Why have you relaxed fuel economy standards that are going to create more pollution from cars? The car has gotten so expensive because they have computers all over the place for an extra little bit of gasoline. Were talking -- Mr. President, we're talking about the economy. Officials cited a late rush of registrations after voting machines had already been allocated as one source of long lines. We want to thank Case Western Reserve University, and the Cleveland Clinic for hosting this event. That's why it is. Furthermore, Scott ran aggressively against the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), and exit polls indicated considerable support for that position.[6]. This guy paid a total of $750 in taxes.. Two-way trial heats between Bush and Clinton in early 1992 showed Bush in the lead. I support the Biden plan that I put forward. Im talking about taxes, not spending. Statewide delegates (theoretically 4) were directly left out of the calculation for Warren due to her withdrawal. Clinton, a leader of the centrist Democratic Leadership Council, established himself as the front-runner for the Democratic nomination by sweeping the Super Tuesday primaries. He also came in 2nd in Maine's 2nd Congressional District where he had his best overall showing. That's a record the likes of which nobody's ever seen before, and he wants to close down the -- he will shut it down again. The race was dominated by the two major party candidates and spending on their behalf. If you're able to vote in person, vote in person. From 1890 to 1910, beginning with Mississippi, Southern states adopted new constitutions and other laws including various devices to restrict voter registration, disfranchising virtually all black and many poor white residents. Once you became vice president he made a fortune in Ukraine, in China, in Moscow and various other places --. And so that's also at stake, right now., You dont know thats on the ballot. President George H. W. Bush and Vice President Dan Quayle easily won renomination by the Republican Party. You pointed it out. Every serious, every serious company is talking about, maybe having the vaccine done by the end of the year, but the distribution of that vaccine will not occur until sometime beginning or the middle of next year to get it out. I just have, like, a very introverted personality. Unlike Bush, Clinton was able to unite his fractious and ideologically diverse party behind his candidacy, even when its different wings were in conflict. Shot. Now, weve found that elderly people with heart problems and diabetes and different problems are very, very vulnerable. I got it done and you know what happened? I don't think I want them in terms of the election itself, but for the ballots I'd say. Asiba Tupahache, a Native American activist from New York was his running-mate. As Lieutenant Governor, succeeded to governorship upon resignation of Robert Bentley on April 10, 2017. If he wins the election and the senate is Democrat or Republican, then he goes forward; if not, we should wait until February. They will leave, and you will have a depression, the likes of which you've never seen. Charlie Crist, if the election were held right now 48% of women said they would vote for Crist, while 45% said they would vote for DeSantis. You were vice president. Democratic dominance of the South originated in the struggle of white Southerners during and after Reconstruction (18651877) to reestablish white supremacy and disenfranchise black people. What is peaceful protest? The Green New Deal and the idea of what, what your environmental changes to --, The Green New Deal will pay for itself as we move forward. You better take a look at that because we caught you in a sense. Governor @JayInslee joins me for a discussion on COVID-19, climate change, and why he's supporting our campaign. But sir, if you believe in the science of climate change, why have you rolled back the Obama Clean Power Plan, which limited carbon emissions in power plants? But over the summer, reality set in: The nearly 50-year landmark Supreme Court decision on Roe v. Wade was gone, leaving state legislatures to determine whether to restrict access to abortion or protect it. [12][13] In total, seven candidates received pledged delegates: Biden, Sanders, Warren, Bloomberg, Buttigieg, Senator Amy Klobuchar and U.S. Representative Tulsi Gabbard. You asked a question--, Totally discredited. By the 1920s, as memories of the Civil War faded, the Solid South cracked slightly. Ill tell you what it means. [51] At issue were the early release of some poll information, issues regarding correcting exit poll data using actual voter totals, and differences between exit polls and official results. In the 1992 election and 1996, when the Democratic ticket consisted of two Southerners, (Bill Clinton and Al Gore), the Democrats and Republicans split the region. Totals reflect the number of active registered voters in the State of Florida. Not really, because what's happening is the car is much less expensive and it's a much safer car. For a period of time, Perot was leading in the polls,[32] but he lost much of his support when he temporarily withdrew from the election, only to declare himself a candidate again soon after. After the convention, Clinton and Gore began a bus tour around the United States, while the Bush/Quayle campaign began to criticize Clinton's character, highlighting accusations of infidelity and draft dodging. [18], John Pappageorge, a Republican state legislator in Michigan, said in summer 2004, "If we do not suppress the Detroit vote, we're going to have a tough time in this election." In 2004, however, the issue received increased attention. March 10 The forest floors are loaded up with trees, dead trees, that a years old and they're like Tinder, and leaves and everything else. We want to -- he wants to shut down the country. I paid 27 million one year --, I went -- you'll see it as soon as it's finished, you'll see it. They didn't have proper health care. Buchanan won 2,899,488 votes; unpledged delegates won 287,383 votes, and David Duke, Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, won 119,115 votes. For Bush to earn a majority of the popular vote, he would have needed 12.2% of Perot's 18.9% of the vote, 65% of Perot's support base. Is it going to change or are we gonna get four more years of these lies? Who do you have? I'm way, way far away from those other people. That's what he said. He wasn't given tens of millions of dollars. Scholar Richard Valelly credited Woodrow Wilson's 1912 election to the disfranchisement of black people in the South, and also noted far-reaching effects in Congress, where the Democratic South gained "about 25 extra seats in Congress for each decade between 1903 and 1953".[a][13]. Six pledged delegates are assigned to each territory, 44 to Puerto Rico, and 12 to Democrats Abroad. Many car companies came in from Germany, from China. -- and he didn't have a job until you became vice president. Five states have had mail-in ballots in the last decade or sol, including two republican states. They -- okay, Justice Ginsburg said -- very powerfully, very strongly -- at some point, 10 years ago or so, she said a president and the Senate is elected for a period of time, but a president's elected for four years. They brought back nothing. He went in and he, we were insisting that the Chinese, the people we had on the ground in China should be able to go to watch, and determine for themselves, how dangerous this was. All of these dog whistles and racism don't work anymore. I'd like to ask you about your plans going forward. Whatever position I take on that, that'll become the issue -- the issue is, the American people should speak. Bad things. If I win, that will be accepted.If I lose, it will be accepted. Controlling your fertility and helping your family, for a woman, in particular, is directly related to your ability to be civically engaged, Scoon told the Phoenix. Hem and Roland drew 405 votes. Their job doesn't depend on him. Wait a minute. Accordingly, the Proclamation applied only to the 10 remaining Confederate states. Perot won 18.9% of the popular vote, the highest share of the vote won by a candidate outside of the two major parties since 1912. But are you willing, tonight, to condemn white supremacists and militia groups? If I may ask that question, sir. Very quickly, we could do that but if - the National Guard it would be over. I have Florida, I have Texas, I have, Ohio. The tight and highly contentious election was one of the standout races in 2010. That is not what you said. They said it was a miracle to bring back manufacturing, I brought back 700,000 jobs. This is in contrast to states like Kansas, where 49% of new registered voters were women before the draft opinion leak, jumping up to 65% after the final Dobbs decision. Bush won that state with 43.36%. Everything was good, everything was go -- And by the way, there was unity. This was also the most recent time that a third-party candidate won at least one county. Nixon carried Virginia, Tennessee, and Florida. There is no evidence of that. Southern demography also began to change. And with regard to more divided, the nation can't stay divided. He's going to go. In the 2000 election, especially in the disputed recounts in Florida, there were issues concerning the ambiguities and uncertainties that arose from punch-card ballots, such as the hanging chads (incompletely punched holes). When you leave office, you don't leave any judges. And he's a fool on that.. I'm ready to work with Bernie to ensure that their voices are heard in November and that @JoeBiden is our next president", "Tom Steyer Will Run for President and Plans to Spend $100 Million on His Bid", "Tom Steyer drops out of the 2020 presidential race", "Deval Patrick announces 2020 presidential bid", "Deval Patrick drops out of Democratic presidential race", "Americans are asking two questions in this election: Who can beat Donald Trump, and who can get anything done? [53] California, which had been a Republican stronghold since 1952, was now trending Democratic. They're dying in the suburbs. We worked with the governors. Mr. President, theres a moderator. We know that women need to get out to the polls. You know, I'd like to talk about climate change. He did a crime bill, 1994, where you call them super predators. Resigned upon victory in the Democratic primary for the United States Senate, August 4, 1941. He still, for example, makes sure that we- He wants to make sure that methane is not a problem. But he sits in his golf course -- I mean, literally, think about it --, What about this question of reopenings, and the fact that --, Well, he wants to shut down this country. Those are your two words. You gotta open the states up. The Cobb campaign claimed that the precincts were not randomly selected and the ballots were pre-sorted. If you did that the car would be safer, it would be much cheaper-, Take a lot of cars off the market because people would be able to afford a car. So the question is, is this really a party issue? Under the campaign slogan "God, Guns and Gritz" and publishing his political manifesto "The Bill of Gritz" (playing on his last name rhyming with "rights"), he called for staunch opposition to what he called "global government" and "The New World Order", ending all foreign aid, abolishing federal income tax, and abolishing the Federal Reserve System. And do you support- Let me finish the question. Name one group that supports you. President Trump, in this first segment you go first. No one has established at all, that there is fraud related to mail-in ballots. [3], Aside from such official actions, there were disputes about other voter registration activities. [53] On December 5, 2004 Charles Stewart III of MIT released a revised report which, he said, used pre-corrected data. You just lost the left. [61], Some of the issues described above have created problems for voters generally. It's a record., Looking at both your records, why should voters elect you president, as opposed to President Trump -- You get two minutes uninterrupted.. Junius Marion Futrell, as the new president of the senate, acted as governor until a special election. [214] All media sponsors selected to host a debate will as a new rule be required to appoint at least one female moderator for each debate, to ensure there will not be a gender-skewed treatment of the candidates and debate topics.[215]. Well, let me finish. There's nothing we cannot do, if we do it together. Dr. Fauci said the opposite.. The 1968 election had been the first election in which both the Upper South and Deep South bolted from the Democratic party simultaneously. The next day, with over 99% of precincts reporting, Scott maintained about a 1% lead in the raw vote. Gentlemen, a lot of people have been waiting for this night, so let's get going. Its about decency. bit.ly/2TzVKbS", "Democrat Hickenlooper drops out of 2020 presidential race", "Ex-Alaska Sen. Mike Gravel Ends Unorthodox 2020 Campaign, Endorses Bernie Sanders And Tulsi Gabbard", "The Teens Have Officially Convinced Mike Gravel to Run for President", "Democrat Eric Swalwell drops out of 2020 presidential race, becoming first prominent Democrat to do so", "We are beating @realDonaldTrump this November.