They may range of 0.4 to 70 cm and have thalloid body. Sporophylls Point out the characteristics of the Animalia Kingdom, Provide some examples of the Animalia Kingdom's organisms. Clones are individuals that have exactly the same The phylogenetic system of classification indicates the evolutionary as well as genetic relationships among organisms. . In brown algae, mannitol and laminarin are the main reserve food material, whereas in red algae floridean starch is the reserve food material. After fertilization, zygote also divides by mitosis to produce a diploid saprophytic plant body. Answer: They are also found in human skin, oral cavity and colon as well. (a) Regeneration Retrieved on November 08, 2022 from How can we use AI to Preserve Privacy in Biomedicine? Angiosperms have vessels in xylem. Chlorella can tolerate moderately warm waters. Vegetative propagation is the term used for Question 36. Types of Bryophytes Xylem consists of tracheids and phloem is made up of sieve cells and albuminous cells. 2017. (a) syngamy (ii) In this system several related families are separated and unrelated families are put together. Some animals, like the cuttlefish, which isn't a fish at all but a mollusk, similar to an octopus, can change colors. These are attached on the substratum with the help of holdfast. (d) monoecious Gemmae are green, multicellular, asexual buds which develop in small receptacles called gemma cups located on the thalli. Examples Cycas, Pinus, Ginkgo, Ephedra, Gnetum, Vaucheria, Cedrus, Abies, etc. - Lesson for Kids, Data Visualization: Techniques & Best Practices, Mouth Cancer: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment, What is Angiogenesis? Answer: (c) 12, 24, 24, Question 16. (c) dioecious The zygote develops into embryo and the primary endosperm nucleus develops into an endosperm. Answer: * Sexual reproduction may be isogamous, anisogamous or oogamous. The important salient features of algae are given below Embryo and Life Cycle Some fungi are parasitic and can infect the host. Types of Taxonomies It is partially embedded. (b) Platypus, Crocodile Archaebacteria:Archaebacteria are simple in their organization. Coenocytic or siphonaceaus thallus occurs in Caulerpa. (b) Budding Answer: The kingdoms defined by him were named Monera, protista, Fungi, Plantae and Animalia. The plant body (thallus) is without differentiation. * Vegetative Reproduction It occurs by fragmentation and by budding in the secondary protonema from exposed rhizoids and other parts (like gemmae, buds and tubers). (b) Y Out of which one is enclosed within the megasporangium (nucellus) and develops into a multicellular female gametophyte, bearing two or more archegonia of female sex organs. There are about 7000 species in this class. After fertilisation, the zygote develops into a sporophyte, consisting of foot, seta and capsule (containing spores). NNehring / Getty Images. (d) All of these However, given the soft body of fungi, fossils are rare, and thus it is difficult to establish their true ancestry, though fossilized spores embedded in plant or animal fossils can be found and studied using microscopy techniques such as scanning electron microscopy. (c) Cell Wall The cell wall contains cellulose, pectic compounds and certain mucopolysaccharides called phycocolloids, such as agar, carrageenin, etc. (d) DNA of parent and offspring are completely different These branching structures grow into a root-like vegetative mass named a mycelium, which acts to absorb nutrients from the environment rather than relying on photosynthesis. (c) frogs One of the male gametes fuses with the egg cell to form a zygote (syngamy). However, they dilfer in their dominant phases. The plant body of large forms often differentiated into holdfast (with which it usually attaches to the substratum) a stalk called the stipe and lamina (frond), which is photosynthetic. (i) Chromosome number is constant for a species, e.g., 46 in man, 48 in apes and potato, 20 in maize, 16 in onion and 8 in Drosophila. Parasitic fungi that commandeer nutrients from plant hosts utilize specialized hyphal structures that allow them to penetrate host cells. (i) Psilopsida (Psilotum) 3 Domains of Life Tree (Source: Wikimedia) What is Domain Eukarya? gram positive and gram negative bacteria. * Fucus and Laminaria are rich in iodine. (c) Marsilea (d) 24, 12, 24. "What are Fungi?". They consist of upright, slender axes bearing spirally arranged leaves. Ask your rep for details. Classification of Pteridophytes The male gametes are carried to the archegonia, i.e., gamete in the ovule by means of a tube called pollen tube and discharge their contents near the mouth of the archegonia. Answer: (d) the organisms habitat, physiology and genetic makeup. These animals are multi-celled, heterotrophic eukaryotes with aerobic respiration, sexual reproduction and the ability to move. Answer: (b) Potato and sweet potato Question 5. (c) Agave and Dioscorea (a) water Deposition of calcareous shell around zygote occurs in (a) Bamboo Tap roots are present for proper anchorage to heavy plant. Class Osteichthyes Characteristics & Examples | What is Osteichthyes? The members of Rhodophyceae are commonly called red algae because of the predominance of the red pigment,i.e., r-phycoerythrin in their body. Sexual reproduction is considered more beneficial than asexual reproduction because The spores germinate to give rise to inconspicuous, small but multicellular free-living, mostly photosynthetic thalloid gametophytes called prothallus. For instance, creatures in the Animalia Kingdom are: The Animalia Kingdom is vast with many unique and interesting organisms. The stems are branched {Pinus, Cedrus) or unbranched {Cycas). Such informations become more important in the absence of supporting fossil evidences. Single-celled animals are said to be immortal because It occurs by a number of accessory spores, such as zoospores aplanospores, akinetes, carpospores, etc. (d) none of these. What will be the number of chromosomes in its somatic cell? If fungi thrived on land as early as 1 billion years ago they may have prepared the soil for the arrival of plants and subsequently acted in a symbiotic manner with them, allowing for the formation of niches and greater diversification. (b) Nucleus (a) Brinjal, Question 12. The first of the five phyla is chytridiomycosis (Chytrids), the oldest lineage of fungi. thinning paints, varnishes, etc., and resin is used (c) Reproduction It may occur both by asexual and sexual means. Asexual Reproduction (b) Bulbil Fertilisation and Development of a Seed (i) A dominant, independent, photosynthetic, thalloid or erect phase is represented by a haploid gametophyte. It occurs by fusion of two gametes. 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Plus, get practice tests, quizzes, and personalized coaching to help you It can be through fragmentation, fission, Kingdom Monera is further divided into a) Archaebacteria- The most simple and primitive form of bacteria that can survive in extreme conditions. (i) This is not helpful in plant identification. The definitive source of meaningful and informative explanations of biological concepts. (c) it rapidly multiplies the population Answer: Both archaebacteria and eubacteria are single-celled microorganisms, which are usually called prokaryotes. Other animals are slow, like the giant tortoise (0.2 mph) and the sloth (1 mph). Clear cut vegetative, reproductive and senescent phases cannot be observed in (Hi) The algae Gelidium and Gracilaria are used to produce agar, which is used in preparation of ice creams and jellies. (b) DNA of only one parent is copied and passed on to the offspring In this type, there are two distinct multicellular phases, diploid sporophyte and haploid gametophyte are present. Resin is a semifluid secreted by special tubes of a number of conifers. In which one pair, both the plants can be vegetatively propagated by leaf pieces? Identify the given vegetative propagule. Similarly, puffball mushrooms with enclosed spore-bearing structures have been found to have independently evolved at least four times throughout history. This system of classification is used by most of the well known Herbaria of the world. (c) sexually reproducing diploid individuals (a) X An anther contains four microsporangia where microspore mother cells become differentiated to form four microspores, each developing into a pollen grain. Strobilanthus kunthiana flowers once in (b) Heterogamy In this process, fusion occurs between morphologically as well as physiologically different gametes. Male gamete is more active and female gamete is less active and bigger in size, e.g., Some species of Chlamydomonas. Fertilisation Archaebacteria: Introns are present in archaebacteria. (d) Antherozoid, Question 41. (c) Both X and Y if) Reproduction Vegetative reproduction occurs by fragmentation, regeneration of hold fast and gemmae. The Basidiomycota (club fungi) bear large swollen nodules at the terminal end of their hyphae that act as their reproductive organs, often seen as mushrooms. (c) 20 Asexual Reproduction It occurs by fragmentation of thalli or by the formation of specialised structures called gemmae (sing, gemma). The details of this system are not described here. Structurally, eukaryotes possess a cell wall, which supports and protects the plasma membrane. (c) 20 years Most fungi are microscopic, consisting of thread-like structures less than 10 m in diameter named hyphae. Question 40. Sexual reproduction is performed by isogamy, anisogamy and oogamy. (a) being monocarpic Question 19. It is also used in clearing liqueurs and finishing leather, etc. They are used in scrubbing and polishing. Disadvantages of natural system are given below Halophiles live in water with high concentrations of salts. Greenwood, Michael. Kingdom Monera is classified into three sub-kingdoms- Archaebacteria, Eubacteria, and Cyanobacteria. (d) 50 years. It alternates with multicellular saprophytic/autotrophic, ii. (a) heterothallic (a) Ornithorhynchus and Echidna Methanogens are found in oxygen-free environments like marshes, lake sediments and digestive tracts of animals, producing methane gas. The megaspores and microspores germinate and give rise to female and male gametophytes respectively. (a) proper embryonic care and protection is absent, Question 57. Question 14. Asexual reproduction of archaebacteria is identified, occurring by binary fission, budding and fragmentation. (d) all of these BiologyMCQs for Class 12 Chapter Wise with Answers PDF Download was Prepared Based on Latest Exam Pattern. (iii) Equisetum stems have rough surfaces. (male and female) formative and responsible for the sexual reproduction. A distinct male gametophyte is present. (d) birds Pteridophytes are primitive seedless vascular plants also called cryptogams. (c) A piece of ginger rhizome Question 52. Stamens are considered as the male sex organs of a flower. The male gametes released from the antheridia and reach to the mouth of archegonium. This system remained in use for about two thousand years. (iv) Ephedrine an antibiotic is obtained from Ephedra. (ii) Ferns protect soil from erosion by providing a good cover on the hill slopes and other fragile places.