cell or rows of fine and elongated cells. Can cockroaches be fused together with their Brain Juice? Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. The shape of chloroplasts differs between green algae. 5) Economic Importance of Chlorophyceae (Green Algae): The green algae are not so economically important except a few members. Examples: dulse and laver. and Oedogoniales (e.g., Oedogonium etc.) The multicells may aggregate and form an expanded sheet-like structure as found in Coleochaete. Economic Importance of Gymnosperms (i) Seeds of Pinus gerardiana (chilgoza) are used a food after roasting. Algae lack such parts and each cell gets its nutrients from the water. Answer: The general character of Bryophytes: Bryophytes are non - vascular cryptogams due to absence of xylem & phloem. Rarely they perform iso- and anisogamy. vi. Pyrenoids Storage bodies containing proteins in addition to starch. Most of the flagellate cells have a photosensitive red eye spot or stigma in the anterior portion, near the flagellar base. Crustaceans (subphylum Crustacea) are members of the phylum Arthropods, including crabs, lobsters, crayfish, prawn, shrimp, krill, barnacles, woodlice and beach fleas. Flagella are arranged in a ring around the beak-like anterior end. It includes a detailed explanation on "Economic importance of algae and. The presence or absence of pigments is the main basis of the classification of algae. Economic Importance of Chlorophyceae (Green Algae): The green algae are not so economically important except a few members. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. The oversupply of nutrients from fertilizers that leads to algal growth and oxygen depletion is known as eutrophication. 5. Generally the projecting system is dominant and looks like disc. They may have a number of cells arranged in colonies of definite shape, the coenobium. Most of the members grow in fresh water. Created By SoraTemplates & Blogger Templates. This classification is also followed by M. O. P. lyenger (1951). in cell wall, storage of starch, flagella in motile form. It is a microscopic green algae which produces good amount of hydrocarbons projected as a modern day source of renewable energy compound. It is used as fertiliser and in the preparation of polishes. Chlorophyceae has double time growth of about 3.5 h, requires less water in . The four year losses in the welfare of wheat producers range from $1.7- $11.6 billion (-15% to -107%). found in chloroplasts which stored starch (surrounded by starch grain). The important characteristics of the order are: i. Blue-green algae, also known as cyanobacteria, are a type of single-cell or colony of photosynthetic bacteria. It is commonly known as green algae because of its green nature. Chlorophyceae Morphology: - great variety in morphology Molecular features: - glycolate dehydrogenase, urea amidolyase - linear complexes of cellulose synthase Habitat: - predominately freshwater habitats . Characteristic Features and Classification of Stoneworts (355 Words), Cyanophyceae: Characteristics, Occurrence and Classification. The most common types of crustaceans are shrimp and crab. Sexual reproduction is commonly isogamous (Fritschiella, Stigeoclonium), anisogamy (Aphanochaete) and oogamy (Coleochaete) are found occasionally. Some forms (Prasinophyceans) are known to feed on particles and therefore exhibit phagotrophy and mixotrophy. Kelp . Accessory pigments include beta carotenes and xanthophyll. Cells have 2-4 flagella which a.re equal in length. (iii) Uses as Larvicide Chara gathers calcium over its surface and killed larva of different sides producing organism. iii. The highly organised plant body in Chlorophyceae is found in Chara, where the plant is very much complicated in structure with well protected sex organs. (v) Antibiotics Chlorella yields antibiotics called chlorellin. The cell wall is composed of cellulose and pectose (outer layer) where energy is stored in the form of starch. vii. Vegetative reproduction takes place by fragmentation. Plant body is commonly an unbranched filament; but in Ulvaceae it is parenchymatous or foliaceous. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Plant bodies possess a typical heterotrichous habit. (4Marks). The number of cells in a coenobium may be definite and motile as in Volvox, Pandorina, Pleodorina etc. Ulva and Enteromorpha are also eaten by some people. cells). iv. Flagella (used to move the cell) may/ may not be present. x. Some forms are capable of complementing photosynthesis by uptake and utilization of exogenous carbon i.e., sugars, amino acids etc. In some algae like Ulva, the plant body is leaf-like. Algal blooms damage animals and the environment and are referred to as harmful algal blooms (HAB). Few of them are toxic (as they lower the oxygen level in natural water sources thus killing life forms) while most aren't. Release of oxygen, nitrogen, carbon and phosphorus in the soil. Fritsch (1935) classified the order into 5 families. Sea lettuce has high nutritional value and is consumed by both humans and animals. In South India, Green Laver, a kind of food, is prepared from Spirogyra and Oedogonium. Classification 6. Gonium, volvox) nonflagellate colony (e.g. Chlorellin is an antibiotic extracted from Chlorella. Among them Chlorella is very important because of its high protein content, presence of vitamins and its use in baking industry in the preparation of cake, pastries etc. The shape of chloroplast shows much variation; it is cup shaped, (Chlamydomonas), girdle shaped (Ulothrix), reticulate (Cladophora, oedogonium), stellate, spiral (Spirogyra) or discoid. Members of conjugales (e.g., Spirogyra, Zygnema etc.) Various studies show the presence of approximately 9,000- 12,000 species in the green algae group. viii. Required Reading: VdH Chapter 19 (actually, chapters 19-31) Supplementary Reading: But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. The cytoplasm contains many small vacuoles which pushes the nucleus with cytoplasm towards the periphery and called primordial utricle. Ques. iv. The filament may be branched (e.g., Pithophora, Cladophora etc.) Red algae are consumed as food crops examples are dulse, gum, nori and laver. ii. What are the characters Mendel selected for his experiments on pea plant? The sexual reproduction is absent in some members of Chlorococcales. Some members may be terrestrial and grow as epiphytes on tree trunk, leaves etc. (i) Uses as food Chlorella produces food rich in proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals. Reproduction in algae occurs in both asexual and sexual forms. Having a high nutritional value and a rich source of proteins, vitamins and fibres, they are eaten by aquatic animals like manatees and sea slugs. (Neilson and Lewin, 1974; Tuchman, 1996), thus they exhibit mixotrophy. The Greater Potential Energy an object has the more Kinetic energy it will have ___?? 1. Life history: Most of the members are haploid showing haplontic life cycle. The sheath is present in the form of a basal cylinder of mucilage. What is the difference between plants and algae? Ans. viii. Some members are diploid (Siphonales) showing diplontic life cycle while a few others show isomorphic alternation of generations between haploid and diploid plants (e.g. A pigment called fucoxanthin is responsible for the green - brown color of the algae. 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Introduction to Chlorophyceae (Green Algae) 2. The cell wall is mainly made up of cellulose, which comprised of hydroxyproline glycosides or xylans and mannans. Vegetative reproduction takes place by fragmentation, asexual reproduction by multiflagellate zoospore, aplanospore or hypnospore and sexual reproduction by oogamy. Economic importance. The group contains about 7000 living . gamete). According to presence of pigments algae can be divided into- chlorophyceae (green pigments chlorophyll is present), phaeophyceae (fucoxanthine for brown colour), and rhodophycae (phycoerithrin for red color). , d help balanced ecosystems? It ranges from unicellular e.g., Chlamydomonas, Chlorella, Sphaerella etc. The order is represented by only three genera, Oedogomium, Oedocladium and Bulbochaete. 8. Share Your Word File Members of Chlorophyceae grow mostly in fresh water, a few in brackish and saline water and a few are terrestrial. A distinctive set of microtubules lying parallel to the developing cleavage furrow is called phycoplast. Can be unicellular, territorial or multicellular. Economic Importance. The main pigment is chlorophylls a and b; those dominate over -and -carotenes and xanthophylls. Yeast: Origin, Reproduction, Life Cycle and Growth Requirements | Industrial Microbiology, How is Bread Made Step by Step? The flagellate cells have eye-spot or stigma in the anterior portion, which remain inserted at one side of the chloroplast. iii. . Diatoms are estimated to be responsible for 20% to 25% of all the organic carbon fixation. Sexual reproduction is isogamous and takes place by the union of biflagellated gametes. They are multicellular eukaryotic algae. Chlorophyceae are primarily freshwater. Which is the main carotenoid of green algae? Fucus and Laminaria are rich sources of iodine. It is used as food supplements due to its protein rich nature. They are tubular members of the genus Ulva. The filament may be branched (e.g., Pithophora, Cladophora etc.) Asexual reproduction takes place by pyri- form, multinucleate and multiflagellate zoospores. 12. Before sharing your knowledge on this site, please read the following pages: 1. i. For this reason plant body is called a thallus. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Occurrence of Chlorophyceae 3. The cells constituting the thallus are eukaryotic and thus contain all the cell organelles such as the definitely organized nucleus; membrane bound plastids, mitochondria, Golgi bodies, endoplasmic reticulum, and true vesicles. The Chlorophyceae are a large and important group of freshwater green algae. The order Charales includes only one family Characeae. Also consumed by humans as a salad. . The general characteristics of algae are common to plants as well as animals. They are commonly found in fresh water (e.g., Ulothrix) or on soil, but a few are marine (e.g., Ulva, Enteromorpha). Economic Importance of Green Algae They can be used as food. The members of Chlorophyceae generally grow in fresh water (about 90%) and the rest in saline water, terrestrial habitat etc. Economic Importance 4. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. viii. algae or chlorophycae are ancestors of land plants due to presence of From: Advances in Botanical Research, 2012 View all Topics Add to Mendeley Download as PDF About this page Green Algae Downloadable! High index of diversity C. Limiting factors D. Low index of diversity, Ankit informed that manish cheque is dishonoured pass the journal entries. What is the basis of the classification of algae? In Chara the cell wall is encrusted with calcium and magnesium carbonate. Introduction to Chlorophyceae (Green Algae): Occurrence of Chlorophyceae (Green Algae): Important Characteristics of Chlorophyceae (Green Algae): Thallus Organisation of Chlorophyceae (Green Algae): Classification of Chlorophyceae (Green Algae): Economic Importance of Chlorophyceae (Green Algae): This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Explain with suitable example.