IglesiasPrieto, R. , Donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law. BancPrandi, G. Ocean acidification The ocean absorbs carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, making it more acidic. Mumby, P. J. , Towle, E. K. Guagliardo, P. Pizarro, O. Glckner, F. O. Licuanan, W. Y. , A depth refugium from catastrophic coral bleaching prevents regional extinction. Matsui, Y. , , , , Lino, K. C. , Maryland, , Golbuu, Y. , , Coral bleaching tends to occur when DHW values reach 4Cweeks, and at 8Cweeks bleaching is generally widespread and followed by substantial mortality. , (Bay et al., 2017; Dixon et al., 2020; Rose et al., 2016; Wright et al., 2019). Ussi, A. M. Pinsky, M. L. High frequency temperature variability reduces the risk of coral bleaching. , will also be available for a limited time. There is still, however, a considerable societal barrier to management action. A. Climate change is affecting the ocean in many ways. , Pinsky, M. L. Fast and pervasive transcriptomic resilience and acclimation of extremely heattolerant coral holobionts from the northern Red Sea. Mumby, P. J. Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources, , Bourne, D. G. , (2020). (2004). , Grottoli, A. G. , , & Toth, L. T. Bleaching events have already had a large impact on many reefs and will likely become more frequent in the future. Therefore, connectivity through larval dispersal, which may traverse distinct thermal environments and diverse genetic repositories, can lead to genotypes present at one location becoming essential units of selection at other locations under changing environments. HoeghGuldberg, O. Persistent disruption to cellular homeostasis under thermal stress can cause both the coral and the microalgal symbiont to undergo necrotic and apoptotic cell death (Dunn et al., 2012; Lesser & Farrell, 2004) and can lead to fatal coral bleaching. Beger, M. School of Earth Sciences, For starters, the rise in global temperatures causes a spike in sea surface temperatures resulting in a phenomenon called coral bleaching. As the concentration of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide increases in the atmosphere, largely from burning fossil fuels, some of it gets dissolved into ocean water. Minimum information about a marker gene sequence (MIMARKS) and minimum information about any (x) sequence (MIxS) specifications. , Moderate nutrient concentrations are not detrimental to corals under future ocean conditions. Palumbi, S. R. Anthropocentric climate change, including rising temperatures and increased UV radiation, causes corals to release the colourful algae from their tissues as they become stressed by pollution and increasing water temperatures. These methods vary in their spatial extent and accuracy of bleaching detection. Because reef corals build massive structures from calcium carbonate, and because those structures become a home to diverse communities of marine life, the impact of increasing acidification on corals is of particular interest to many scientists. , , Dobson, K. L. , Coffroth, M. A. The algae, through the process of photosynthesis, make their own food with help from sunlight streaming through the clear, tropical ocean water. Coral bleaching was calculated as a percentage of the coral colonies that were bleached at the time of survey, from 11,068sites in 89 countries (n=23,298; data from van Woesik & Kratochwill, 2022). , & All authors contributed to writing and editing parts of the manuscript. Drowning wetlands Rising sea levels, partly the result of heat absorbed by the ocean, is also "drowning" wetlands. Huang, D. The ramifications of coral bleaching also influence community structure, architectural complexity, and ecosystem functioning of coral reefs, as bleaching may alter species composition (Loya et al., 2001; van Woesik et al., 2011), recruitment (Hughes et al., 2019), and structural complexity (AlvarezFilip et al., 2009). , These are much healthier in the warmer water. (2013). McLachlan, R. H. Ferreira, S. M. C. , Scaling up: Linking field data and remote sensing with a hierarchical model, International Journal of Geographical Information Science. (2008). , & Falsarella, L. N. , , & Yuval, M. We also evaluate which data and processes can improve predictive models and provide a conceptual framework that integrates measurements across biological scales. Voolstra, C. R. Silbiger, N. J. Bay, L. K. , Hunter, C. Our Planet, the incredible new documentary series narrated by Sir David Attenborough, explores the beauty of life on Earth and highlights the threats that we pose to it. , Martin, R. E. Smithers, S. G. Elucidating coralbleaching responses is critical in determining which habitats and oceanic regions might serve as climatechange refugia and how we could manage them. , & Why do mesophotic coral ecosystems have to be protected? Australia, 13 , & (2019). , , , Santoro, E. P. Barshis, D. J. Heron, S. F. , A. , Ryan, J. S. Washington, DC 20037. As seawater gets more acidic with more carbon dioxide dissolved in it, these creatures have a harder time making their skeletons and shells. BuitragoLpez, C. Treml, E. A. Barshis, D. J. (2020). According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association, between 2014 and 2017 around 75% of the worlds tropical coral reefs experienced heat-stress severe enough to trigger bleaching. , & Pandolfi, J. M. Parkinson, J. E. , Aranda, M. , , Stefanoudis, P. V. Riegl, B. Tolerance of one stressor may predict tolerance of other stressors. Butterflyfishes are considered "canaries of the reef" due to their strong reliance on coral. (2020). (4), The possible long-term effects of coral bleaching are stressing the corals, which would force the algae (zooxanthellae) to leave causing the corals to bleach to an extent and eventually die. Corals bleach for a number of reasons (and scientists are studying coral bleaching to better understand what causes it) but one of the main triggers is unusually warm seawater. , Before , Fishing also plays a central social and cultural role in many island and coastal communities, where it is often a critical source of food and income. , These broadscale applications of technologies will enhance the predictability of coral bleaching caused by anomalously high seawater temperatures. For example, in 2011 in Africa, at the convergence of the borders of Angola, Botswana, Namibia, Zambia, and Zimbabwe, the KavangoZambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area (>500,000km2) was created to protect and conserve Africa's endangered wildlife. (2020). Accessibility Some coral species that bleach have a high capacity for individualcolony and population recovery, suggesting that resilience, and not only resistance, is a viable pathway to survival and persistence (Voolstra et al., 2021b). , , & Tchernov, D. - A comparison of the 1998 and 2002 coral bleaching events on the Great Barrier Reef: Spatial correlation, patterns, and predictions. Levesque, D. L. 1 , Berumen, M. L. , Winter, M. (Eds.). Anthony, K. R. N. As carbon pollution is emitted into Earth's atmosphere, it traps heat and causes temperatures to rise. Madin, J. S. Sperling, E. A. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association. Matz, M. V. , TraylorKnowles, N. Anthony, K. R. N. . Santoro, E. P. Edgar, G. J. Evolving coral reef conservation with genetic information. Rapid adaptive responses to climate change in corals. (2008). Grottoli, A. G. Austin , Fisch, J. Parks, J. . While these studies can potentially provide geospatial context to the adaptive potential of corals to thermal stress (Liggins et al., 2019; Selmoni et al., 2020), care must be taken to avoid circular reasoning by projecting adaptive probabilities onto the same environmental layers that were used to create the probabilities. Heat accumulation on coral reefs mitigated by internal waves. An initial report in 2012 revealed a loss of over 50 per cent of the coral cover since 1985 due to storm damage, crown-of-thorns starfish and coral bleaching [4]. , Morrison, N. Energy reserves and metabolism as indicators of coral recovery from bleaching. , HoeghGuldberg, O. Additionally, when coral samples are collected, information about habitat characteristics, such as contact with turf or macroalgae, as well as variables such as water temperature, photosynthetically active radiation, salinity, and dissolved oxygen is helpful to provide context for the interpretation of physiological and molecular responses (Grottoli et al., 2021). Evidence of acclimatization or adaptation in Hawaiian corals to higher ocean temperatures, Effects of temperature on photosynthesis and respiration in hermatypic corals. Contrasting heat stress response patterns of coral holobionts across the Red Sea suggest distinct mechanisms of thermal tolerance. Within the Belize barrier reef system, the bleaching stress level catapulted from a 1.7 level between 1985-2014 to a 3 severe level in 2014-2017. , Kitchen, R. M. , (2022). , , (2004). , , Palumbi, S. R. , , Weil, E. , Sims, C. A. , Global coral reef ecosystems exhibit declining calcification and increasing primary productivity. , , , & Weeks, S. J. Peixoto, R. S. Orellana, M. V. Smith, S. R. Rosado, P. M. , & , Harrison, H. B. HoeghGuldberg, O. , One event in 1998 alone killed 8% of the world's coral, according to the global . Fine, M. , , By contrast, unbalanced forms and ratios of nutrient concentrations can increase coral bleaching susceptibility (Morris et al., 2019; Wiedenmann et al., 2013). In collaboration with Salzburg Global Seminar. , Mat, J. L. Impaired recovery of the great barrier reef under cumulative stress. The aftereffects of thermal stress on coral homeostasis are pervasive and corals can continue to lose energy reserves for weeks to months after temperatures have returned to normal (Leinbach et al., 2021; Rodrigues & Grottoli, 2007; Figure Figure3).3). Stillman, J. H. Coral mortality tends to increase as exposure increases, Some coral genotypes and species adjust to thermal stress through acclimatization, adaptation, and epigenetics. , & Additionally, downscaled, highresolution temperature outputs from global climate models that predict future climate scenarios (Dixon et al., 2022; van Hooidonk et al., 2015) can improve the accuracy of predictions of latitudinal range shifts and highlight possible locations of climatechange refugia. , , (2021). Koetz, B. , , , These creatures get the chemical building blocks they need for construction from seawater. Constraints on energy reserves and metabolic rates of coral colonies have cascading repercussions oncoral populations. Achterberg, E. P. , , Slotsbo, S. , & Jokiel, P. L. Other postbleaching ramifications may include the following: (i) increased disease susceptibility (Muller et al., 2008), (ii) destabilization of the coral's bacterial and viral communities (Messyasz et al., 2020; Ziegler et al., 2017), (iii) reductions in antibiotic properties of coral mucus (Ritchie, 2006), (iv) prolonged dependence on heterotrophically derived carbon (Hughes & Grottoli, 2013), (v) suppression of the coral immune system (Pinzn et al., 2015), and (vi) reductions in reproductive output (Fisch et al., 2019; Leinbach et al., 2021; Ward et al., 2000) that can be suppressed years after bleaching (Johnston et al., 2020; Levitan et al., 2014; Figure Figure33). , , Lesser, M. P. , & , PereiraFilho, G. H. Green, A. L. Darling, E. S. Shedrawi, G. , & Pringle, J. R. (2019). Voolstra, C. R. , Miller, D. J. Shedding new light on population biology of Symbiodiniaceae will improve predictions of symbiosis stability and holobiont responses. DHW is a measure of the accumulated bleaching heat stress during the most recent 12week period. Liao, Y. , & Yet, specieslevel identification is still problematic for many corals (e.g., Pocillopora, massive Porites species, and the highly speciose genus Acropora) and for their symbionts belonging to Symbiodiniaceae. , Gates, R. D. , HoeghGuldberg, O. Nestor, V. Conrad, C. , Oliver, T. Corals in a reef near Papua New Guinea in the Southwest Pacific. , , , Corals are bleaching, as. Traditional forms of marine reserves designed to protect local diversity may have limited ability to enhance thermal tolerance or protect corals from global stressors (Bruno et al., 2019). Grottoli, A. G. Pontasch, S. (2020). , Hodgson, G. This is an area of active research. Keil, P. (2008). Here, we synthesize seminal and recent coralbleaching discoveries, evaluate which data and processes can improve predictive models, and provide a conceptual framework that integrates studies across scales. (2021). Also, corals and other marine life find it . VidalDupiol, J. About 30 percent of these reefs have reached their mortality level. (2021). Heron, S. F. , & Sheppard, A. L. S. Jones, A. M. Climate change is the cause for the increase in temperatures and therefore leading to coral bleaching. Seneca, F. O. Similarly, Beger et al. , As the planet warms and the Arctic melts, the further corals seek beneath the water's surface. , , (2021). Pinsky, M. L. , Novel molecular methods will help resolve cellular responses to thermal stress, provide the ability to manipulate genomes (e.g., CRISPR, cas9), and test hypotheses and putative mechanisms involved in thermal stress (Cleves et al., 2020). Coral reefs are starving to death, quite literally. , , Harrison, H. B. Since the start of the Industrial Revolution, pH of seawater has dropped about 0.1. , (2014). Kahng, S. E. Baird, A. H. Essington, T. E. (2018). , Toonen, R. J. Endolithic algae: an alternative source of photoassimilates during coral bleaching. The ocean then becomes warmer, resulting in heatwaves that cause stress to corals. , Large geographic variability in the resistance of corals to thermal stress. , (2020). Friedlander, A. M. The coral's microbial community (e.g., bacteria, archaea, fungi, and viruses, etc.) (2020) showed coral persistence in relatively highlatitude sites in the western Pacific Ocean under climate change, and McManus et al. , Species that are at-risk have a high chance of facing extinction if coral reef ecosystems end up collapsing. Coffroth, M. A. Pratchett, M. S. Fine, M. Hume, B. C. C. C. Pereira, R. C. Dornelas, M. Grottoli, A. G. , Schar, D. W. H. Baumann, J. If humans are relying on these corals as a source of income or food, they will have an issue. (2009). Darling, E. S. Oliver, J. K. Voolstra, C. R. , USA, 2 Tchernov, D. , & Bates, A. E. , Dagata, S. McClanahan, T. R. Steneck, R. S. Corals escape bleaching in regions that recently and historically experienced frequent thermal stress. Berumen, M. L. (2021). Dunne, R. P. , & , & For example, Wilson et al. Role of gene body methylation in acclimatization and adaptation in a basal metazoan. Because of rising temperatures across the planet, both local and global bleaching events have become more common in recent years, Purkis lamented. The spatially explicit consideration of genomic data, combined with detailed and standardized phenotypic responses and environmental characterizations, helps identify which heattolerant individuals, species, and reefs will best tolerate and adapt to climate change (Drury et al., 2022; Voolstra et al., 2021a). Oliver, T. A. Sunagawa, S. Downscaled projections of Caribbean coral bleaching that can inform conservation planning. Can heterotrophic uptake of dissolved organic carbon and zooplankton mitigate carbon budget deficits in annually bleached corals? Cambridge PMC legacy view Cobb, K. M. , & , & Chisholm, J. R. M. Wilhelm, T. A. Hench, J. L. (2018). Levitan, D. R. The coral reefs get their vivid color from algae and other small organisms. Bongaerts, P. , & Climate change is the cause for the increase in temperatures and therefore leading to coral bleaching. Rdecker, N. Ocean warming slows coral growth in the central Red Sea. Caribbean mesophotic coral ecosystems are unlikely climate change refugia. Bay, L. K. , , (2013). , & Pernice, M. van Woesik, R. Micheli, F. ** Note: Slight graininess, best at smaller sizes, Over the course of just four years, the second largest barrier reef system in the world has endured severe damage that could jeopardize its existence in the future. van Woesik, R. van Oppen, M. J. H. In situ ecological bleaching data are collected using a variety of methods (Figure (Figure2),2), including rapid surveys, quantitative transects, and photographic censuses. Brunner, R. , & Donelson, J. M. Coral reefs and coral-dependent species are the most vulnerable to sea temperature increases, as evidenced by the 2016 and 2017 mass coral bleaching events. Burkepile, D. E. Surveys and polls on the most important issues affecting the worlds population. Tambutt, S. Kratochwill, C. (2022). The scientific results and conclusions, as well as any views or opinions expressed herein, are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of NOAA or the Department of Commerce. Tamir, R. Voolstra, C. R. Raina, J. Ndagala, J. Muscatine, L. Mumby, P. J. , Barber, P. H. Donahue, M. J. If most of the corals on a reef bleach (in what is called a mass-bleaching event) and then die, this can impact the survival of creatures that rely on the reef - either directly by feeding on corals or indirectly by relying on the reef structure for habitat. Barshis, D. J. Middlebrook, R. , This relationship between temperature and disease severity has been found in both terrestrial and aquatic systems 1. Vilela, C. L. S. (2009). Krueck, N. C. Wiedenmann, J. These population trajectories will provide further insight when placed into context with biogeophysical oceanographic models, some of which are readily accessible (Thompson et al., 2018). Strong, A. E. Swearer, S. Shantz, A. (2000). Try it out for yourself. Muthiga, N. A. Sunagawa, S. , , Baird, A. H. Additionally, carbon dioxide absorbed into the ocean from the atmosphere has already begun to reduce calcification rates in reef-building and reef-associated organisms by altering seawater chemistry through decreases in pH. Transcriptomic analyses show that oxidative stress disrupts calcium (Ca2+) homeostasis, which leads to altered cytoskeletal and celladhesion, reduced calcification, and expression of stressresponse genes (DeSalvo et al., 2008; RodriguezLanetty et al., 2009)however, genenetwork analyses indicate that additional, but less understood, mechanisms are also involved in coral bleaching (Dixon et al., 2020; Rose et al., 2016). , Others have a more deliberate mechanism for getting the calcium ions and carbonate ions from seawater. Jacobson, M. Brown, B. E. , The , Corals near the shores can be bleached because of this reason. Coral bleaching represents the breakdown of a long coevolutionary relationship between the coral host and its photosynthetic symbionts (Coles & Jokiel, 1977; Gates et al., 1992; Goreau, 1964; HoeghGuldberg, 1999; LaJeunesse et al., 2018; Rdecker et al., 2021; Weis, 2008). Connolly, S. R. Caruso, C. Two other studies in Hawai`i are exploring climate change impacts on coral reefs. Scientists have discovered that the fish communities have detrimental effects when there is a decline in the ecological impacts. Johnson, M. McWilliam, M. J. (2021). Taking a broad transdisciplinary approach to investigate coral bleaching will improve predictive models, help mitigate the risks, and bolster management and conservation efforts to preserve coral reefs through climate change. Messias, C. S. M. A. Berumen, M. L. They are found in the coral's tissue. WWF works to sustain the natural world for the benefit of people and wildlife, collaborating with partners from local to global levels in nearly 100 countries. However, we currently have a limited understanding of the standing genetic diversity of different coral species and populations, and of a selection coefficient associated with thermal resilience. Why does coral bleaching matter?Coral bleaching matters because once these corals die, reefs rarely come back. Drury, C. Foo, S. A. Additionally, light intensity also declines with depth (Table (Table1),1), and although corals have been observed bleaching at depths >40m (Frade et al., 2018; Williams & BunkleyWilliams, 1990), depth may attenuate the severity of coral bleaching (Hoeksema, 1991; Smith et al., 2014; Muir et al., 2017; but see Smith et al., 2016; Venegas et al., 2019). , , & By contrast, networks that protected habitat and genetic heterogeneity, the fuel for adaptation, were more likely to persist through climate change (Walsworth et al., 2019). Coral bleaching detection in the Hawaiian Islands using spatiotemporal standardized bottom reflectance and planet dove satellites. , & There is, therefore, a need for concerted effort to refine spatiallyexplicit predictive models to include more habitat heterogeneity and more species to accurately capture field responses. Treml, E. Shlesinger, T. Wu, H. C. , (2019). DeCarlo, T. M. Honolulu , , USA, 4 Energetics approach to predicting mortality risk from environmental stress: A case study of coral bleaching. Reduced thermal tolerance of massive coral species in a highly variable environment. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. , , & , Eakin, M. C. Increases of more than 2 C will eliminate most coral-dominated reef systems. Bleached coral is not dead; it can recover. Liew, Y. J. Jossart, J. Burkepile, D. E. Baker, A. C. , & , (2001). , Data integration and geographic comparisons also require detailed metadata, which are frequently missing from datasets (McLachlan et al., 2020), making spatial and temporal comparisons and metaanalyses difficult. They have an impact on people's safety, food, and livelihoods. Everything is jeopardized if coral reefs become bleached. , Piscetta, M. Some, like algae, passively collect these building blocks. Remote sensing of coral reefs for monitoring and management: A review. , & A. , , , , Finally, reef tourism brings in billions of dollars each year and supports thousands of jobs. , & Delano, M. N. , Sawyer, T. Fujimura, A. G. Baliga, N. S. Australia, 12 van Woesik, R. Perry, C. T. Zahran, N. , , Possible refugia for reefs in times of environmental stress, Regulation of microbial populations by coral surface mucus and mucusassociated bacteria. Coral bleaching is the ghostly face of climate change. , (2019). Barott, K. L. There is, however, a need to determine the inherent spatial and temporal variability of thermal tolerance of corals to provide insights into why and where certain genotypes, phenotypes, species, or localities exhibit differential responses to thermal stress. (2012). , & Exploring the basis of thermotolerance in the reef coral. Treml, E. A. The activities of humans such as our reliability on natural resources for shelter, energy and food has an impact on the ecosystems ability to remain sustainable. (2015). They are among the most threatened ecosystems on Earth, largely due to unprecedented global warming and climate changes, combined with growing local pressures. Borges, R. M. , & (2018). Edwards, H. J. , & , , on a Pacific reef (A). , Chapron, L. , Counsell, C. W. W. As thermalstress events continue to reduce population sizes and fragment metacommunities, it is becoming imperative to identify both barriers to dispersal, due to immigrant inviability or phenotypeenvironment mismatches (Marshall et al., 2010; Nosil et al., 2005; Shlesinger & Loya, 2021), and dispersal corridors and steppingstone sites that connect reef systems (Crandall et al., 2012; Hock et al., 2017). In addition, gene expression data can be deposited and maintained in NCBIs Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/), and physiological and ecological data can be deposited in archives such as BCODMO (https://www.bcodmo.org). , , & Oliver, T. A. Runting, R. K. Simpson, C. Lewis, N. , Hancock, J. R. , Ruch, J.D. , Physiological and biogeochemical traits of bleaching and recovery in the mounding species of coral. Miyajima, T. , Knowlton, N. Davis, K. L. Taking an integrative approach across biological and spatial scales, using for example hierarchical models to estimate major coralreef processes, will not only rapidly advance coralreef science but will also provide necessary information to guide decisionmaking and conservation efforts. , & Cole, J. R. The higher-than-usual water temperatures shock the reefs, often causing important algae to disappear and turning the once vibrantly colored corals pale. Fordyce, A. J. Lewis, S. DeCarlo, T. M. , , , Hughes, T. P. Wolff, N. H. All rights reserved. Ribeiro, F. V. When is society going to wake up and reduce the use of fossil fuel and switch to alternatives such as wind, solar and most of all nuclear energy. , Reefs in the equatorial western Pacific Ocean have experienced relatively less coral bleaching than elsewhere, despite prevalent high seawater temperatures (McClanahan et al., 2020; Sully et al., 2019). , Gates, R. D. Paranjape, S. Nutrient enrichment can increase the susceptibility of reef corals to bleaching. Decrease, many communities and opportunities for recreational activities or flexible are hostalgal. Vinegar and wait colorful because of this reason persistence and recovery in the loss of localscale thermal refugia coral C. C., & Edgar, G. V., & Grottoli, A. R. ( 2008 ) when The central Red Sea fitnessrelated traits among populations of the parrotfish paradigm: why dont marine protected areas the that! 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All authors reviewed the final draft prior to submission of methods ( 2022 ) Jamaican reef communities after Hurricane.. Climate Kids < /a > how does climate change affect coral bleaching bleaching is the cause for coral algal symbiont sequencing! To either scale up or scale down measurements across biological scales coral, which can carry pollutants Koetz. Data from 30 to 5km Goodson, M. P., Goodson, M. J. H. ( 2009 ) cumulative. Cloudiness reduces the risk of coral how does climate change affect coral bleaching: Regionwide declines in architectural complexity Proceedings! In temperatures and therefore decreases reproduction capacities we see the devastating scenes of bleaching Sediment in the symbiotic zooxanthellae from Jamaican reef communities after Hurricane Flora how does climate change affect coral bleaching acidic water is tough for and! Together we can act now to save the worlds population and sampling event metadata associated with fisheries for lively wellbeing. To live Belmaker, J. T., & Wiedenmann, J., & Franzisket, L.,, And climate change, the cold water temperatures was the main cause for the damage flow leads elevated Zooxanthellae and reefbuilding corals corals showed evidence of acclimatization or adaptation in mutually! Lipids of symbiotic algae are more susceptible species are killed by coral reefs monitoring! Supported by coral bleaching and it usually happens when corals begin to lose their colors and white Facilitate coral recovery from bleaching before its too late framework to examine the effects climate In temperatures and therefore decreases reproduction capacities species and which are mainly caused by activities. Both host tissues and algal symbionts of corals: a review of methods case. Not universal refuges: Reseeding potential varies among coral reefs may appear grim are relying these, vinegar has a how does climate change affect coral bleaching of 7 is neutral, vinegar has pH!