If we dont set this property, we should add **Dockerfile** to publish folder manually.
When people talk about Responsive Web Applications, they usually refer to a side menu or top menu that shrinks down into a hamburger menu which does not provide a good user experience for mobile users.
Dont use dashed. return query.ToList();
Create `IFileAppService.cs` interface at the same place with DTOs. Before this change we need to download redis cache extensitons. ```
options.FileProviders.Insert(0, new MyVirtualFileProvider());
public T Data { get; set; }
public ReservationType()
targetUserName: targetUserName,
var wkHtmlToPdfPath = Path.Combine(_hostingEnvironment.ContentRootPath, $"wkhtmltox\\v0.12.4\\{architectureFolder}\\libwkhtmltox");