Mazzocchi, Fulvio. Moreover, the instructions, if given, were at a relatively high level, and there were links to the JEL classification codes guide on the AEA webpage. The subject of "information economics" is treated under Journal of Economic Literature classification code JEL D8 - Information, Knowledge, and Uncertainty. The current version of the JEL classification system (EconLit subject descriptors) is accessible online on the webpage of the AEA [2]. Urban land management is of great significance to global climate change mitigation, improving ecological quality, promoting economic development, and ensuring sustainable urban development. Journal of Labor Economics 25, no. 1: v. Pencavel, John. SilverPlatter Information, Inc. was acquired by Wolters Kluwer in 2001. The Journal of Economic Literature is a peer-reviewed academic journal on economics published by the American Economic Association. Card, David and Stefano DellaVigna. Relatedly, Hamermesh (2013, 168) notes that while it is easy to obtain authors classifications of their published papers by subject (JEL code), the subject does not automatically imply method because, for instance, field experiment methods can be used in diverse areas, such as industrial organization, labor economics, and public economics. Classification System for Books and Articles. 1999. Available at: Origins and history of the JEL code system Institutions Rule: The Primacy of Institutions Over Geography and Integration in Economic Development. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Journal of Economic Literature (June 2011 CD) at the best online prices at eBay! The JEL classification system has grown to more than 850 sub-categories, which the AEAs JEL codes guide helps to use. 2019. 2015), a journal that was among the highest ranking according to IDEAS/RePEc (Research Papers in Economics) Aggregate Rankings for Journals was chosen. Over time, it has evolved and extended to a system with over 850 subclasses. 4). B10 - General. "Inside Job or Deep Impact? . Section 3 discusses the coverage and structure of the JEL codes classification system. There are currently no competing classification systems in the field of economics, with the exception of some library classifications. The system is used to classify articles, dissertations, books, book reviews, and working papers in EconLit, and in many other applications. Abstract: Journal of Economic Literature 7, no. . New changes to the classification system appear as soon, In this paper, I suggest that the history of the classification system used by the American Economic Association (AEA) to list economic literature and scholars is a relevant proxy to understand the, The use and prevalence of JEL code categorization is wide in the field of economics, but what do JEL code classifications actually tell us? IDEAS: Research classified by Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) codes, One result is that JEL category M: Business Economics, in particular, appears to be thematically and spatially distinct from much of the rest of the published literature in the top general interest journals in the field. For each classification level, there are both guidelines and keywords; however, keywords are often not specified in the case of higher levels of JEL codes. 2019. 2017. Available at: By clicking the "Accept" button or continuing to browse our site, you agree to first-party and session-only cookies being stored on your device to enhance site navigation and analyze site performance and traffic. The first page should include the title, a short abstract of approximately 100 words, a list of keywords, and appropriate Journal of Economic Literature(JEL) classification codes. National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) working papers are among the most influential working papers in economics (Lusher et al. 13. Notably, the Guidelines and Caveats sections may include instructions regarding the choice of other JEL codes (e.g., cross-classifications) and information on the focal JEL codes in relation to other JEL codes, as demonstrated in Figure 1. The Quarterly Journal of Economics offers free reproduction of color figures in the online version (figures in the print version will appear in black and white). National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper no. Heckman and Moktan (2020) critically note that economics faculties hiring, promotion, tenure, and prize committee discussions assess candidates based on the number of top five articles they have published or have in the pipeline and the rapidity with which they were generated. The Most Cited Articles from the Top-5 Journals (19912015). The Oligopoly of Academic Publishers in the Digital Era. 2013. Econstor: About, accessed 27 Feb 2022. 213: 132138. Bornmann, Lutz and Klaus Wohlrabe. This is another interesting topic for future research. Classification System for Articles and Abstracts. Julian Reiss and Conrad Heilmann. Edward Craig. In line with Kosniks (2018) observations, the authors in most of these examples assigned more JEL codes in their working paper versions compared to the final published version of the articles. Kempf, Andreas and Joachim Neubert. Artificial Intelligence in the Field of Economics, Center for Research in Economics, Management and the Arts (CREMA) Working Paper, No. Journal of Economic Perspectives 20 no. 1: 78. Journal Of Economic Literature is categorized under Publishers (SIC code 2741). The Scholarly Journal Literature of Economics: A Historical Profile of the AER, JPE, and QJE. It is the most general-interest journal among those specializing in economic theory. 2011. Currently, the quarterly issues of the Journal of Economic Literature include survey articles on economic literature, book reviews, an annotated index of new books in economics, a content listing and subject index of journal articles, and abstracts of articles from selected journals [6]. Exploring the World of Economics Through RePEc Data. Report of the Editor: Journal of Economic Literature. At the website of the University of Cambridge, one can search by JEL code for Cambridge Working Papers in Economics (CWPE) [18]. Faria, Juan. In the Internet era, the AEA web (i.e., AEAs homepage) was designed to be a one-stop portal for economists, where most of the content could be accessed, including online journals access for AEA members, and where also [t]he JEL classification system, widely used by economics journals to classify articles by subject, can be reached with two clicks (Ekwurzel and McMillan 2001, 78). Recent Trends in Co-authorship in Economics: Evidence from RePEc. It is consistently ranked as one of the top journals in economics, and it is widely read by macroeconomists, financial economists, central bankers, and many others. 2000. 4. Taylor & Francis webpage has a section that responds to the question, Can I search for economics articles by JEL code? [26]. Journal Ranking Methodology and Results To construct our teaching-focused research ranking of economics journals, departments, and faculty we examined published articles that list one or more of the economic education classification codes from the Journal of Economic Literature (hereafter, JEL): A200-A290. (2006b) identifies fields of highly cited economics papers by collecting the first JEL code listing in EconLit. Journal of Business & Finance Librarianship 23 no. JEL code information available in RePEc has been used in multiple studies (e.g., Rath and Wohlrabe 2016; Orazbayev 2017; Colussi 2018; Zacchia 2021). IDEAS/RePEc ranks NBER technical working papers and NBER working papers among the most influental working paper series irrespective of the method to calculate the impact factor. adresearch . 12526. You will also find it is helpful when adding classification codes to your own work. 2010. 24. One can browse research by these author-assigned JEL codes on SSRN. Economics Online. The year 1995 marked an important milestone in the digitization of economic research as the first CD-ROM version of the full text of the Journal of Economic Literature issue was published, and this was, according to Pencavel (1996, 7), the first journal in economics available in this form. Hamermesh, Daniel. The guide provides JEL Code application guidelines, keywords, and examples of items within each classification. 1: 112. 2021-28, CREMA, Zrich. (2021, 156), the common use of JEL codes only identifies the academic setting for each paper but does not identify the underlying economic concept the paper addresses. Most of them were members of the JEL board of editors at the time. According to Cherrier (2017), in the past, incremental changes to the JEL classification system were decided upon and implemented through exchanges between the JEL board of editors and the Pittsburgh office, where the bibliographical department was managed (first by Naomi Perlman and from 1985 by Drucilla Ekwurzel). Many other economists also commented on the draft structures before Pencavel, Drucilla Ekwurzel, and Asatoshi Maeshiro made them consistent and finalized the new classification. 2003. As a practical application, the JEL classification system is used to classify job postings in the American Economic Associations Job Openings for Economists (JOE) Listings online service [35]. Diversity in Economics: An Analysis of Journal Quality Perceptions. On the other hand, there are also cases (e.g. To our knowledge, it has not been documented whether the development of the JEL classification codes system has had an impact or has been impacted by other library classification systems; however, Cherrier (2017) notes that in the 1950s, librarians from the Library of Congress urged the AEA to provide a new classification scheme that could serve as a reference point for all the institutions dealing with economic literature. Contains a literature. For more information on our use of cookies, please see our Privacy Policy. Acemoglu, Daron, Simon Johnson and James A. Robinson. EBSCO Publishing began offering the database as EconLit with Full Text (EL w/FT), a significantly enhanced version of the database that incorporates full-text articles for 401 of the more than 750 leading economic journals indexed in EConLit. Ellison, Glenn. International Economic Association Series. Most of the reviewed journals did not explicitly guide or instruct on the selection of JEL codes. Cherrier (2017, 569) also explains that due to the development of ELI/EconLit, the literature search was increasingly done through keywords and less through JEL code filtering, although the latter was still dominant in the 1980s. The latest big change to the system was implemented in 1991, and since then, there have been incremental changes and occasional additions to the system (Cherrier 2017). Boppart, Timo and Kevin E. Staub. Ekwurzel (1995, 105) notes that by 1992, journal and abstract coverage in the online bibliography was expanded to include both journals and abstracts not indexed in JEL and that more than 430 economics journals were indexed online in 1994. At the most detailed level, there are also caveats mentioned and links to example articles given. 2012. Southeast Asian countries, which have diverse backgrounds. Cambridge University, Faculty of Economics: JEL Codes Full List, accessed 20 Feb 2022. AEA: EconLit,, accessed 24 Feb 2022. 30. AEA: JEL Classification Codes Guide, accessed 22 Feb 2022. Caruso and Campiglio (2007) report that among top economic journals, the average number of JEL codes per article ranged between 1.2 in The Quarterly Journal of Economics and 3.3 in the American Economic Review. 1: 162172. Organization Setting Organizational Structure Essay Organization Setting Organizational Structure Essay Organizational Structure Organizational structure defines the hierarchy within an organization by identifying each job and where it reports to within the organization.SIMPATH 415 ASU Hospital Organization Setting Organizational Structure Essay. About Methodology of Assessment of Economic Potential of Regions (Fundamental research) . Prof. John Pencavel, the editor of the Journal of Economic Literature 1986-1998, declared in his Report of the Editor (1990, p.476) that the mission of the Journal of Economic Literature is to help members of the Association keep abreast of research developments in various fields of economics. SSRN: What are JEL Codes, accessed 20 Feb 2022. Axarloglou, Kostas and Vasilis Theoharakis. The coverage of EconLit is discussed briefly in Section 3. Available at: 7, No. 15. Organization Setting Organizational Structure . Are there differences between economists and non-economists? 2001. Available at: (2021) use JEL codes in their analysis of the evolution of the philosophy of economics by particularly focusing on B4 Economic Methodology., accessed 27 Feb 2022. 5: 14951529. It is used in many of the AEA's published research materials. The energy communities can integrate distributed energy resources, especially among local energy systems, playing a decisive role to support people around the world in the transition process towards sustainable development and . 2: 40639. Concerning the basic units of JEL codes, they are the specialties and disciplines of economics, but what are the theoretical commitments and criteria for ordering these units into a classification? 2019. The early JEL bibliography was stored on magnetic tapes, which made it possible to mount the Economic Literature Index (ELI) on the DIALOG Information Retrieval Service in 1981 (Ekwurzel 1995) [7]. As of 27 Feb 2022, the number of the latest working paper was 29785; however, currently, one cannot search or browse working papers by JEL code on the NBER webpage as the Topics filter differs from the JEL classification [34]. Applied Economics Letters 23 no. 3, September 2022 View Current Issue View All Issues Find articles in this journal Abstract Author The Journal of Economic Literature codes classification system (JEL) published by the American Economic Association (AEA) is the de facto standard classification system for research literature in economics. 12. 22. AEA, American Economic Association. Semantic Scholar is a free, AI-powered research tool for scientific literature, based at the Allen Institute for AI. The American Economic Review 89 no. . 1991a. Optimization processes in mathematics, computer science, and economics solve problems effectively by selecting the best element from a set of available alternatives. 34. Introduction 2015. 2. Prof. John Pencavel, email to author, 24 May 2022. While the AEAs EconLit (Ekwurzel and Saffran 1985; Ekwurzel 1995; Millhorn 2000; Zhang and Su 2018) is probably the most authoritative source of economic literature, it is proprietary and requires a subscription. Many translated example sentences containing "journal of economic literature" - Spanish-English dictionary and search engine for Spanish translations. We reviewed instructions for authors by major publishers regarding JEL codes and documented differences: some have instructions, while others do not use JEL codes at all. A few categories have been removed, while much more new codes have been added, including E7 Macro-Based Behavioral Economics, G4 Behavioral Finance, G5 Household Finance, Z2 Sports Economics, and Z3 Tourism Economics with respective 3-digit subclasses. As a partial solution to the burgeoning economics literature, in 1961, a committee of the AEA began to publish the Index of Economic Journals to facilitate access to the literature of economics (Ekwurzel 1995). Journal of Economic Literature 58 no. Most journals use these codes, allowing authors to tag individual articles with the most relevant JEL number(s). Kosnik (2018) further notes that while authors tend to assign more JEL codes to their papers, they are distinguished often by differing subcategories and not by broad categories compared to editors, and while editors assign fewer total JEL codes per paper, they seem to assign more codes to articles crossing discipline boundaries. Register. What Does It Take to Be Top Women Economists? 2021. Petrova, Stefka and Pavel Petrov. Coats, A, W. 1969. Acknowledgments Hjrland, Birger. Is Classification Necessary after Google? Journal of Documentation 68: 299317. The other was the Royal Library in Copenhagen, where the subject specialist in economics (and editor of Nationalkonomisk Tidsskrift), Thorkild Davidsen in the 1980 modified the library's catalogue for foreign literature in accordance with the JEL-codes. Business Administration and Business Economics; Marketing; Accounting; Personnel Economics: General. Normalization of Citation Impact in Economics. D'Orlando, Fabio. The Bliss Classification Bulletin No. Coverage: 1969-2019 (Vol. 25. 60, No. Journal of Economic Literature 29, no. Taxonomy. Oxford University Press: JEL code information. 33. ing. 6: e0127502. Journal of Economic Literature 58, no. In 1911, the AEA founded the American Economic Review (AER) as a journal for its members (Coats 1969; Ekwurzel 1995). To search for papers by JEL code, simply type the JEL code into the search bar. 2018. The guide provides JEL Code application guidelines, keywords, and examples of items within each classification. Working paper (May 10, 2016 version), mimeo. Journal of Economic Literature codes classification system (JEL) is a domain-specific hierarchical alphanumeric classification scheme and a core knowledge organization system (Mazzocchi 2018) in the field of economics. Table 1 illustrates how the main classes of the JEL code system have evolved over time, and Table 4 presents the current number of different-level JEL codes. Moreover, the JEL Classification Codes Guide is available on the AEA webpage under the section Resources [23]. 5: 13691401. Nowell and Grijalva (2011) explain that co-authorship appears to differ by JEL code: the share of single-authored papers is highest in N Economic History and B History of Thought, whereas G Financial Economics and Q Agricultural and Natural Resource are the most prone to co-authorship. Variance of type size within an illustration should be minimal, e.g., do not use 8-pt type on an axis and 20-pt type for the axis label. In this regard, a person acts rationally if they have a good reason for what they do or a belief is rational if it is based on strong evidence.This quality can apply to an ability, as in rational animal, to a psychological process, like reasoning, to mental states, such as beliefs and intentions, or to persons who possess these . 1: 249272. Classification System for Articles and Abstracts. AEA: AEA Journals,, accessed 22 Feb 2022 listed the following: The "JEL" classification system originated with the Journal of Economic Literature and is a standard method of classifying scholarly literature in the field of economics. As noted by Fernandez et al. In addition, research proposals are often appraised by their potential to generate publication in the top five journals. 5. 2005. Boppart and Staub (2016, Appendix, Figure A.1) illustrate that the average number of JEL codes per article has evolved over time: they show that the increase between 1991 and 2009 is clearly visible at the 1-digit, 2-digit, and 3-digit levels in 50 core journals of economics. 2021. Articles in economics journals are usually classified according to JEL classification codes, which derive from the Journal of Economic Literature. In 1991, the average number of 3-digit JEL codes was less than two, whereas in 2009, it was approaching three. Conclusion 4.1 Use of the JEL codes in libraries and library classifications Clearly, some classes were more popular than others. There are several interesting avenues for future research. Szostak (2003) provided a simple way to classify theory types and methods based on five questions: Who?, What?, Where?, When?, and Why?. Submit now JEL Codes Explained Articles from Oxford Journals economics titles are classified according to the system used by the Journal of Economic Literature (commonly known as 'JEL codes'). 2002. In 2010, the World Health Organization (WHO) released Increasing Access to Health Workers in Remote and Rural Areas Through Improved Retention: Global Policy Recommendations, a re Recently, there has been an ongoing global debate on the issues of energy safety, energy autonomy, and energy alleviation policies in developed and developing countries. You can read content on your p . The most common relationship is to a previous and/or continuing title, where a journal continues publishing with a change to its official title. As the carrier of global urbanization, urban land is the basic means of productivity and life of urban residents. One can access the up-to-date classification and related JEL classification codes guide online [9]. Journal of Political Economy 110, no. The number of indexed journals has evolved over time, and as of February 2022, there were more than 2015 distinct International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) entries in the list of journals indexed in EconLit [16]. Knowledge Organization 45 no. The Journal of Economic Theory publishes original research on economic theory. 2: 151155. accordance with the established codes for international research of bibliographical production. 2021. 32. ISSN 0520-2795. According to the AEAs official webpage of the JEL. As stated by Hull (1998, 272), the fundamental elements of any classification are its theoretical commitments, basic units and the criteria for ordering these basic units into a classification. MPRA Paper 6797, University Library of Munich, Germany. Login. 3: 658673. Of the 2015 journals, EconLit reportedly has coverage to the present day for some three quarters (1455) of the distinct journals. Cherrier (2017) vividly describes the evolution of the JEL classification system and discusses the underlying dynamics and debates in the Executive Committee of the AEA and between leading economists [10]. Current and further developments of supervised and unsupervised topic modeling techniques and machine-learning tools can increasingly answer such questions. According to prof. Pencavel, when he as the editor of the Journal of Economic Literature initiated and was assigned the task to revise the JEL classification (Pencavel 2008), he suggested the first level of classification by letters and then asked members of his JEL board to supply the next level of classification by numbers. In the field of economics, there is clear domination by top journals (Ellison 2002; Kim et al. Palgrave Macmillan. Permission to Reproduce Figures and Extracts How can the economic research community further develop and potentially automate the process of JEL code classification? 2021). C: Mathematical and Quantitative Methods. A: General Economics and Teaching. It should be noted that many online repositories, such as arXiv, do not provide the alternative to search by JEL codes as they are an economics-specific classification system. Philosophy of Economics? Larrosa, Juan. The Colonial Origins of Comparative Development: An Empirical Investigation. Section 5 discusses selected applications of the JEL code system in research, and Section 6 concludes. rights reserved. As the JEL codes are naturally economics-specific, they cannot be used as a general library classification system. A2 - Economic Education and Teaching of Economics A20 - General A21 - Pre-college A22 - Undergraduate A23 - Graduate A29 - Other A3 - Collective Works A30 - General Interestingly, in top economics journals published by the AEA, authors assign their own JEL codes, but editors may then assign their own codes (Kosnik 2018). 2. On the AEA maintained webpages of each of these journals, there are no separate JEL code instructions; however, the list of JEL codes is available both in JEL format (hierarchical) and EconLit format (non-hierarchical) on the webpage of the AEA under the section EconLit, and there are some EconLit Search Hints that also include the use of JEL codes or a Subject classification system [22]. For more information on our use of cookies, please see our Privacy Policy. Several studies have used different levels of JEL codes, or JEL codes have served as a basis to create tailored or aggregated categories for economics papers (e.g., Ellison 2002; Kim et al. PloS one 10 no. 1969. See, e.g., IDEAS/RePEc Aggregate Rankings for Working Paper Series, accessed 28 Feb 2022. Publishing and Promotion in Economics: The Tyranny of the Top Five. 2: 305319. R.C.J. Table of contents: Trend of Subjects Published in Economics Journals 19692007. Article Information; Comments (0)Abstract Linear panel models featuring unit and time fixed effects appear in many areas of empirical economics. Figure captions must be suitably worded to apply to both the print and online versions of the article. 2020; Fernandez et al. The guide provides JEL Code application guidelines, keywords, and examples of items within each classification. It is used in many of the AEA's published research materials. While one can also view JEL codes of the search result documents if they are available in the original publication, there is no alternative to search by JEL code under the Advanced search option; however, a project has been launched to create a mapping between the STW (Standard-Thesaurus Wirtschaft) Thesaurus for Economics extended search terms and JEL classification codes (Kempf and Neubert 2016; Rebholz et al. The Game Academics Play: Editors Versus Authors. the American Economic Review (AER, since 1911); The Journal of Economic Literature (since 1969), Journal of Economic Perspectives (since 1987), a group of four field journals (since 2009) including American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, American Economic Jounal: Macroeconomics, American Economic Journal: Microeconomics and American Economic Review: Insights (since 2019), AEA Papers and Proceedings (until 2017 as part of AER after which as a separate journal) which features papers presented in the AEA meetings in January. 2020; Card et al. 2020). Available at: The Journal of Economic Literature (JEL), first published in 1969, is designed to help economists keep abreast of the vast flow of literature. Nowell, Clifford and Therese Grijalva. The idea of this two-level classification and revision was to facilitate search efforts, and more generally, there was a need to respond both to the expanding volume of research in the well-established areas of economics and to research in economics invading less conventional areas of social science [12].