Laccase gene was cloned in the most commonly used organisms, Pichia pastoris [183], Aspergillus oryzae [184], A. niger [185, 186], A. nidulans [187], Trichoderma reesei [188], and Yarrowia lipolitica [189]. The textile industry accounts for two-thirds of the total dyestuff market and consumes large volumes of water and chemicals for wet processing of textiles [218]. 438449, 2002. Z. Liu, D. Zhang, Z. Hua, J. Li, G. Du, and J. Chen, A newly isolated Paecilomyces sp. Wood, Production, purification and properties of extracellular laccase of Agaricus bisporus, Journal of General Microbiology, vol. Another potential environmental application for laccases is the bioremediation of contaminated soils as laccases are able to oxidize toxic organic pollutants, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons [205] and chlorophenols [150]. D'Souza-Ticlo et al. Ni J, Tokuda G. Lignocellulose-degrading enzymes from termites and their symbiotic microbiota. There are many reports describing the different effects of aromatic compounds on laccase activity. 17, no. 35, no. M. Alexander, Biodegradation and Bioremediation, Academic Press, San Diego, Calif, USA, 1994. Ying G-G, Williams B, Kookana R. Environmental fate of alkylphenols and alkylphenol ethoxylatesa review. 108, no. 6-7, pp. Peat. The portal can access those files and use them to remember the user's data, such as their chosen settings (screen view, interface language, etc. [110] reported that all the six amino acids (alanine, histidine, glycine, arginine, aspartate, and phenylalanine) at 1mM concentration increase the catalytic ability of the laccase enzyme from Ganoderma lucidum strain 7071-9 when expressed in Pichia pastoris. 12, pp. Nonylphenols are more resistant to biodegradation than their parent compound and hence are found worldwide in wastewater treatment plant effluents and rivers [237]. Laccase-mediated detoxification of phenolic compounds. 6, pp. The specificity for oxygen is less dependent on the enzyme, and K 94, no. 7478, 1988. Nandal P, Ravella SR, Kuhad RC. In addition to the potential role of such degradation processes for natural attenuation processes in freshwater environments, this enzyme laccase also offers new perspectives for biotechnological applications such as wastewater treatment. laccase is considered one of the most powerful biocatalysts and can be used in a variety of biotechnology applications, such as dye decolorization in the textile industry, clarification in the food industry, organic synthesis in the chemical industry, and bioremediation of endocrine disruptors inhibition of the proliferation of cancer cells [ 4, 21, pp. 79, no. S. B. +Molecular weights determined by SDS-PAGE. P. Ranocha, G. McDougall, S. Hawkins et al., Biochemical characterization, molecular cloning and expression of laccasesa divergent gene familyin poplar, European Journal of Biochemistry, vol. This yeast produces true laccase capable of oxidation of phenols and aminophenols and unable to oxidize tyrosine [43]. Introduction. D. Slomczynski, J. P. Nakas, and S. W. Tanenbaum, Production and characterization of laccase from Botrytis cinerea 6134, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, vol. Effective induction of laccase from Pleurotus florida with anionic and cationic surfactants has been demonstrated [160]. The new PMC design is here! The use of laccase in the textile industry is growing very fast since, besides decolorizing textile effluents as commented above, laccase is used to bleach textiles and even to synthesize dyes [225]. Chemical Abstracts, vol. Raghukumar C, DSouza TM, Thorn RG, Reddy CA. Only a few bacterial laccases have been described hitherto. 11, pp. Bourbonnais R, Paice MG. Enzymatic delignification of kraft pulp using laccase and a mediator. A. Leontievsky, T. Vares, P. Lankinen et al., Blue and yellow laccases of ligninolytic fungi, FEMS Microbiology Letters, vol. Certain aromatic compounds that are structurally related to lignin precursors, such as 2, 5-xylidine or ferulic acid, have also been shown to increase laccase gene transcription in Trametes villosa, Trametes versicolor, and Pleurotus sajor-caju [123]. about navigating our updated article layout. [86] reported that the production of laccase was strongly affected by the nature and amounts of nutrients, especially nitrogen and trace elements in the growth medium. Buswell et al. M. E. Eugenio, J. M. Carbajo, J. [90] studied laccase production by Aspergillus terreus, Armillaria sp., Polyporus sp., and Phanerochaete chrysosporium in liquid culture media treated with N-ethyl aniline, N,N-dimethyl aniline and para-bromoaniline as a laccase inducer. Further understanding of kinetic parameters of laccases will be useful to application of laccases for practical purposes. Arora DS, Gill PK. 139144, 2000. 129136, 2004. Slomczynski et al. The use of laccase in the textile industry is growing very fast since, besides decolorizing textile effluents as commented above, laccase is used to bleach textiles and even to synthesize dyes [225]. Many fungi contain several laccase-encoding genes, but their biological roles are mostly not well understood [47]. O. Milstein, A. Haars, A. Majcherczyk et al., Removal of chlorophenols and chlorolignins from bleaching effluent by combined chemical and biological treatment, Water Science and Technology, vol. strings of text saved by a browser on the user's device. Further research needs to be carried out to identify the different factors that influence their secretion, and more . U. With the advantage of immense environmental adaptability and biochemical versatility, prokaryotes deserve to be studied for their possible applications in industry as well as in medical science [5]. 4, pp. 4, pp. 151, no. Due to their chemical structure dyes are resistant to fading on exposure to light, water, and different chemicals and most of them are difficult to decolourise due to their synthetic origin. 4, pp. 4, pp. Many of these compounds resemble lignin molecules or other phenolic chemicals [105]. J. L. Dong, Y. W. Zhang, R. H. Zhang, W. Z. Huang, and Y. A. Buswell, Induction of laccase activity in the edible straw mushroom, Volvariella volvacea, FEMS Microbiology Letters, vol. 69, no. The T2 and T3 copper sites are close together and form a trinuclear centre [198] that are involved in the catalytic mechanism of the enzyme [199]. The addition of copper to the culture medium has also proved to be important for heterologous laccase production in Pichia pastoris and Aspergillus sp. At least nine constitutive laccase isozymes were described for Pleurotus sp. 4, pp. Insights into lignin degradation and its potential industrial applications. 2, pp. In addition, both the time and the concentration of copper supplementation were important for obtaining high levels of laccase. L.-L. Kiiskinen, K. Kruus, M. Bailey, E. Ylsmki, M. Siika-aho, and M. Saloheimo, Expression of Melanocarpus albomyces laccase in Trichoderma reesei and characterization of the purified enzyme, Microbiology, vol. Rodrguez Couto S, Toca Herrera JL. 13151321, 2009. They result from incomplete biodegradation of nonylphenol polyethoxylates (NPEOs), which have been widely used as nonionic surfactants in industrial processes. Soden and Dobson [122] proved that Cu2+ ions have the ability to induce laccase production by forming an integral prosthetic group. Its broad substrate specificity offers a wide opportunity for screening pollutants in order to predict potential targets for degradation. 321, 2011. V. L. Papinutti, L. A. Diorio, and F. Forchiassin, Production of laccase and manganese peroxidase by Fomes sclerodermeus grown on wheat bran, Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology, vol. B. Viswanath, M. S. Chandra, K. P. Kumar, and B. Rajasekhar Reddy, Production and purification of laccase from Stereum ostrea and its ability to decolorize textile dyes, Dynamic Biochemistry Process Biotechnology Molecular Biology, vol. L. Setti, S. Giuliani, G. Spinozzi, and P. G. Pifferi, Laccase catalyzed-oxidative coupling of 3-methyl 2-benzothiazolinone hydrazone and methoxyphenols, Enzyme and Microbial Technology, vol. In general the fungi were cultivated at temperatures between 25C and 30C for optimal laccase production [14]. 1022910237, 2003. Tanesaka E. Colonizing success of saprotrophic and ectomycorrhizal basidiomycetes on islands. Laccase-based biosensor for determination of polyphenols: determination of catechols in tea. II. 133, p. 78994m, 2000. 357366, 1992. Laccases are similar to other phenol-oxidising enzymes, which preferably polymerise lignin by coupling of the phenoxy radicals produced from oxidation of lignin phenolic groups [202]. 58, no. It is clear from the forgone survey of literature that focus has been paid to a few laccase producing fungi, particularly Phanerochaete chrysosporium, Trametes versicolor, Pleurotus ostreatus, and so forth, but there are still large numbers of fungal organisms not covered for laccase production. However, the variance in assay conditions must always be taken into account when the catalytic constants measured in different laboratories are compared. 7, pp. This affects particularly the numerical values of k Systemic pesticides pesticides in the internal systems of plants and animals. Laccase, a copper-containing enzyme, is versatile and oxidizes complex organic compounds without generating reactive oxygen species (ROS). WSH-L07 [141], Shiraia bambusicola strain GZ11K2 [142], Trametes trogii TEM H2 [143], Pleurotus florida NCIM 1243 [106], Peniophora sp. 38053809, 1999. 128, no. An official website of the United States government. Sigoillot C, Record E, Belle V, et al. 65, no. 3, pp. J. I. Lyons, S. Y. Newell, A. Buchan, and M. A. Moran, Diversity of ascomycete laccase gene sequences in a southeastern US salt marsh, Microbial Ecology, vol. Several laccase isoenzymes have been detected in many fungal species. E. N. Dombrovskaya and S. S. Kostyshin, Effects of surfactants of different ionic nature on the ligninolytic enzyme complexes of the white-rot fungi Pleurotus floridae and Phellinus igniarius, Biochemistry, vol. The production of laccase isoenzymes in P. ostreatus is regulated by the presence of copper, and the two dimeric isoenzymes have only been detected in the presence of copper [167]. This amino acid mixture favoured the laccase production by Trametes gallica. Blaich R, Esser K. Function of enzymes in wood destroying fungi. When cultivated at temperatures higher than 30C, the activity of laccase was reduced [98]. Recently, laccase has been applied to nanobiotechnology, which is an increasing research field, and catalyzes electron transfer reactions without additional cofactors. Most currently existing processes to treat dye wastewater are ineffective and not economical. 215236, 1997. 2019;13(1):19-32. doi: 10.2174/1872208312666180821161015. 34, pp. The use of inducers does, however, suffer from several disadvantages including their toxicity and the extra expense associated with the addition of an inducer. Laccases have demonstrated great bioremediation potential owing to their excellent catalytic efficiency and high chemo-, regio-, and enantio-selectivity under slight environmental settings. 297311, 1997. F022 in the transformation of anthracene into anthraquinone, benzoic acid, and other products such as 2-hydroxy-3-naphthoic acid and coumarin. has been shown to improve heterologous laccase production in S. cerevisiae [193, 194]. Production of laccase from, Shankar S, Shikha S. Laccase production and enzymatic modification of lignin by a novel, Robene-Soustrade I, Lung-Escarmant B. Laccase isoenzyme patterns of European, Eggert C, Temp U, Eriksson K-EL. 42, no. De Jesus M, Nicola AM, Rodrigues ML, Janbon G, Casadevall A. Capsular localization of the, Ikeda R, Sugita T, Jacobson ES, Shinoda T. Effects of melanin upon susceptibility of. Laccases have also been found from Streptomyces cyaneus [30] and Streptomyces lavendulae [31]. The enzyme is tightly bound to the cell wall and contributes to the resistance to fungicides [44]. Gadd GM, De Rome L. Biosorption of copper by fungal melanin. S. Dhawan and R. C. Kuhad, Effect of amino acids and vitamins on laccase production by the bird's nest fungus Cyathus bulleri, Bioresource Technology, vol. P. J. Accessibility The optimal range for the laccase isoforms secreted by Trametes pubescens fungal strain has been reported between pH 3.0 and 4.5, potentially indicating that laccase may be produced and function optimally under conditions that are not favourable to growth [95]. Woolery GL, Powers L, Peisach J, Spiro TG. Temperature, like any other physical parameters, plays a vital role in growth and laccase production of the organism. 142, pp. 2, pp. The carbon source mannitol increased laccase enzymatic activity to 115.62% in Ganoderma lucidum strain 7071-9 in Pichia pastoris at a concentration of 1mM but had no effect at 0.1mM [110]. Fungi that produce laccase have been screened for either on solid media containing coloured indicator compounds that facilitate the visual detection of laccase production [59] or with liquid cultivations monitored with enzyme activity measurements [60]. Lee, K.-H. Jung, C.-H. Lee, and Y.-H. Park, Enhanced production of laccase in Trametes vesicolor by the addition of ethanol, Biotechnology Letters, vol. This approach led to an increase in laccase yield to 820U/L from 485U/L. [148] found that there was a strong correlation between hyphal branching and the expression and secretion of laccase. P. Cassland and L. J. Jnsson, Characterization of a gene encoding Trametes versicolor laccase A and improved heterologous expression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae by decreased cultivation temperature, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, vol. RCK-1 [134]. Both nonylphenols and NPEOs are discharged into the environment, mainly due to incomplete removal of wastewater treatment facilities [236]. Many of these compounds resemble lignin molecules or other phenolic chemicals [105]. [230] demonstrated employing HPLC analysis, the degradation of the dye Navy blue HER by fungus Trichosporon beigelii NCIM-3326 after one day under static conditions for the identification of metabolic products from dye degradation. 205210, 1993. Decolorization of an anthraquinone-type dye using a laccase formulation. Lu et al. 21, pp. Laccases are able to reduce one molecule of dioxygen to two molecules of water while performing one-electron oxidation of a wide range of aromatic compounds [8], which includes polyphenols [200], methoxy-substituted monophenols, and aromatic amines [201]. 797800, 1986. Revankar and Lele [109] obtained highest laccase activities with Trametes versicolor MTCC 138 using different carbon sources, namely, glucose, fructose, sucrose, lactose, starch, and glycerol. R. Aramayo and W. E. Timberlake, Sequence and molecular structure of the Aspergillus nidulans yA (laccase I) gene, Nucleic Acids Research, vol. 42744277, 1995. Du W, Sun C, Yu J, et al. These contradictory observations were ascribed to differences between the strains of Phanerochaete chrysosporium and Lentinus edodes [86]. Ahn M-Y, Dec J, Kim J-E, Bollag J-M. G. I. Zervakis, G. Venturella, and K. Papadopoulou, Genetic polymorphism and taxonomic infrastructure of the Pleurotus eryngii species-complex as determined by RAPD analysis, isozyme profiles and ecomorphological characters, Microbiology, vol. cat describes the rate of the electron-transfer reactions taking place inside the enzyme after substrate binding [172]. Shraddha, Shekher R, Sehgal S, Kamthania M, Kumar A. Laccase: microbial sources, production, purification, and potential biotechnological applications. Buswell JA, Cai Y, Chang S-T. Effect of nutrient nitrogen and manganese on manganese peroxidase and laccase production by, Vasconcelos AFD, Barbosa AM, Dekker RFH, Scarminio IS, Rezende MI. However, the occurrence of laccases in higher plants appears to be far more limited than in fungi [24, 25]. 9, Article ID e73721, 2013. C. F. Thurston, The structure and function of fungal laccases, Microbiology, vol. 140, no. Other uses of laccases for the pulp and paper industry include reduction of the kappa number of pulp [243] and an improvement in the paper making properties of pulp [244]. Giovanelli G, Ravasini G. Apple juice stabilization by combined enzyme-membrane filtration process. 11191125, 2000. P. Giardina, G. Palmieri, G. Cennamo et al., Protein and gene structure of a blue laccase from Pleurotus ostreatus, in Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Biotechnology in the Pulp and Paper Industry, pp. 11291133, 2008. The alignments and phylogenetic relationships were done using the MEGA X suite 2, pp. 272, no. 291295, 1975. Laccase may prevent undesirable changes such as discoloration, clouding, haze, or flavour changes in beer, fruit juices, and wine, improving their shelf life by removing phenols such as coumaric acids, flavans, and anthocyanins [150, 251]. 219, no. J. K. Dittmer, N. J. Patel, S. W. Dhawale, and S. S. Dhawale, Production of multiple laccase isoforms by Phanerochaete chryosporium grown under nutrient sufficiency, FEMS Microbiology Letters, vol. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the Unable to load your collection due to an error, Unable to load your delegates due to an error. The addition of certain inducers can increase the concentration of a specific laccase or induce the production of new isoforms of the enzyme [146]. Multiple steps like ultrafiltration, precipitation using ammonium sulphate or organic solvents, and ion exchange and size exclusion chromatography have been used for the purification of laccases from the culture filtrate. J. Laccases from aquatic hyphomycete, Clavariopsis aquatica, have proved to degrade xenoestrogen nonylphenol [238]. 125132, 1995. Among several carbon sources tested, malt extract turned out to be the best carbon source in the medium for pronounced laccase production by Phlebia floridensis, P. brevispora, P. radiata, and P. fascicularia [107]. When cultivated at temperatures higher than 30C, the activity of laccase was reduced [98]. Production of laccase isoforms by. G. M. B. Soares, M. T. P. De Amorim, and M. Costa-Ferreira, Use of laccase together with redox mediators to decolourize Remazol Brilliant Blue R, Journal of Biotechnology, vol. The exact action of inducers is, however, unknown. Electrochemical characterization of purified. Recent studies have suggested that lignin-degrading or white-rot fungi (decay caused by these species that gives wood a bleached appearance) such as Phanerochaete chrysosporium and Trametes versicolor could replace some of the chemical steps used in paper making [2, 7]. sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal 9, pp. Minussi RC, Miranda MA, Silva JA, et al. The wood-decaying basidiomycete Steccherinum ochraceum isolate 1833 was reported to produce three highly thermostable laccase isoforms with maximum activities in the region 7580C [99, 100].