Just like you cannot read the minds of other drivers, they dont know what you are going to do either. Defensive driving is a technique to help you be better aware of your surroundings and how to react to situations you deal with while driving. Download Your Certificate of Completion the moment you finish the course! Once you have learned to become more aware of your surroundings, you will then want to learn how to predict a risky situation. Stay alert and keep your eyes moving. Or, unfortunately, the driver may continue to tailgate you even if you do either of these things. Far more expensive than a $200 ticket are the higher insurance premiums that will plague you for months, even years, and can add up to thousands. Look Ahead While Driving. So, resist the urge to text, make calls or go on social media while behind the wheel. Planning ahead also includes making evasive maneuvers. In many states, defensive driving courses can still help you reduce the number of points you have. If your count is more than three seconds and youre driving slow or below the speed limit, you can safely pick up your speed. If youre new to defensive driving or are looking to brush up on your skills, there are few tips you can start practicing today. Taking appropriate action immediately. This might mean safely changing lanes, slowing down, or some other action. At 50 km/h, you need around 34m to come to a complete stop (21m to react and 12.5m to brake) in good conditions. Stay focused, keeping both hands on the steering wheel. Do you remember the last accident or near accident you experienced while driving? If that means slowing down in bad weather, the defensive driver slows down. If it seems that the truck could potentially cause harm to other drivers on the road, youll want to pull over when you reach the next exit in order to report the hazard to the police. The Big Picture The U.S. Department of Transportation recommends drivers maintain at least four seconds of distance for commercial trucks traveling up to 40 mph to drive defensively. However, aggressive driving can become road rage. Complete at home on any device! >70% (unlimited exam retakes) Start Now Watch Demo. And, your insurance company may even offer a discounted rate for the course itself. If you ever find yourself in a situation with an aggressive driver, slow down and allow them to drive away from you. In order to keep focused while driving, you should follow these steps: Keep 100% of your attention on driving at all times - no multi-tasking. Staying safe on the road can be difficult, but defensive driving basics are easy: pay attention to your surroundings, minimize distractions, avoid hazards, and never, ever drive impaired. Other benefits include a reduction of points on your drivers license after a ticket or accident. To keep traffic flowing smoothly. This can be highly effective in teaching you how to save your life on the road. Defensive driving is a set of valuable skills that give you the ability to defend yourself while on the road. Defensive driving teaches you how to avoid accidents by recognizing and reacting to problems on the road before they happen. Even with defensive driving, you'll probably still have to pay the court fee usually about $125 but that will still be less than paying the full cost of the ticket. The defensive side essentially responds to what the offensive side does toward them. These schools welcome people of all ages and all driving abilities. Want the best defensive driving course in Corpus Christi TX? Defensive driving is a technique to help you be better aware of your surroundings and how to react to situations you deal with while driving. ($25-00 discount for clients that have done driving lessons with us) Street Talk is an approved defensive driving course that reduces the restricted licence period by 6 months for the under 25 driver and by 3 months for those over 25. 6 hours (no timer - complete at your own pace) Text, Audio, and Video Formats. Take up to 30 days to complete the course! 100% mobile-friendly delivery Helpful live chat customer support Easy to complete exam with 99% passing rate on first attempt Only $24.95 with NO hidden fees Complete Our Online Course in the Shortest Time Allowed We offer 1-hr, 4-hr, and 6-hr defensive diving courses to meet Illinois court and insurance requirements. If its raining or snowing hard, you should drive at a slower speed. If you need to do any of these activities, pull over and take a minute to do so while you are not on the road. This will help you avoid the accident and keep you and those in your vehicle safe. When you do need to change lanes, communicate to other drivers using turn signals, your vehicles lights, or hand signals. . Upon identifying these hazards any driver can avoid preventing harm to oneself and others. When you are driving, it is important to pay attention to the things that you are able to control. These drug and alcohol topics include state laws and how driving under the influence will impede your driving abilities. Want the best defensive driving courses in Athens, GA? Depends on the weather and road conditions. Theres no mistaking the feeling of dread when you see flashing lights in your rearview mirror. However, you should never get too relaxed about what it means to be driving a vehicle on the road. One of the first things drivers learn is to keep a safe distance between themselves and other cars on the road. Even though it looks like a fairly small chance, it could add up if you decided to break the speed limit by 10mph. This means that many of the accidents that occur every day could have been prevented if the drivers had been paying more attention to the road. 4 - Plan ahead An important aspect of defensive driving is to plan ahead. Don't let smartphones, conversations with passengers, adjusting the stereo or fiddling with the air conditioning distract you from your task on the road. Even if youre a safe driver, others on the road may not be. Remember the driving skills you learned back when you first started driving? Pay attention to other cars on the road and be observant of the road conditions and signs provided. A freeway is not the place to try to teach anyone a lesson. If you notice drivers like this, it is best to safely distance yourself from them and their vehicle. But defensive driving courses arent just for preventing high insurance premiums. Following these regulations is a first line of defense against accidents. Learning to remain calm and avoid an accident are key aspects of defensive driving. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), fatal crash rates per miles traveled increase noticeably starting at age 70-74 and are highest among drivers 85 and older. Its actually s a set of skills that help you to be a safer driver. No good will come from antagonizing these types of drivers, or even participating in their antics. Good defensive drivers have the skills to operate a vehicle safely through traffic without endangering anyone else on the road. Turn signals are necessary for anyone within the eyesight of your vehicle, even if you cant see them. After learning the rules of the road, employees are prepared to deal with unforeseen circumstances from drivers with road rage to bad weather. A complete stop means there is no forward momentum and your speedometer needle is at 0. A defensive driver should be proactive instead of reactive. In some cases, drivers may be required by a court order to complete a defensive driving course or risk losing their license. You provide the court with documentation that is inaccurate, incomplete or late or you fail to pay court fees. Exceeding the SPEED LIMIT in a built-up/urban area is acceptable in vehicles fitted with anti-lock braking systems. Be mindful of other drivers who may not have four-wheel or all-wheel driving capabilities on their car. And if youre serious about improving your driving skills to become a more responsible driver, you can prove it by taking a defensive driving course that will help you get out of a ticket. You have full control to study at a time and place that suits your needs! I did that and had to explain why it said that. Defensive driving classes focus on advancing your driving skills to prevent accidents and avoid breaking the law while driving. I wish more driving schools would focus on this. This safe driving tip suggests that your vehicle should pass a stationary object on the side of the road no earlier than three seconds after the vehicle driving in front of you has passed it. No Hidden Fees. They can teach you safe driving techniques, update you on local driving laws, and help prevent you from getting into an accident or receiving a driving violation. Defensive driving courses are state-approved classes designed to improve driver safety knowledge. The skills you learn in defensive driving can help you stay safer on the road and may make you as much as 90% less likely to die in a motor vehicle accident. Leave plenty of space between you and the car in front. However, thats all the more reason that you should learn how to become a defensive driver, so other distracted drivers dont jeopardize your safety or put you at risk. Payment will be made within 28 days of your successful claim being submitted. Taking a defensive driving course like ours will teach you these key driving strategies, making you a safer, more informed driver it could even save your life! One of the most important defensive driving strategies is to stay focused and avoid becoming distracted. Making sure I quickly identify risks. DefensiveDriving.org may receive compensation from the links you click on this site. 5 Basic Concepts of Defensive Driving 1 Follow basic traffic laws. If you need more time you can contact your traffic court for an . This does not impact our reviews which remain our personal opinions and unbiased regardless of advertising you may see. Follow The Traffic Laws If you notice that a vehicle is tailgating you, youll want to switch lanes when it is safe to get away from their vehicle. 1. 1 Observation. It reduces the risk of an accident by allowing distance between other vehicles. Defensive driving is a form of training or practice for motor vehicle drivers to drive in such a way that they consciously reduce the dangers associated with driving. When involved in an accident. But there are other things that you can do in your car that are just as distracting as using a cell phone. don't drive distracted Call Us: 1-888-272-1493 Live Chat. As they pass it, start counting the number of seconds it takes you to reach that same object. You can be a more safe, courteous driver by following these tips: Defensive driving knowledge is important, but theres nothing better than a comprehensive defensive driving course offered by a qualified instructor. These drug and alcohol topics include state laws and how driving under the influence will impede your driving abilities. For example, a vehicle driving at 30 mph will need to travel about 120 feet before coming to a complete stop. 1. Discover safe driving habits that help you drive more safely with American Family's defensive driver tips. And while theyre great for getting you out of a sticky situation on the road, theyre also useful for sticky situations with tickets, insurance, and more.