The inclusion criteria included only participants who had a miscarriage diagnosed before the thirteenth week in the pregnancy term by an ultrasound examination. Once the woman has a sense of being enabled she is back in control of her body and back in control of her destiny. 2022 Apr;69(2):104-111. doi: 10.6224/JN.202204_69(2).13. The subdimensions of being with. Patients cannot simple be healed as an object but that individuals are part of their environment and the inclusion of ethical, scientific, and personal practices should be applied (Ozan, Okumus, & Lash, 2015, p.26). Descriptions of the sense of grief felt by women that typically follow a miscarriage tend to vary significantly and tend to match the descriptions of grief that accompany other forms of significant loss. 3, April 2008, pp. The theory includes five categories of the therapeutic caring process which are maintaining belief, knowing, being with, doing for and enabling [11,12]. (2013). Swanson's Theory of Caring emerged from three phenomenological studies carried out in three separate perinatal contexts. R. K. Simmons, G. Singh, N. Maconochie, P. Doyle and J. No. 352-357. Table 1. While Mrs. Crane may feel well enough to make her meal, she may feel too tired or weak to eat because of the large amounts of energy expenditure in the preparation phase. Women are generally in various states of emotional distress. The care given after the experience has a significant impact on the grief reaction after a miscarriage [4,7,8]. You arent lazy. Home | About SCIRP | Sitemap | Contact Us. I will illustrate Watsons theory in creating three care priorities and goals when caring for Mrs. Crane. Watson's Theory of Human Caring seems to be proper in caring for these patients. Creat Nurs. All women were breastfeeding at the end of the study interview series. Watson, J. It may be necessary to make arrangements for psychological evaluation or to provide counseling. The linguistic units with similar meaning were grouped together [21] and they ranged from a few words to several lines of text [22]. In order to provide suitable care to a woman who has suffered a miscarriage the caregiver must have a broad background in both psychology and medicine. With using this theory caring can be seen through providing presence, touch, listening, knowing the patient, spiritual caring, relieving pain, and family care. MCN, The American Journal of Maternal/Child Nursing: MCN: The American Journal of Maternal/Child Nursing44(1):27-32, January/February 2019. The theory revolves around four major concepts: human being, health, environment and society, and nursing and makes 7 assumptions (Petiprin, 2016). This paper begins by outlining the overview of the theory before looking at how she brought out the idea of caring moments and how it can apply to the daily lives of people (Potter & Perry, 1999).. She added on that the identity of medicine is that of caring since nurses deal with patients and medicines; the same should portray their identity.. Moreover, health is also associated with the degree of congruence between the experienced and perceived self. Bookshelf 6, 1999, pp. Some women may find it extremely difficult when they receive the confirmation that they have had a miscarriage and others may feel that the experience was not so difficult., Torheim, H. & Kvangarsnes, M. (2014). Objective: deliver care that promotes dignity, respect & empowerment. Finding Meaning Through Kristen Swanson's Caring Behaviors: A Cornerstone of Healing for Nursing Education. Before the pregnancy termination one woman said. Texto & Contexto Enfermagem,16(1), 129-135. Watson, 1985) Furthermore, Watson (1985) defined a connection between health and illness. NCI CPTC Antibody Characterization Program. Swansons Middle Range Caring Theory includes being emotionally present, respecting the womens dignity. Retrieved from, FotokianZ, Mohammadi ShahboulaghiF, Fallahi-KhoshknabM, & PourhabibA (2017)The empowerment of elderly patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: Managing life with the disease. 1. As a result, the woman. Swanson's Theory of Caring: An Application to the Role of Nursing Education K. Jarvis Education International Journal for Human Caring 2019 Swanson's Theory of Caring emerged from three phenomenological studies carried out in three separate perinatal contexts. Statistics of participants in Group Two, The participants in group two (caregiver) were the nurses and midwives selected from these three domains: four midwives at an ultrasound department, five midwives at. In order to give the couple the level of confidence that they need to confront the inevitable the nurses and midwives must maintain belief in the couples capacity to overcome the difficulty of the situation. The nurse regularly checks the couple as often she can to give them information even if they do not summon her and she gives the women pain relief. From the results of the interviews with the women it was determined that there was no standard way that each woman would react to the miscarriage. 85. It is helpful if the womans partner is invited into the conversation and they are posed questions regarding their thoughts and feelings. Given the proper care every woman has the power within herself to experience a life event such as miscarriage without diminishing her life experience and wellbeing. Select a middle-range theory. 8, August 2009, pp. No. Statistics of Participants in Group One. Watson has proclaimed that caring is a "moral ideal" (Watson, 1988, p 54). I have been so anxious and called around to several different places.. Nurse-Clarke, Natasha PhD, RN, CNS; DiCicco-Bloom, Barbara PhD, RN; Limbo, Rana PhD, RN, CPLC, FAAN, Natasha Nurse-Clarke is a Lecturer, Department of Nursing, Herbert H. Lehman College, City University of New York, Bronx, NY. Understanding these factors and building up tolerance that aligns with her values will help Mrs. Crane feel more comfortable in completing her activities when discharged. It started with a question of the relationship between human caring and nursing this was the foundation for her book The Theory Of Human Caring . Incorporating these beliefs into her care plan would help to see her as a unique person. By empowering patients, everyone is given a right to participate or formulate their own care goals in promoting health. Implementation of Watsons theory of caring: a case study. In caring for patients, it is not simply just a concern but alsoa moral idea in which nurses aim to not only preserve human dignity but also enhance and protect it. 3.1. The authors are grateful to all the women, midwives and nurses who participated and communicated their knowledge and experiences to us. stfeeding mothers and infants. may email you for journal alerts and information, but is committed First of all. This would involve follow up weekly phone calls to assess her following discharge for one month. A large component of a nurses role is to not only help restore the patient to optimal health but to also help them find meaning in their illness or suffering to help promote a harmonious balance (Lukose, 2011, p.27). The theory are compared and contrasted with Cobbs definition of social support [17] and Watson carative factors [18,19] and Benners description of the role of nursing [20]. Hence, patients should be cared for in a holistic manner, with which not only their body should be acknowledged but also their mind and soul. Before 5-11. Although additional research is clearly needed the guidelines for coping with grief following a miscarriage can be safely based on the data available for coping with other significant types of losses [9]. Perhaps she used to enjoy taking walks with her friends but feels she cannot participate anymore. The definition of caring and the caring process inductively derived by Swanson from research with samples of women in a perinatal context have relevance for both formal and informal caregivers of persons with dementia. Drawing on this knowledge, therefore, the present paper purposes to apply Kristen Swanson's middle-range theory of caring to develop a strategy of care within the ED, with the view to minimize situations that make patients become more abusive and non-compliant out of inherently misplaced beliefs that the nursing staff are ignoring their needs. I appreciate a small gesture when the anesthesiologist wiping away my tears before anesthetizing.. 63, No. Swanson's Theory of Caring provided the theoretical framework for the . She can begin taking contraceptives to further gain control of her body and help with any anxiety she may have about getting pregnant. Participants were also required to speak Swedish. A. Adolfsson and P. G. Larsson, Cumulative Incidence of Previous Spontaneous Abortion in Sweden in 1983- 2003: A Register Study, Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand, Vol. The different responses following a miscarriage can range from tears, and other expressions of anxiety [2,9]. The .gov means its official. Swanson's theory of caring is stems from science, nursing, human . Findings suggest the five caring processes described by Swanson enhance the nurse-patient relationship and the bereaved mother's wellbeing. Psychologically, however, it is possible that a new pregnancy will bring on a return of fear and anxiety about the recent miscarriage. The purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which labor and delivery nurses used the tenets of Swanson's middle-range theory to care for women whose babies were stillborn. Along with having address the feeling of safety, this interaction helps to address the physiological needs of the patient, which draws upon the ninth carative factor which relates to Maslows hierarchy (see Appendix B). When the woman experiencing a miscarriage feels that there is something wrong with her pregnancy it is important and necessary that the caregiver responds to her feelings and fears. No. Five Caring Processes: 1. Conclusions: Swanson's Middle Range Caring Theory as applied to the caregiver includes being emotionally present, giving support with respect for the woman's dignity, being competent, meeting each woman's own individual needs. and transmitted securely. Provide evidence using 2 (two) scholarly articles in order to support your critique. Disclaimer, National Library of Medicine The complex gastrointestinal patient and Jean Watsons theory of caring in nutrition support. It would be most efficient if you use the theory from your group presentation, but this is not required. The theory, and the model tested at UNC, involves the 5 Cs of caring: (1) caring capacity, (2) concerns and commitments, (3) conditions, (4) caring actions, and (5) consequences. There were a total of thirteen 13 semi-structured interviews were used for data collection. The follow up examination has been determined to be a positive contribution in the healthcare system to the wellbeing of the women who have suffered a miscarriage [6,8]. Watson's theory has theoretical underpinnings of Nightingale and Rogers, and theoretical concepts from philosophy and psychology (Chinn & Kramer, 2017). The author can be reached via e-mail at [emailprotected]. The interviews were taped and lasted an average of forty-five minutes. S. Kvale and S. Brinkmann, The Qualitative Research Interview, 2nd Edition, Studentsliterature, Lund, 2009. Experience of wellbeing involves living subjectively, meaningfully and experiencing a feeling of wholeness [11,13-16]. When delivering patient care, nurses employ the nursing process to conduct clinical reasoning and make clinical judgments. Hence, patients should be cared for in a holistic . Retrieved from, Bauldoff, G.S. Of the potential eligible women twenty-five agreed to participate. Group one (women) included the women who had experienced a miscarriage and participated in the structured followed-up visit that included a tape recorded interview four weeks after early miscarriage. Swanson's Theory of Caring: An Application to the Role of Nursing Education K. Jarvis Published 1 September 2019 Education International Journal for Human Caring Swanson's Theory of Caring emerged from three phenomenological studies carried out in three separate perinatal contexts. PLOS ONE, 12(4). The nature the miscarriage experience may cause the woman to be distressed about future pregnancies, lost expectations for a baby and may trigger disturbing memories of past problems with pregnancy or child bearing. Received January 26th, 2011; revised April 5th, 2011; accepted April 20th, 2011. Most importantly, addressing Mrs. Cranes level of understanding about her illness and helping to improve her sense of belong, self-esteem and self-actualization would be central to the theory of caring. K. Stratton and L. Lloyd, Hospital-Based Interventions at and Following Miscarriage: Literature to Inform a ResearchPractice Initiative, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Vol. The median number of earlier miscarriages experienced by the women in this group was one miscarriage. Does she have a partner), would help provide a more successful care plan when she is discharged. Smaller outlying communities were excluded because the authors were unfamiliar with the organizations outside of their immediate connections. Exclusion criteria included those women who kept their pregnancy secret to their spouses and next of kin and also those women who were younger than eighteen years of age. This site needs JavaScript to work properly. Based on Swanson's Caring Model. clinical setting. K. M. Swanson-Kauffman, Caring in the Instance of Unexpected Early Pregnancy Loss, Topics in Clinical Nursing, Vol. In this study, 20 labor and birth nurses share their perceptions of caring for women who have had a stillbirth. FNPs have the authority and A total of 120 studies were included in the review and 23 were analysed further. By monitoring her upon discharge, I would be able to continue to facilitate the patient-nurse relationship and have a better understanding of her functioning outside of the hospital. I would sit down with Mrs. Crane and listen to her concerns and what may have provoked her recent exacerbation. Swanson's five caring processes are: knowing, being with, doing for, enabling, and maintaining show more content. J. The site is secure. Through knowing the caregiver identified with the womans wishes and her personal desire to be understood regarding the significant loss in her life [14]. Some women who have suffered a missed miscarriage have feelings of powerlessness and anger when they have felt that there was a problem with the pregnancy. The process of enabling a woman who has experienced a miscarriage is one of listening and supporting, developing alternative courses of action, thinking things through clearly and giving feedback [11,13-16]. 3, 2006, pp. These actions are defined clearly and presented in a logical sequence (Butts et al., 2015). Scandinavian Journal of Caring Science, 28(4), 741-48. doi:10.1111/scs.12106, Watson, Jean. View all posts by Megs. J. Cullberg, To Meet People in Crisis. In: J. Cullberg and T. Lundin, Eds., 5th Edition, Crisis and Development, Nature and Culture, Stockholm, 2006, pp. Maintaining belief means that the woman has the capacity to pass through the experience and see the future meaningful [14]. Interview and line numbers. The study period was from August 2002 to June 2003. Helsinki: The Association 1964 - 2008, January 10th 2008. In 2002 - 2003 one of the interviews was conducted with the women who had experienced miscarriage [6] and in 2007 with the nurses and midwives who cared for the men and women who shared the experience as a couple of late missed miscarriage [4]. sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal Understanding her life story, perhaps her role in her family or community, would be important to address including the introduction of energy conservation techniques to help her accomplish or participate in things that are meaningful to her (Fotokian, 2017). The median point in the pregnancy term when the miscarriage occurred was at nine weeks. The text was then analyzed in several stages and the first stage was that each interview was read and reviewed as a whole. Making myself authentically present using strategies like eye contact would be important particularly in maintaining hope and faith in the treatments prescribed to minimize her symptoms. The experience of wellbeing increases with the care given. A Compilation of Experiences and Articles From a Registered Nurse. Provide a critique Kristen Swanson's Theory of Caring, making sure to identify benefits, consequences and feasibility of application in clinical practice as a family nurse practitioner. For information on cookies and how you can disable them visit our Privacy and Cookie Policy. Nurse educators can utilize these caring processes to teach nursing students by cultivating meaningful, healing relationships. Watsons theory of human caring and subjective living experiences: carative factors/caritas processes as a disciplinary guide to the professional nursing practice. One important aspect to consider would be meal preparation, particularly for an individual who is in poor health or weak. 2015 Dec;28(4):272-8. doi: 10.1016/j.wombi.2015.07.003. Nursing Science Quarterly, 24(1).27-30. doi: 10.1177/0894318410389073, Ozan, Y.D., Okumus, H., & Lash, A.A. (2015). Some women feel especially vulnerable and exposed when they are positioned for an intra vaginal examination on the examination table. The nature of severe dementia necessitates modifications in applying the theory. Jean Watson's Human Caring Theory and the Nursing Process. The purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which labor and delivery nurses used the tenets of Swanson's middle-range theory to care for women whose babies were stillborn. Key Tenets Critique and Application of Theory of Caring Kristen M. Swanson RN, PhD, FAAN derives her Theory of Caring from the works of multiple nursing scholars, combined with empirical evidence and phenomenological investigations, to create a middle-range theory applicable to almost any healthcare setting (Swanson, 1991). To be able to perform a caring action, nurses need an artistic as well as a scientific knowledge and expertise ( Pajnkihar, 2008 ). (2016). The first being the relief of symptoms and patient comfort (ex. The median number of previous children born to the women in group one was nil. The midwives and nurses described their experiences with women who received care for missed miscarriage. Doing for the other as he/she would do for the self if it was at all possible. My blogging interests include issues surrounding health policy, mental health, medical ethics, and nursing. Content analysis was applied to the verbatim transcripts of both the group one and group two interviews. How This Caring Theory Came to be.The human caring theory is a grand theory that was developed by Watson in . S. Cobbs, Social Support as a Moderator of Stress, Psychosomatic Medicine, Vol. 48. Rana Limbo is Director Emeritus, Resolve Through Sharing, Gundersen Medical Foundation, La Crosse, WI. 37-46. Watson' theory of Human Caring illustrates the fact that caring is central to the discipline of nursing. Retrieved from, Adapted from:Communication Theory. Arranging for a dietician to come in to speak to her about simple meals she can prepare on her own but meet her caloric and protein intake for energy expenditure might fit her values better (Yazanpanah, Moosavi, Heidarnazhad, & Haghani, 2010, pg 374). (2007). A relationship is established with the midwife when the woman signs in at the Maternity Healthcare Center and is strengthened and confirmed throughout the process of symptoms, diagnosis and treatment. Midwives provide understanding to the whole situation, propose reflection, being trustworthy for the women and improve their wellbeing. to maintaining your privacy and will not share your personal information without International Journal of Caring Science, 8(1), 25-35.