To that end, he assembled a form that would serve him well, both in our world and out of it. You gotta have some very quick reactions and that's part of a skilled dota player. Nether Strike first applies the Greater Bash debuff, the Greater Bash damage, and then its own damage. The bash effects happen before the attack damage of the attack that procs it, and before Nether Strike's damage. Pre attack sound plays during the attack animation. Stacks multiplicatively with other sources of, Does not go on cooldown when proccing from. Don't hesitate to keep casting it for a near permanent buff. Learn how to counter and when to pick Dawnbreaker from our list of counters and matchups updated for the current meta. 0d 20h 36m. Meta. Subscribe : ZAI [Spirit Breaker] Insane Greater Bash with Counter PA Build Dota 2 MatchID : 6297748035Wellcome Pro and non-pro, W. Hello, Spirit breaker is unbalanced in this game because his charge has 12 sec CD only. Learn how to counter and when to pick Spirit Breaker from our list of counters and matchups updated for the current meta. Footstep 1 Footstep 2 Footstep 3 Footstep 4 Footstep 5 These sounds . . Due to the massive speed boost Spirit Breaker receives while charging, he can catch up to a team fight quickly, even from across the map. Instantly moves Spirit Breaker on the opposite side of the target, 54 range away from it. Get Plus Get Featured Hero Guides are based on TrueSight data from matches with a verified player or Plus subscriber. Spirit Breaker slips into the nether realm, reappearing next to his hapless victim. - Linken is good you need to hide for 5 -6 sec only but linken is expensive and not farmable for everyone. Bashed units are knocked back at a speed of 286/304/316/324. Spirit Breaker DOTA 2 Hero. Dota 2; Guides. Planar Pocket only redirects abilities cast by heroes. Increases Spirit Breaker's total movement speed to 595/620/645/670 (, This means the charge speed bonus affects the damage of. To actually initiate you will need to use Charge of Darkness in a way that would let you bowl through all of the enemy team heroes (such as aiming for the farthest enemy hero while the enemy team is standing close to a line formation). Obviously that doesn't work as I'm getting hit all the time. BecauseLinkens Spheretriggers on cast, Charge of Darkness can be used to instantly and globally put an enemys sphere on cooldown. Nether Swap isn't very effective against Anti-Mage - if . This attack order ignores the. more. Spirit Breaker - - DOTABUFF - Dota 2 Stats Spirit Breaker 47th 48.24% Clips NEW! Spirit Breaker/Equipment < Spirit Breaker. Deals a percentage of movement speed as damage. Storm Spirit is Weak Against Anti Mage Doom Ember Spirit Can't stop Na'ix's Rage because of the stun, disable doesn't matter because there's two heroes, illusions don't help because of the splash damage of the first three . If the target dies during the charge, it is transferred to the nearest valid target within 4000 range of the previous target. Spirit Breaker can easily cancel Nature's Prophet's. Spirit Breaker is then issued an attack order on the target. During this charge up time, any order given to Spirit Breaker will cancel the .,,,,, Want to be in our fails of the week series? Treant Protector can also counter initiate Spirit Breaker with Leech Seed and his bash from Nature's Guise before he manages to escape. Greater Bash first applies the debuff, then the damage, no matter whether it procs on attacks, or is applied by Spirit Breaker's abilities. Unlike Wisp, you dont have a 12 second window of time to countergank them, so it's a lot easier. The International 2022 (also known as TI 11 and TI 2022) was the 11th iteration of The International, an annual Dota 2 world championship esports tournament hosted by Valve, the game's developer.The tournament followed the Dota Pro Circuit (DPC), an annual series of tournaments awarding points to teams, with the top 12 earning invitations and a further eight earning them by a series of . Effect ends when the first spell is redirected. Planar Pocket's Spell Block has the following priorities: Planar Pocket's Spell Reflection has the following priorities: Neither blocks nor reflects the following abilities: Does not reflect the following abilities: Nether Strike places a hidden debuff on the target as soon as Spirit Breaker begins casting. Can stunlock a target for a long period of time. Main impact 1 Main impact 2 Main impact 3 Footstep sounds Play on each step Spirit Breaker makes with his hooves (50%-60% vol). However, when Charge of Darkness ends, Spirit Breaker is issued an attack order which overwrites shift-queue orders. Im Kryptonill Who Really Love DotA 2. Counters & Teammates What is this? Spirit Breaker Counters and Synergyes. SamH is an offlaner for TnC. Upon reappearing, a Greater Bash of the current level occurs and deals bonus damage. Spirit Breaker slips into the nether realm, reappearing next to his hapless victim. Victory is achieved by destroying the enemy's Ancient, a building that is invulnerable until certain objectives are achieved. Increased Charge of Darkness stun duration from 1.2/1.6/2/2.4 to 1.5/1.8/2.1/2.4. Spirit Breaker gains movement speed and status resistance to ram through enemies. Barathrum the Spirit Breaker is a lordly and powerful being, a fierce and elemental intelligence which chose to plane-shift into the world of matter to take part in events with repercussions in the elemental realm that is his home. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Gives a chance to stun and knockback an enemy unit on an attack. Pre attack 1 Pre attack 2 Pre attack 3 Impact sounds play when the attack successfully hits a target. 0 Votes. 0 Votes. by Xyleas updated February 18, 2015. Nether Strike without Greater Bash leveled does not interrupt. Chaining together Charge of Darkness with Nether Strike can deal high amounts of burst damage in a very short amount of time. When charging enemy heroes in mid game, make sure that they are alone. Please help the community by updating it. Bounty Hunter usually scouts areas, hence he can find lone targets for Spirit Breaker to charge. Subscribe : NINE [Spirit Breaker] Crazy Hero Counter Tinker Mid with Shadow Blade Dota 2 MatchID : 6839449454Wellcome Pro and non. Spirit Breakers abilities allow him to keep stunning a single target, controlling them during long teamfights. Required fields are marked *. - Ward the map, especially the lanes. Underlord Pit of Malice can be cast in the path of Spirit Breaker's Charge of Darkness to cancel it. His Charge of Darkness is a constant threat, and his Greater Bash always seems to hit way more than 17% of the time. Due to Spirit Breaker's low attack speed, As a single target focused hero without much damage output, Spirit Breaker is ineffective in general against Meepo. Submit your fails at submitted by: dhFacebook: Spirit Breaker can use Bulldoze while charging, increasing his movement speed, thus allowing Greater Bash to deal more damage. From my experience Ursa can quite easily deal with the enemy Spirit Breaker so long as you have vision, (map) awareness and communication unless of course the Spirit Breaker snowballs which is true for really any hero. Charge of Darkness can be cancelled by a correctly timed, Should Clockwerk or his allies be targeted by Charge of Darkness, he can stop it by casting. Aghanims Scepter upgrade is a large AoE. 4,863. Spirit Breaker fixes his sight on an enemy unit and starts charging through all objects. He wears a ring in his nose, as a reminder that he serves a hidden master, and that this world in which he works is but a shadow of the real one. 4.8K 0 With the Lv 20 Talent, Bulldoze only has a 2.5 second downtime. Cannot be cast on and cannot stun spell immune enemies. Barathrum the Spirit Breaker is a lordly and powerful being, a fierce and elemental intelligence which chose to plane-shift into the world of matter to take part in events with repercussions in the elemental realm that is his home. Earth Spirit Dota 2 counter stats: All the Earth Spirit info you could want with counter picks, heroes counter, item counter, matchups and more! Since if he dies. I works hard to keep mys Dota 2 builds and guides updated, and will help you craft the best Spirit Breaker build for the meta. Blocked upon cast, therefore, the target is still exposed during the cast time. USE them before he hits you. Always try to angle Spirit Breaker in a way that you may push your enemy away from safety, the chances that you will get multiple bashes are slim but should still be considered. For example, if your team gets caught in a. Therefore, unit-targeted abilities targeting Spirit Breaker still affect him normally. Your email address will not be published. However, its duration is set to 0, so it effectively does nothing. Everything that counters Spirit Breaker is offset by Lifestealer, and everything that counters Lifestealer doesn't matter because of Spirit Breaker. Builds di Abilit Abilit Tendenze Classifica Giocatori Support from Plus members keep Dotabuff running and help enable us to deliver new features for everyone. 4 yr. ago. Barathrum the Spirit Breaker is a lordly and powerful being, a fierce and elemental intelligence which chose to plane-shift into the world of matter to take part in events with repercussions in. Earth Spirit Disables and repositions his enemies Heroes counter Discover all Top heroes who counter Earth Spirit. - Ward the map, especially the lanes. Do not create another thread if there is an existing one already. by Zdox updated January 31, 2015. Valve's Dota 2 API is currently unavailable. From the elemental realm, Barathrum crosses into this world as an amalgamate of bestial forms, selected for the purpose of serving his. He's also known for his offlane Queen of Pain. Avoid stealing kills from your carries. CHARGE OF DARKNESS SCEPTER ABILITY UPGRADE, Increases Charge of Darkness movement speed and reduces cooldown. Dota 2 Each match of Dota 2 involves two teams, both containing five players and occupying a fortified stronghold at either end of the map. Spirit Breaker can use Bulldoze while charging, increasing his movement speed, thus allowing Greater Bash to deal more damage. Knocks back for double the normal distance. Charge of Darkness' indicator is the astrological sign of Taurus, the Bull. A unit may only be bashed once per cast. All enemy units passed through and the targeted unit will be hit by a Greater Bash. Deals a percentage of movement speed as damage. Anti-Mage: Anti-Mage generally uses Blink to get away, but with Charge of Darkness' eyesight, it's much simpler to capture him. He will charge from the base and . For situations when two targets are charging toward each other, the latter target that casts Charge of Darkness will apply all its ability effects, following the same notes as above. To qualify for the hero rankings, a player must play at least 30 matches on the hero with at least one match in the last 30 days. The debuff is only present during the cast time and disappears once the cast is executed or canceled. Heroes that are squishy by nature are an easy target for Spirit Breaker: Heroes that rely on invisibility can be tracked with Charge of Darkness opening them to team attacks: Heroes that rely on escapes to stay alive can be caught and locked down for a long time: Spirit Breaker's stuns pierce spell immunity, making him a good choice against heroes that heavily rely on. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Any unit which comes within 300 radius of Spirit Breaker during the charge gets hit by. Cosmetics You can Sign in with Steam to see your Dota 2 profile. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. 7.32 Increased base mana regeneration from 0 to 0.5. Spirit Breaker is the picture-perfect ganking hero, which is awesome for patch 7.30e. Try not to use Nether Strike when the enemy is already doomed. 2.97. For unit-targeted abilities with projectiles (e.g. Barathrum the Spirit Breaker is a lordly and powerful being, a fierce and elemental intelligence which chose to plane-shift into the world of matter to take part in events with repercussions in the elemental realm that is his home. Magic Missile is the only disable Vengeful Spirit has against Anti-Mage, but he can either Blink away to disjoint the stun or reflect it back against Vengeful Spirit with Counterspell. Barathrum distorts the fabric of planar space, increasing his own magic resistance and redirecting the first targeted enemy hero spell in a radius towards him. Check out more great guides at definitive guide on how to counter pick for and against Spirit BreakerSpirit breaker. Spirit Breaker Dota 2 Description of abilities Spirit Breaker Hero lore Guide Skill list View statistics All useful information for beginners All popular and new heroes in Dota 2 . The problem is: He can kill anyone in 1v1 and while he is gonna be . The charge indicator above the target, as well as the target buff on the caster are visible to allies only. With the Lv 20 Talent, Bulldoze only has a 2.5 second downtime. Biography. Knocks back for double the normal distance. Charge of Darkness cannot be manually canceled during taunts. The most direct way to counter Spirit Breaker's initiation is to block his charge. Causes Nether Strike to deal 200 extra damage, and apply a 4-second break. His physical form borrows from the strengths of this world, blending features both bovine and simian--horns, hooves and hands--as outward emblems of his inner qualities of strength, speed and cunning. Spirit Breaker is one of the most infamous heroes in Dota 2. Spirit Breaker's abilities allow him to keep stunning a single target, controlling them during long teamfights. 1v1 Counter for Bloodseeker. Reduces Charge of Darkness cooldown and makes it pierce magic immunity. Do not wait for the gank to happen, but be there to prevent a disaster and potentially turn it into a favourable action for your own team. I've played a game of Naix + Bara and I don't know what their counter would be. Filter: This Month Spirit Breaker is countered by Spirit Breaker counters Matchups Last Updated 2 minutes ago Insights. You gotta have some very quick reactions and that's part of a skilled dota player. Undying Can be cast on, but still cannot stun spell immune enemies. Victory is achieved by destroying the enemy's Ancient, a building that is invulnerable until certain objectives are achieved. If the targeted unit dies, Spirit Breaker will change his target to the nearest enemy unit to that location. Storm Spirit Zips across the map to engage in fights Heroes counter Discover all Top heroes who counter Storm Spirit. Countered by decent vision on the map and sticking together. Your email address will not be published. REWORKED Aghanim's Shard upgrade: OLD Barathrum's fun names are Roadrunner and Space-Cow, the latter of which is referenced by. Greater Bash notes fully apply. WeWatch - Avada Kedavra. Advantage (Adv) - The difference between the actual winrate of the heroes and the expected winrate from their base winrates. Hey, Im Zathong and this guide is about Spirit Breaker Build in Dota 2. View Mobile Site Follow on IG . Diamond 3. Victory is achieved by destroying the enemy's Ancient, a building that is invulnerable until certain objectives are achieved. All enemy units passed through and the targeted unit will be hit by a Greater Bash. 6.83b. Great ganker thanks to global initiation and durability. - Eul would be good but 23 sec CD is almost the 2x of his charge. Spirit Breaker - Counters - DOTABUFF - Dota 2 Stats Tutti gli eroi Meta Tendenze Lanes Pi giocati Percentuale di vincita Impatto in gioco Economia Farm Danni e guarigioni Spirit Breaker Counters 47th Popolarit 48.22% Percentuale di vincita Panoramica Guide Oggetti Counters Clips NEW! Why. Earth Spirit is Weak Against Abaddon Lycan Techies Slark Clockwerk Unreliable bash due to slow attack speed. Barathrum the Spirit Breaker is a lordly and powerful being, a fierce and elemental intelligence which chose to plane-shift into the world of matter to take part in events with repercussions in the elemental realm that is his home. To that end, he assembled a form that would serve him well, both in our world and out of it. Spirit Breaker Counters and Synergyes Advantage (Adv) - The difference between the actual winrate of the heroes and the expected winrate from their base winrates. o actually initiate you will need to use Charge of Darkness in a way that would let you bowl through all of the enemy team heroes (such as aiming for the farthest enemy hero while the enemy team is standing close to a line formation).