Tired of this rhetoric, I told her to get on with the suicide and stop wasting my time. Reviewed the characters that can be transferred from Argentina to Patagonia. They might speak some English but lacked practice. When Tripolitania revolts during the Levantine War it will join the Cairo Pact, and leave via event once the Ottomans fall. This approach prevailed post-War up until the 1950s, when air conditioners came on the market and a boom started in real estate. Before the actual premises for the Science Museum were built, there had been a curator who for two or more years had no museum and only a handful of exhibits, all stored. There may be some inconsistency in the spelling of Chinese place names, arising from my lack of sympathy with the Chinese Government's pin yin form of Anglicisation and their insistence on renaming places in Kwangtung in Mandarin instead of their native Cantonese. The top of the line was tied to a floating buoy. During the Japanese occupation, it had been the headquarters of the Kempeitai, the Japanese intelligence service, which was notorious for the torture and executions carried out there. Dutch East Indies and Insulindia can no longer white peace with no border changes. Fixed a Qing national focus availability. The Commander backed off. The French Republic now frees all puppets before leaving the faction upon their collapse. GEA now builds air bases on the correct states. Air designers now give bonuses to jet aircraft. It had apparently swum from the shore (possibly to cool off from the summer heat), climbed the anchor chain, and dozed off on the deck. The Austrian Empire is now called the Empire of Austria, and if puppeted will become Austria, led by a generic. Fortunately I knew enough Cantonese to understand that I was required to bow three times towards the coffin and once towards Chiu, who was thereafter grateful for my appearance, although unaware that it was accidental. Astonished at his ignorance, I explained, pointing out that the two days in the year when there might be unrest were I st October (Chinese Communist Day) and lOth October (Chinese Nationalist Day). Fixed Ireland's game rule potentially being bypassed by a German national focus. In various sheltered parts of Tide Cove, there were clusters of sampans and of larger fishing vessels, with whole families cooking, washing and sleeping on board. Short-back-and-sides for men is almost a thing of the past, with more and more men now sporting long hair and fashionable cuts. The small tiles were replaced in time by large panels of synthetic material resembling marble, with edges that met closely and left no visible cement. Fixed Chinese decision to peace with Legation Cities' backer being unavailable for AI. This can occur as early as mid-1939, or as late as 1941 (rarely). Authoritarian Bulgaria now releases Romania as SocCon, instead of AutDem. Fixed some of the issues that arises from Portugal going into exile. Redrew the internal borders of Slovakia, with added victory points. Added unique Japanese names for territories in Africa and the Pacific Islands. Removed Spanish characters Carlos Asensio Cabanillas, Francisco de Borbon y de la Torre, Rafael Estrada Arnais, Fidel Dvila Arrondo, Enrique Lster Forjn, Severiano Martnez Anido and Antonio Ortega. It was seldom that we got through the handful of items. Fixed a couple of Legation Cities events firing twice for Japan. The Ottoman Empire turning into Turkey no longer requires them to be at peace. Fixed Sardinias Badoglio still being a field marshal after his arrest. Fixed "Long Live Butler" being the message in Carlson Coup in the CSA. Shortened the news event for the Dutch revolution slightly so it doesnt clip under the option button. There appeared to be no obvious pattern of character for an outsider to judge whether a person was liable to be corrupt. Indochina should now ignore Siam during its independence war. Fixed Socialist Serbia being released as a puppet with the non-socialist puppet focus tree. Fixed Hungary gaining Burgenland if Austria collapses. They could be seen at all hours of the day working the soil, watering with two wooden buckets at either end of a carrying pole, weeding or packing baskets of produce for market. An essential first step in family cases was to discover whether the parties were properly named under Chinese custom or cohabiting under some lesser bond (few in those days were married in registry offices, although It is now the normal practice as a means of ensuring enforceable legal protection). Princess Peter of Greece, who otherwise lived with her husband in Denmark (he was Prince Peter of Greece and Denmark), used to visit HK in the winter, and I was often asked to accompany her on visits to see unusual sights. Foreign volunteers to the CSA are modifiable. Tommy's response was not to send someone else in to locate the gunman who, crouching still, would almost certainly hear and see any policeman approaching through the closely packed and rustling stalks of sugar cane. Kuala Lumpur and George Town are now urban terrain. Germany will now send more of its own troops to the Eastern front, instead of relying as much on its allies. Fixed countries not being able to hand over Taiwan or Manchuria to Chinese puppets. It was in the 1970s that the Governor, Sir Murray MacLehose, introduced a system of District Boards as a form of local democracy. Dmitry Romanovs Natsionalniy Blok party in Russia now acts as a ruling coalition between SocCon/AutDem/PatAut, instead of just AutDem. Reordered the PLC tree a bit and prevented it from frequently being locked out of its foreign policy tree, Dvinsk is now properly given to the baltic states in annexations when owned, Ukraine should no longer send all of its units to Germany when the RP is at war, Hopefully fixed Russia being inundated with strikes forever, Fixed the partition of Ukraine between Poland and DKB firing if DKB does not exist. Fixed Yang Yuting not being purged if Fengtian is hostile to Japan. Liberia can now be released normally by NFA, GER or GBR. Fixed Bulgarias Tsar abdicating if it is a puppet. Clearly, immediate action was needed if there was not to be a complete stoppage. Fixed a broken national spirit swap in Xinjiang. Adjusted the parties, popularities and starting national spirit icons for Ulster. Fixed NatPop Mexico reverting to AuthDem. "Oh, the representative from the other party is leaving us," I said. Fixed the Ottomans gaining Kardzhali without Western Thrace when intervening in the Fourth Balkan War. Rice shops were easily recognised by their tubs of rice standing at the entrance, each labelled according to quality and price. The French Republic's Algiers Conference now requires ownership of Algiers. Fixed woke stability malus Codreanu got for compromising. We hope you enjoy it! Fixed SAF keeping wartime resistance after the Weltkrieg ends. Removed the option to execute the Japanese Imperial Family. The pace of life in HK has become faster than in many other countries, partly as a result of the pressure of increasing population in a limited area. Added tooltips to various Argentinean and Patagonian national focuses to make their effects more clear. The same applied to blocks of domestic flats, except that tenants or owners were expected to instaIJ their own individual air conditioners. Fixed the American Civil War participants converting factories in states without any. Hey all, not much to say here other than some pretty words to let you know that this is a hotfix and fixing some of those pesky release bugs. Merged Akanland state into the Ivory Coast. Fixed Croatia rebelling against Yugoslavia, in parts of Croatia that werent under Yugoslav control. For the USA, CSA, AUS and PSA, the Farmer-Labour Party now take up the Social Democrat slot, the Democratic Party take up the Social Liberal and Social Conservative slots (representing the different wings within the party), and the Republican Party take up the Market Liberal slot. Fixed Hawaii joining two factions at once. Fixed Romanian army experience not being given properly. Added a military factory to Eastern Slovakia. By the time the stench from the decomposing fish in the parcel was causing problems in the Kowloon Post Office, the resident had gained his point. Car parks and barbecue places at vantage points could be crowded out at times, with families enjoying an outing in the country. Renamed the Congo strategic region to Congo Basin. Tweaked Irelands chances to accept New Englands offer to join a New England-lead Entente, based on Irelands ruling government, and whether or not they control Northern Ireland. Fixed the Kurdish revolt not firing for Turkey. Removed starting CoF ace having bonuses to strategic bombers. Increased the starting stability for the Commune of France. Adjusted the user interface for the faction-joining events. Added AutDems as a potential election outcome in the Kingdom of Two Sicilies. We did not realise that the town had a large population of Hakka Chinese who kept us awake all night with firecrackers. The increasing opportunities in HK for more strenuous pursuits may help to break down any tendency to produce a soft and indolent generation. It had taken five days to fly from Southampton to Hong Kong, where I was due to join the Government there as a cadet officer in His Majesty's Overseas Civil Service (in common parlance, the Colonial Service). Add an effect for the 1940 Bolivian elections. The Princess was interested in aspects of Chinese life. At the London School of Economics, Donald and I grew increasingly bored with the continual stream of lectures on Africa. The Government's programme for new schools, medical facilities, water and electrical supplies, roads and recreation was hampered by squatter huts occupying the sites for the proposed facilities. Finished the localization and added a new focus filter for the Legation Cities tree, New German and Japanese commanders for the Legation Cities, they leave if either group takes over the Cities, Legation Cities can now pay pp to boost their relationship with Zongchang-led Shandong, leading to better trade power and civilian economy to be diverted from Shandong to them, Iceland has received a new leader for the social democratic party, Added new news events for Russian leadership changes, Reduced focus times on Indian focus trees, Moved Indian focuses which would add cores to regained Indian states to be decisions instead. Added a focus for war for the Jujuy path in Bolivia. We complained to Bishop Hall, whom I knew, about the state of the Protestant cemetery in Macao; his see covered HK and South China. National populist Iraq, and Taha al hasimi who is in an alliance with Tribal elements, will now have fitting focuses open to them, and bonuses from the other subtrees removed. Added state dynamic modifiers to Mittelafrikas British Mandates. Fixed all remaining auto-generated leader stats. Britain now keeps more troops at home, and will rush all its troops home once there is an invasion. The War in the Desert is now referred to as such in-game. Removed the manpower gain from the New England Increase Educational Attainment national spirit. Romania is now even less likely to try to claim the entirety of Banat. Tags that agree to join the Anguojun (National Pacification Army) at Fengtians unification conference, and which are fighting one another, will no longer be forced to end their conflicts, and will instead be forced to join once their wars against fellow prospective faction-joiners conclude. Fixed a broken Romanian tooltip and stopped news event for Carol's assassination firing if he abdicated and fled. Space Candy HXC + HXC-P Cartridge 2 Grams. Updated the icon for Japans Co-Prosperity Sphere. bay ridge nissan deliver sushi near me cia agent salary per month read Enter a location to find a nearby sunoco gas station prices. Fixed an incorrect German response to the Lithuanian Lobbying event. Quebec suppression decisions for Canada now properly require the 30pp cost. The winner of the Siamese civil war will always use the same tag. Added decisions for Greece to join the Donau-Adriabund and Moscow Accord. Where discussions led nowhere, the DO might be approached, as an official with wide legal powers. Bolivia will now try to resolve Black Monday sooner. Every NT village was in the care of a designated Village Representative (usually a respected clan elder) whose business it was to speak to the DO on village matters. Fixed Turkey not getting the correct events to puppet Syria and Egypt. Fixed Percy Stephenson not correctly becoming a country leader when elected in 1939. Decreased the duration of several Manchu Qing national focuses. Fixed a missing modifier in Brazil's liberal reform national spirits. The Ottomans now lose their ambition areas outside of Anatolia, upon becoming Turkey. It was only too obvious in the course of the test that the applicant was a hopeless driver, liable to be a menace on the road .if licensed. The recruitment of government secretaries was in the hands of the Chief Clerk, an active and forceful man called Dick Maynard, who liked files to be kept tidy and was not above drawing the attention of senior officers to their sloppy efforts. At this point, work had progressed on demolishing the old Secretariat building in stages and simultaneously erecting the new one on more or less the same site. Fixed the Liberian decision to core Senegal checking for Togo, instead of Senegal. Paraguays SocLib Head of State has been changed from Lus Avelino Argaa to Eligio Ayala. Poultry was usually sold live. Fixed Totalist Liberia being in Mitteleuropa. Adjusted the Chief of Army trait for the Commune of Frances Georges Catroux. Yunnan can now annex lands from any Chinese puppets that Siam might have, when Yunnan brings Siam to a peace deal. Fixed Egypt being able to switch to a capitulated Iraq. Fixed decision to puppet Paraguay when you claimed their territory being available. Fixed several news events firing when news events were turned off. Fixed a lot of inconsistent spelling variations. Fixed a potential unlinking of the countries involved in the IEDC, and the effect that it gives them. Russia's first year is no longer as crippling to the AI. He turned the proposal down without explanation. Removed the British Home Guard and Conscript Marine Vessels and Never Surrender decisions from the Union of Britain. Fixed the 4th of July event firing twice for the USA. Added Teng Daiyuan as a general for Hunan. Japan will now disband the Co-Prosperity Sphere upon capitulation. Fixed Romanian events involving Cantacuzino and attacking Hungarian air bases not firing. Apart from the lack of privacy, the hotel room was comfortable and civilised, notwithstanding that the Japanese occupation had ended only three-and-a-half years earlier. On his appointment as DCNT, the Castle Peak Rural Committee invited him to a welcoming dinner in the Castle Peak Hotel. Fixed Japan's surrender mission firing if they've puppeted Korea. Fixed the League of Arab States being unable to integrate Arabia. Added a failsafe to peace out Siam and China in the Fading Sun when they only border each other via Yunnan. Fixed Arslan couping an Endeavour Front Ottoman Empire. Fixed the American Civil War recruitment decisions cancelling incorrectly. By providing central and local venues for concerts and productions, the Urban Council has stimulated a demand, helped by the import of visiting international companies and artistes. Added weapons/tech descriptions for Lithuania and White Ruthenia. New England and the Pacific States keep their colors if they form the USA again. Overhauled the post-war elections for all participants of the American Civil War. The high standard of drill was a tribute to the hard work of Garrison Sergeant Major V. Bell, Coldstream Guards. Fixed LKMT not getting its claims or being able to integrate Hunan and Lianguang. Generally, Chinese of the modern generation have no difficulty III understanding how to work complicated machinery. Fixed the Honduran council not using the correct flag colours. In this case, the Chinese distributor (a State agency of the Chinese Government) had appealed, so the Board duly watched the film at our usual hour of nine a.m. on a Monday morning. Fixed Algerias leaders not having pictures. President Dmitriy will no longer be immortal if the Second Russian Civil War is ongoing. Releasing Serbian Yugoslavia no longer grants it all contested states - instead, the player/AI will then choose who to give them to. Russia now puts a few more divisions on the Finnish border. Added a supply hub in the Chaco, representing the railways of Puerto Casado and Puerto Pinasco. You bring chop-chop." Iraq no longer gets a core on Qassim, and Britain no longer claims Kufra, Jin Shuren's mission to unify Xinjiang is now removed if Sheng Shicai takes over. Upgraded various German naval weapon systems. Realising my limitations, I suggested to the Deputy Colonial Secretary (to whom I was responsible) that I should visit the Marine Department and be shown the range of their activities. Fixed puppet Turkey not being able to progress down half of its focus tree. (It was some time later before I discovered that one reason for my lack of progress was that the charming Chinese lady who taught us came from Shanghai, not Canton.) As with so many things in HK, all wanting to be done at the same time, a priority list based on convincing criteria was essential to keep within the limits of the money and resources available. He died some years ago, leaving me as the final District Officer to have served as a magistrate in the NT. Russia can now give Aland to a puppet Sweden or Finland, instead of having to annex it. Because he was a juvenile, he could not be sent to an adult prison. Fixed RKMT China's capital being reset by occupation. Colombia can no longer affirm ties with a dead Entente. Fixed Left KMT claiming Chhatisgarh instead of Weihaiwei. Only majors and German East Asia will now get Siamese reparations. Releasing the splinters in another format exists primarily for the player to do so if they wish. Fixed the news event for Carol's assassination firing before the succession is decided. Fixed a couple of misfiring Legation Cities events. The need to seek a living in a competitive world 'has also played its part. Updated the annexation effects to avoid disrupting occupations when transferring states. IMRO's victory at 100% resistance is now triggered by a resistance modifier. Asked to explain, the owner would usually say that, since a lucky day was coming up, he could not afford to wait, e.g. Added descriptions to all of Argentinas political advisors. SocCons in Sardinia now lose less popularity from the national focus tree, if they are in power. This fuel is sanctioned by: CRA, Competition Riders of America. My next posting was to the Resettlement Department as Assistant Commissioner in charge of estates. Fixed Bulgaria having the German Military Support national spirit, while at war with Germany. New flags for Ghana, Gold Coast, Mozambique and Najd & Hasa. Reworked the Brazilian annexation events so, upon deciding to not release Brazil as a whole, it switches to the events for the individual regions instead of trying to release all the splinter states at once. Fixed hundreds of text spellings and inconsistencies. The period of confrontation in 1967 was the most serious. Fixed the event for the fall of Baton Rouge checking the wrong province. Fixed the AI spamming the Recall Volunteers diplomatic action. Fixed a Qing event displaying incorrectly. Serbia now gets a core on Montenegro if it's returned by an annexation. There was virtually nothing for them to do but supervise. Added annexation mission for Alsace-Lorraine. But often part of the household work was undertaken by female relatives (usually unmarried and otherwise largely on their own), who lived free as members of the family in return for their help. In many cases, more than one member of the family works. Moved Domenico Mondelli from Eritrea to the Italian Republic. Fixed Ukraines starting infantry template missing support companies. Rewrote the events and narrative of how socialists come to power in South Africa. Fixed the Egyptian Cairo Pact on map area showing up too early. It was noticeable that, where a deciduous flowering tree had lost its leaves, a few weeks later it might flower again (twice in one year), presumably because its seasonal rhythm mistook the loss of leaves for the end of winter and therefore time to start flowering and putting on new leaves. Fixed Poland not getting any penalty for claiming Memel. Few Europeans could stand the screeching falsettos of Chinese opera, but it was always popular with Chinese audiences. Added Yamaguchi Tamon as an admiral for Japan. Did some individual arbitrarily invent these lucky days or was there some logical pattern and system for doing so? All sections of Russias Trans Siberian Railway are now level 2. Fixed Spain not losing its cosmetic tags upon being puppeted. It was intercepted by a Portuguese launch, which turned it around and escorted it out in the direction ofHK. Removed several repetitive Finnish events. Renamed Fengtians Develop the Nine Provinces focus to Develop the Three Northeast Provinces, since said provinces are now displayed on the map via Chinas province GUI. In HK, a JP was not required to sit on the bench or undertake any judicial duties; these were performed by professional magistrates. Added a description to Russias decision to attack Poland. (I once saw a woman there, trying to dispose of a rat trapped in a cage by lighting newspaper under the cage.) Centralizing the provinces instead of federalizing them after agreeing to do so will cause the Federalists to now go to war with Fengtian. Rebalanced the generic political decisions available to all countries. The American Civil War no longer ends if the ceasefire occurs. The Union Standard and former blue HK flag were slowly lowered whilst the Chinese flag and the new SAR flag were at the same time hoisted at the stroke of midnight. The other occupants were usually away at offices all day, except for Humphries who seemed to enjoy listening to the Cantonese training. Switzerland cancels mission if Haute-Savoie is already cored, Adjust South East Asia state dev level, Siams Electrification campaign actually matters, Removed compression artefacts from a lot of icons. I was delighted to help such a splendid applicant, although it seemed unlikely that he had any idea of work in a restaurant. Pat Dodge, my fellow DO Magistrate in Tai Po, was relieved of his magisterial duties at the same time as myself. Furthermore, hawkers did not necessarily charge less than shopkeepers. Assigned Ulsters new ministers for use in its revolt. "Oh, all right," I said "Go ahead, but it won't make any difference to the verdict." Decreased the cost of several Haitian decisions. Fixed Russia peacing out with nearby non-neighbour EE countries. Fixed the spawn of LKMT's elite division. The Transylvanian Resistance is now removed if Romania or Transylvania are annexed. Removed the compliance gained when seizing Alaska. Fixed an unwanted event firing for non-German Wallonia. Pre-War, cadets, newly-appointed to Hong Kong, were sent to Canton for two years for language study (spoken and written). Fixed Assyria's Frontline of Imperialism referring to Canada instead of the Entente leader. Updated several strategic regions and air zones worldwide. Of course, this patch doesnt just bring 1.9 compatibility with it, weve also put some work into the Balkans and China, along with a huge number of fixes. Added new production menu icons for tanks. A fellow passenger proved to be the Sultan of Johore, accompanied by an official from the Malayan Civil Service and a Malay bodyguard who appeared to spend the night in the passageway outside the Sultan's cabin. Fixed a crash to desktop due to Honduras having a ship with no set variant. Added Valerian Tevzadze as a general for Georgia. Watson's, the leading Western-style chemist, produced a prickly heat cream which was a white oily ointment that was usually effective but could make a mess of one's clothes. The AntiCorruption Branch of the Police was finding the task too much. The fact that many people never stirred further than a hundred yards from their vehicles was immaterial; in some ways it was an advantage, as it ensured litter was not scattered too widely. The better alternative was a tunnel. Fixed Trubetskoy forming Dmitry's senatorial republic in Russia. For land planes, it was a different matter. The remainder have migrated. MTG system is now extremely similar to vanilla, we have just some extra modules and PZS hull is considered as heavy hull, There shouldn't be any non-buildable ships for Non-MTG players, All variants were changed from generic to the nation unique (based either on vanilla representation of pre PoD ships or on first naval rework lore for KR timeline unique ships), Added first glimpses of MTG version of ship name lists (for China tags, JAP and AUS), Overhauled Austrian, Balkan and Eastern European strategic regions, Merged Trieste into the Austrian Littoral, Split Bucovina into Northern and Southern Bucovina. Fixed Lithuania being couped by its own allies. LKMT now always puppets warlords that accept their negotiations. Added support for additional font colours and characters for decisions and tooltips. Added decisions to the participants of the American Civil War, to mobilise their economy and raise conscription. There was a growing air of sophistication. Added Avdo Fumo, Dervis Korkut, Bogdan Krekic and Mehmed Spaho as leaders of Bosnia. Bicycle; Book; Car; Clothing; 5301 W 10th St. Indianapolis, IN 46224. Fixed USA rejoining the Legation Cities council despite never leaving in the first place. Fixed SocLibs not being added to the US Grand Coalition. Looking at his bulk, it was hard to disagree. Cremated ashes pose no health risk and can be kept at home, or in a Buddhist monastery, or in a government columbarium. Furthermore, the hotel turned out to be Chinese-owned and staffed, all away on holiday and their places taken by non-Chinese, unfamiliar with the workings of the hotel. Updated the companies for the Legation Cities. Socialist Netherlands SDAP path now has a coalition with its moderate wing. Replaced James Craig with Basil Brooke as the head of state for Ulster.