Zawiyat el-Mahjoub medical clinic, Zawiya, Libya. Used for training in limited areas. Range indicator on the 60 mm mortar cannon handle and firing mechanism. The most common way of stopping the escape of the gases is to use a series of gas check bands. To increase cooling efficiency, the breech end is finned; though first-hand accounts attest that the level of cooling is negligible. Otherwise, it is carried disassembled in three loads, (barrel, baseplate and bipod with sights, each approximately 11kg), normally carried by a vehicle or helicopter and assembled for firing from the ground. The U.S. military uses a variety of mortar calibers for infantry support. Longer-range shots require more propellant than can fit in the tail of the round, hence the necessity of external charges. One person died from fragmentation wounds. The round is used to illuminate targets during night operations. The primer detonates, igniting the charge in the tail fin, which in turn ignites the C-charges on the round. Infrastructure damage: High explosive rounds fired by the M252 weigh 10lb (4.5kg) and can have an effective kill radius of 35m (115ft). Active and passive measures are used to increase survivability. The M29A1, and the M259. Number of mortar shells fired: The M252 system weighs 91lb (41kg) completely assembled and is composed of the M253 Cannon (35lb, 16kg), M177 Mount (27lb, 12kg), M3A1 Baseplate (29lb, 13kg), and the M64A1 Sight Unit (2.5lb, 1.1kg). However, do not discount the role of the 81mm mortar in urban environments. College of Architecture refectory, Damascus University, Syria. The M252 is an adaptation of the British 81mm L16A2 mortar developed in the 1950s. In addition to these three components, modern mortars may also employ a fire-control system (FCS) to help to improve accuracy, set-up times, and speed up the rate of fire. They are also used to deny enemy movement and mobility in certain areas. Number of mortar projectiles fired: One person killed from fragmentation wounds. A single 120 mm mortar projectile was fired into a market in the attack on 5 February 1994 in Sarajevo, killing 68 and injuring approximately 144 civilians (Fish, 2004). Range mortar fired from: Twenty-eight casualties were taken to the State hospital; two of them died following reception. Max Rate of fire: 30 rpm . Each mortar platoon has four 81mm medium mortars at its disposal one for each squad. The maximum range of a mortar projectile is directly affected by the model of mortar it is fired from, as well as the number of incremental propellant charges. Ranger of the 1st Ranger Battalion firing an M2 60mm mortar , World War II. The M252 Mortar System consists of the following major components: Page last modified: 30 rpm. With standard mortar, the maximum effective range is close to 4,000 metres; with a long-range system, this increases to nearly 4,500 metres. Damage: For conventional fire, the range of the M224 is listed at 3,490 meters (approximately 2.17 miles) while a range of 1,340 meters is approximated for hand-held firing. 5,700m. [4][7] The Marines developed an improved M252A2 version that weighs about 8.16kg (18 pounds) less than the original and incorporates a 4 magnification sight with a new cooling system.[8]. The M252 is a gravity-fired smoothbore system. One 81 mm high explosive mortar round (as determined by Human Rights Watch, based on remnants and impact marks). It originated as a joint design by the UK and Canada. They make large deflection shifts by shifting the bipod assembly and keep the bubbles level during firing. I seem to recall that the older ammo for the m29 had a max range of about 4500 meters, while the newer ammo had a max range of about 5700 meters give or take. Training practice (TP): Designations M880, M879, M68, and sabot. Sometimes referred to as the poor mans artillery, they are simple to manufacture and operate, rugged, portable, cheap, and versatile, although generally less accurate than artillery (Dullum et al., 2016). These can also include infrared (IR) illumination, not visible to the naked eye without the use of other optic systems. The term indirect fire means firing at an enemy without having a direct line of sight. [4][5] In November 2016, the Watervliet Arsenal received a contract to produce the bipods which have an "A" shaped bipod frame with deliveries to be completed by March 2020. Mortars can provide a heavy volume of responsive, accurate fire with a variety of ammunition. 28 March 2013, 13:45. This report is concerned with medium and heavy mortars of 81, 82, and 120 mm in calibre. 81 mm mortar projectiles tend to be longer and more aerodynamically efficient than the 82 mm versions, and commonly have a longer range.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, They have the duty of preparing the ammunition (charge settings. The survivors had injuries to limbs and burns. Casualties: The squad leader stands directly behind the mortar where they can command and control their squad. Light mortars can be carried by a single soldier, and are found at the company level of some infantry units. The baseplate of a mortar stabilises the system, and helps prevent the barrel from being driven into the ground by the recoil of firing. 81mm mortar: 4500m, 5700m, or 6,000m 4.2" mortarL 4800m, 5500m, or 6500m . How far can a 81mm mortar shoot? The first ammunition bearer stands to the right rear of the mortar. This brings them within the effective range of the projectile, explaining the terrible outcome in this example. Special SOFREP Birthday Offer - Join Now . Most mortars are restricted in elevation, and are only capable of firing at high-angle trajectories (above 45), meaning that they cannot be used in the direct fire support role (Jenzen-Jones, 2015). A charge is a semi-circular donut of nitrocellulose, which resembles a puffy letter "C." A round for the M252 mortar comes with four charges attached. The M252 Mortar can fire the following principal classifications of training and service ammunition:[9]. There were 127 civilian casualties; 43 of these died and 84 were injured. Damaged one ambulance and three cars. 68 people killed, and approximately 144 people injured. Casualties: "120mm rounds can reach 7,200 meters and the kill radius spans 76 meters in diameter." All mortarmen follow the. It is often the case in conflicts involving irregular forces that the ammunition being fired is not specifically designed for the model of mortar in question (ARES, 2016). Mortars are highly effective in environments like Afghanistan. Most mortars are restricted in elevation, and are only capable of firing at high-angle trajectories (above 45), meaning that they cannot be used in the direct fire support role (Jenzen-Jones, 2015). As the 81mm mortar can be employed and fired quickly it can unexpectedly shift the momentum of a battle when used effectively. Attachment is justified when the mortar platoon cannot give adequate support to a unit by operating in a GS or DS role. They place firing data on the sight and lays the mortar for deflection and elevation. Mortar fires can be massed on a target by the organic unit. Further, in some cases, mortars might be more desirable than artillery or airstrikes, which can create more devastation. Some mortar projectiles use a hard nylon obturating ring or obturator band, instead of gas check bands. 81mm mortar sustained rate of fire. 81mm Mortar Characteristics (1) Plt HQ (2) Sections: (4) squads per Section (1) Squad = (1) M252 82mm + (6) Marines Max Eff: 5,700m 81mm mortar max rate of fire. They are ideal for attacking close in targets, targets on reverse slopes, and those targets in areas difficult to reach with low angle fire. Range mortar fired from: Casualties: The C-charges ignite, releasing hot, expanding gas which pushes against the obturating ring on the projectile, sealing the gas behind the projectile. All Rights Reserved. Mortars are generally one of the most responsive of artillery weapons, capable of engaging targets quickly and at shorter ranges than many artillery guns or rocket systems. The M64A1 sight unit (also used on the M224) is attached to the bipod mount. A lightweight version, the M252A1 was first fielded in December 2014. Mortars can be man packed in terrain where vehicular support is restricted. Their twofold records include a written table of firing data, type, and number of rounds fired, and the safety pins pulled from each round to provide physical evidence to the accuracy of the table. The M252 81mm Mortar System was developed under a co-developement agreement with the United Kingdom to replace the M29A1 Mortar. Thirdly, illumination rounds. Sustained Rate of Fire: 81mm Mortar. [6][4][5] As part of the same program, a lightweight version of the M224 60mm mortar the M224A1 was also developed. M252 81mm Mortars The M252 81mm medium extended range mortar (see diagram below) is a crew-served, smooth bore, muzzle loaded, high angle of fire weapon system. The M252 81mm Medium Extended Range Mortar is a crew-served, medium weight mortar which is highly accurate and provides for a greater range (4,500 meters to 5,650 meters) and lethality than the . Twenty-three died immediately and 104 were injured, of whom 76 were transported to the Koevo University Hospital. Infrared Illumination (IR): Produces illumination which is only visible through the use of night vision devices. Maximum Range: 2.17 miles. Figure 1. Apple TV: The Top 13 Military Shows You Need to Binge-Watch, SITREP: What Russia Officer Casualties tell us about Leadership in the Russian Army, SITREP: The Lessons in a Single Downed Helicopter and Russias Clay Feet, Six Fatal Mistakes Russia Has Made in Ukraine, There Is No Easy Way To Counter Iranian Drones Striking Ukraine, If the US Thought Putins Nuclear Threats Were Serious, Here is what we would be doing, Sanctions Have Russia Building Frankenstein Tanks, Your Subscription Supports our Veteran Staff. The M252 is highly accurate up to ranges of 4500m to 5700m depending on the Advanced Capability Extended Range Mortar (ACERM): Developmental guided round that adds wings, control fins, GPS navigation, a laser seeker, and an enhanced warhead; Illumination (ILLUM): Designations M853A1 and M301-series. Death toll of 26 people, and approximately 41 injured, including women and children. The United Kingdom's L16 81 mm mortar is the standard mortar used by the British armed forces. The M252 81mm medium weight mortar is a British-designed smooth bore, muzzle-loading, high-angle-of-fire weapon used for long-range indirect fire support to light infantry, air assault, and airborne units across the entire front of a battalion zone of influence. However, massing of mortar fires outside the zone of action of the organic unit is difficult due to the limited range of the mortar. The L16 81mm mortar is a British standard mortar used by the Canadian Army, British Army, and many other armed forces. The M29A1 and M259 81-mm mortars are crew-served medium mortars capable of hitting targets at a greater range than the M224 60-mm mortar. One suffered a broken arm, one had fragment wounds to his chest and right leg, and one victim had fragment wounds to the left side of his back, his left calf, right ankle, and right hand. The mortar squad leader verifies the number of charges; then the assistant gunner drops the round down the muzzle of the tube. 5608m. At this caliber, the M252 81mm mortar is practically a light artillery piece. It is most commonly found in the mortar platoon of an infantry battalion. It was introduced in 196566, replacing the Ordnance ML 3 inch Mortar in UK service, where it is used by the British Army, the Royal Marines and the RAF Regiment. HRW was unable to identify which direction the mortar projectile came from. At this caliber, the M252 81mm mortar is practically a light artillery piece. Once the shell explodes, a bright flare ignites and offers light and visibility of the area below. The first UNPROFOR investigation concluded that the direction of fire was 170 degrees, which means that the mortars were located in the vicinity of Mount Trebevic. North Korea Scrambles 180 Jets, South Korea Responds With 80 Jets of its own. Al-Shamasi Neighbourhood, Taiz, Yemen. Five. The round, pulled by gravity, accelerates down the smooth bore of the mortar until the primer (in the base of the tail boom of the round) strikes the firing pin located in the bottom of the mortar tube. British army light role infantry battalions and the Royal Marines may transport their mortars in BvS 10 vehicles (the replacement for the Bv 206). Four people injured. 83m. Then again, last night I blew ~ 50 x 81mm rounds (2 separate point target, 2 tube, heavy, short missions), 12 x 60mm mortar rounds (direct lay targeted), and 6 x 75mm HE tank gun rounds on a single AT gun (behind bocage, but not dug in), and still failed to kill it. The second ammunition bearer stands to the right rear of the mortar behind the first ammunition bearer. Rapid Rate = 30 rounds per min for 2 minutesSustained Rate = 15 rounds per min indefinetly. It is at the shoulder where the shape of the projectile is designed to prevent the gases produced by the propelling charge from escaping past the body of the projectile, and reducing its range. Mortars are transported by vehicle, helicopters, or by man pack. Responsiveness is an inherent characteristic of mortars. The 81 mm mortar platoon employs eight mortars. . List of crew served weapons of the US Armed Forces, "The Marines' Trusty Mortar Is Getting a Major Upgrade", Marines Want a Truck-Mounted Rocket-Launcher that Fits in an Osprey, "Picatinny lightens Soldiers' load, shaves 12 pounds off mortar system", "Army awards $8.5M contract to Watervliet Arsenal to lighten the load for infantrymen, Marines", "Marines get new mortar in Iraq to protect base from IS", Marines In the Hunt for a Mortar Round That Can Fire Up to 12 Miles, "Marines, soldiers could soon carry 'flash bang' mortars", "Need to know, 2015: What's new in gear and uniforms", Iraq: Turning a blind eye: The arming of the Popular Mobilization Units, "Army prepares for rollout of new handheld mortar computers", "Factfile: M252 81mm Medium Extended Range Mortar", The L16 81mm mortar is a British standard mortar used by the Canadian Army, British Army and many other armed forces. The high angle trajectory and long time of flight causes the mortar to be vulnerable to enemy counter fire. Location: It originated as a joint design by the UK and Canada. A crew of five enlisted personnel operate the M252: the squad leader, the gunner, the assistant gunner, the first ammunition bearer, and the second ammunition bearer. Effective Casualty Radius: 81mm Mortar. It is part of a series of technical studies on explosive weapons undertaken by the GICHD, providing evidence and contributing to the analysis of the final report on Characterisation of Explosive Weapons (GICHD, 2017). These weapons only possessed 2,200 yards of effective range. [4] The M252A1 was scheduled to replace the M252 in 2016. Do not discount or underestimate the small and mighty mortar! This smokescreen can either help conceal the movements and locations of friendly units, or obscure the vision of enemy units. *Question: What is the maximum range for the M252 81mm mortar? Range mortar fired from: The breech end is finned for better cooling. Although nobody was killed in the incident, 4 people were injured and an ambulance and 3 private vehicles were damaged. Max Rate of Fire: 81mm Mortar. The M252 weighs about 91 pounds. Max Effective Range: 81mm Mortar. 16 April 2011, 17:30. Conventional mortars do not have recoil mechanisms, with the main recoil force being transmitted directly to the ground via the baseplate. The M252 81mm Medium Extended Range Mortar is a crew-served, medium weight mortar which is highly accurate and provides for a greater range (4,500 meters to 5,650 meters) and lethality than the previous 81mm mortar. In addition to their normal equipment, each soldier would carry four bombs in a pair of two-bomb plastic containers (known as greenies in the British Army). Brain injuries were the most common way of stopping the escape of the hit. Found at the tail of the 10-pound HE round is approximately 35 meters m, firing! 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