1.3.2 General methods of compressing files All the above file compression techniques are excellent for very specific types of file. In other words, they provide wireless network communications over fairly short distances (up to 100 metres) using radio or infrared signals instead of using cables. Give your answers in denary. 1 Consider the conversion of the denary number, 107, into binary Method 1 This method involves placing 1s in the appropriate position so that the total equates to 107. There is a need for good network security. Auf dieser Seite finden Sie alle Informationen der Deutschen Rentenversicherung, die jetzt wichtig sind: Beratung und Erreichbarkeit, Online-Antragstellung, Servicetipps und vieles mehr. We hope they will be of interest to you. Now that we are introducing negative numbers, we need a way to represent these in binary. Potential data loss when using cloud storage There is a risk that important and irreplaceable data could be lost from the cloud storage facilities. The publishers would like to thank the following who have given permission to reproduce the following material in this book: Page 181 Extract from IEEE Code of Ethics. Command word What it means Analyse examine in detail to show meaning, identify elements and the relationship between them Assess make an informed judgement Calculate work out from given facts, figures or information Comment give an informed opinion Compare identify/comment on similarities and/or differences Complete add information to an incomplete diagram or table Consider review and respond to given information Contrast identify/comment on differences Define give precise meaning Demonstrate show how or give an example Describe state the points of a topic/give characteristics and main features Develop take forward to a more advanced stage or build upon given information Discuss write about issue(s) or topic(s) in depth in a structured way Draw draw a line to match a term with a description Evaluate judge or calculate the quality, importance, amount, or value of something Examine investigate closely, in detail Explain set out purposes or reasons/make the relationships between things evident/provide why and/or how and support with relevant evidence Give produce an answer from a given source or recall/memory Identify name/select/recognise Justify support a case with evidence/argument Outline set out main points Predict suggest what may happen based on available information Sketch make a simple freehand drawing showing the key features, taking care over proportions xi 457591_FM_CI_AS & A_Level_CS_i-xiv.indd 11 4/30/19 7:42 AM INTRODUCTION Command word What it means State express in clear terms Suggest apply knowledge and understanding to situations where there are a range of valid responses in order to make proposals Summarise select and present the main points, without detail Write write an answer in a specific way From the authors We hope you enjoy this book. Each time a 1 appears in a column, the column value is added to the total. theregister.co.uk/2006/11/24/ebay_pirates_payup/. is the all-new network television home for action & adventure content from MGM's library.This includes movies such as the Rocky & James Bond franchises. This makes it intrinsically different to a WAN. A suffix is used, such as, which means 18bits will be used for the net ID and the last 14bits will be used for the host ID (rather than the normal 24bits and 8bits for a class C network). This channel. Reprinted with permission of Out-Law.com, the news service of international law firm Pinsent Masons; Page 218 Map data 2018 Google, Imagery 2018 Landsat/Copernicus. The advantages of a star network include: hub/switch Figure 2.7 Star network topology Data collisions are greatly reduced due to the topology. 2 computer computer BRIDGE Figure 2.15 Bridge flow diagram Bridges are used to interconnect LANs (or parts of LANs), since sending out every data packet to all possible destinations would quickly flood larger networks with unnecessary traffic. 2.1.7 Ethernet Ethernet is a protocol used by many wired LANs. There may be regulations in some countries regarding which wireless transmission frequencies can be used legally. This system uses 128-bit addressing, which allows for much more complex addressing structures. In what ways is this different to an ISP? The resolution can be varied on many cameras before taking, for example, a digital photograph. Dynamic Learning is an online subscription solution that supports teachers and students with high quality content and unique tools. Star networks A star network topology uses a central hub/switch and each computer/device is connected to the hub/switch. Usually bit-map images look more realistic than vector graphics. The disadvantages of a star network include: The initial installation costs are high. 2.2 The internet Class A Public IP addresses are the ones allocated by a users ISP to identify the location of their device. Internet The internet is a massive network of networks (although, as explained in Section 2.1.1, the internet is not a WAN) which are made up of various computers and other electronic devices. Data will simply be stored on the local device and then data will be uploaded or downloaded once the internet connection is restored. 34 457591_02_CI_AS & A_Level_CS_027-067.indd 34 4/30/19 7:45 AM Peer-to-peer offers little data security since there is no central security system. Unicode coding system which represents all the languages of the world (first 128 characters are the same as ASCII code). Classless inter-domain routing (CIDR) reduces this problem by increasing the flexibility of the IPv4 system. If one of the connections is broken it only affects one of the nodes. a) 0.45 + 0.21 b) 0.66 + 0.51 c) 0.88 + 0.75 0 1 1 0 1 1 + This again produces a fifth bit which is carried to the next decimal digit position. Due to the curvature of the Earth, the height of the satellites orbit determines how much coverage it can give. Include all the hardware devices and cables needed. The disadvantages of a mesh network include: A large amount of cabling is needed, which is expensive and time consuming. There are two types of twisted pair cable: unshielded and shielded. [2] b) i) Write the denary integer 798 in binary-coded decimal (BCD) format. Convert your answers to denary. Good privacy and security, since packets travel along dedicated routes. Multi core allows for a multi-mode light source; the construction causes higher light reflections in the core, so they work best over shorter distances (in a LAN, for example). The building has 20 floors. 23 457591_01_CI_AS & A_Level_CS_001-026.indd 23 25/04/19 9:11 AM 1 Coloured images Figure 1.8 shows an object in four colours. The server dictates which users are able to access which files. If the last group has less than 4bits, then simply fill in with 0s from the left. It stands for interconnected network. Pixels can take different shapes, such as or or or 15 457591_01_CI_AS & A_Level_CS_001-026.indd 15 25/04/19 9:11 AM 1 Information representation and multimedia 1 EXTENSION ACTIVITY 1B Find out how HTML is used to control the colour of each pixel on a screen. It is usually part of the device hardware andfrequently contains the MAC address generated at the manufacturing stage. If you are looking for VIP Independnet Escorts in Aerocity and Call Girls at best price then call us.. Public IP address an IP address allocated by the users ISP to identify the location of their device on the internet. Other examples include mobile phone apps which need constant access to a server to work. Unshielded is used by residential users. As the bit depth increases, the number of possible colours which can be represented also increases. When a flag is not used, the next byte(s) are taken with their face value and a run of 1 (for example, 01 99 means one character with ASCII code 99 follows). Email [emailprotected] Lines are open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday to Saturday, with a 24-hour message answering service. This can be resolved by re-starting the router. 128 0 64 1 32 1 16 0 8 1 4 0 2 1 1.1 Data representation Convert these binary numbers into denary. Printed by Bell & Bain Ltd, Glasgow A catalogue record for this title is available from the British Library. If the central hub/switch fails, then the whole network goes down. Client-server networks can become bottlenecked if there are several client requests at the same time. A network manager can oversee the network and, for example, apply access rights to certain files, or restrict access to external networks, such as the internet. 2 2.2.3 IP addresses Internet protocols (IP) IPv4 addressing The most common type of addressing on the internet is IP version 4 (IPv4). Lossless file compression is designed to lose none of the original detail from the file (such as Run-Length Encoding (RLE) which is covered later in this chapter). Does the image need to look real? a) 4 1 b) 6 7 c) 8 6 d) 1 0 0 e) 1 1 1 f) 1 2 7 g) 1 4 4 h) 1 8 9 i) 2 0 0 j) 2 5 5 The reverse operation converting from denary to binary is slightly more complex. Besides the state licence exam, cosmetology students must also pass a practical skills examination, which is administered in certain cases in addition to a written test. a) 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 + 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 b) 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 + 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 c) 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 + 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 d) 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 + 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 e) 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 + 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 f) 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 + 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 3 What are the column weightings for the hexadecimal (base 16) number system? This is particularly important for files where loss of any data would be disastrous (such as a spreadsheet file of important results). Because of the limited range, most commercial LANs (such as those on a college campus or at an airport) need several WAPs to permit uninterrupted wireless communications. A switch in the ON position can be represented by 1; a switch in the OFF position can be represented by 0. 022 5400 115; [email protected]nz; 12 Edmundson Street, Onekawa, Napier 4110, Hawkes Bay. Routers Gateways n forward packets of data from one network to another; routers read each incoming packet of data and decide where to forward the packet n convert one protocol (or data format) to another protocol (format) used in a different network n can route traffic from one network to another network n convert data packets from one protocol to another; they act as an entry and exit point to networks n can be used to join LANs together to form a WAN (sometimes called brouters) and also to connect a number of LANs to the internet n translate from one protocol to another n offer additional features such as dynamic routing (ability to forward data by different routes) n do not support dynamic routing Table 2.6 Differences between routers and gateways EXTENSION ACTIVITY 2C Draw a diagram to show how a gateway could be used to connect together three LANs which are using different protocols. 1.2.4 Video This section considers the use of video and extends beyond the syllabus. To understand the implications of the Merger on competition, the CMA gathered information from a wide variety of sources, including by using the CMAs statutory 2 Wireless LANs (WLANs) Wireless LANs (WLANs) are similar to LANs but there are no wires or cables. The syllabus content has been covered comprehensively and is presented in two sections: Chapters 1 to 12 cover the AS Level, Chapters 13 to 20 cover the extra content required for the full A Level. Conflict situation in which two devices have the same IP address. 12 457591_01_CI_AS & A_Level_CS_001-026.indd 12 25/04/19 9:11 AM Hex Char Dec Hex Char Dec Hex Char 32 20 64 40 @ 96 60 ` 33 21 ! While this extends beyond the syllabus, it is included here to help you understand how HTML is used to create websites and how web browsers communicate with servers. 59 457591_02_CI_AS & A_Level_CS_027-067.indd 59 4/30/19 7:45 AM 2 Communication 2 Thus, we have eight sub-nets with the same range of hostIDs. 1.1.4 Binary-coded decimal (BCD) system The binary-coded decimal (BCD) system uses a 4-bit code to represent each denary digit: 0 0 0 0 = 0 0101=5 0 0 0 1 = 1 0110=6 0 0 1 0 = 2 0111=7 0 0 1 1 = 3 1000=8 0 1 0 0 = 4 1001=9 Therefore, the denary number 3 1 6 5 would be 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 in BCD format. Thus, we would expect infrared to be suitable for indoor use only; the fact that it can be stopped by walls is seen as an advantage since this stops the signal causing interference elsewhere. It also impacts on the time to download an image from the internet or the time to transfer images from device to device. 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 + 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . Come and visit our site, already thousands of classified ads await you What are you waiting for? A flag preceding data indicates that what follows are the number of repeating units (for example, 255 05 97 where 255 is the flag and the other two numbers indicate that there are five items with ASCII code 97). 1.3.1 File compression applications MPEG-3 (MP3) and MPEG-4 (MP4) MPEG-3 (MP3) uses technology known as audio compression to convert music and other sounds into an MP3 file format. Essentially, this compression technology will reduce the size of a normal music file by about 90%. Figure 2.1 shows the vast area this network covered. The standard ASCII code character set consists of 7-bit codes (0 to 127 denary or 0 to 7F in hexadecimal); this represents the letters, numbers and characters found on a standard keyboard together with 32 control codes (which use up codes 0 to 31 (denary) or 0 to 19 (hexadecimal)). When printing out vector graphics it is usually necessary to first convert it into a bit-map image to match the format of most printers. Computer architecture and hardware Computer architecture is the design of the internal operation of a computer system. 2.3 km from IMG Academy. xii 457591_FM_CI_AS & A_Level_CS_i-xiv.indd 12 4/30/19 7:42 AM INTRODUCTION Communication Communication is a core requirement of computer systems. It is a key point for data on its way to or from other networks. Collisions Ethernet supports broadcast transmission (communications where pieces of data are sent from sender to receiver) and are used to send messages to all devices connected to a LAN. David Watson Helen Williams Notes for teachers Key concepts These are the essential ideas that help learners to develop a deep understanding of the subject and to make links between the different topics. No Yes abort transmission A wait for allocated time period then re-start transmission Figure 2.20 How data collisions can be dealt with using transmission counters 51 457591_02_CI_AS & A_Level_CS_027-067.indd 51 4/30/19 7:45 AM 2 EXTENSION ACTIVITY 2D Review Figure 2.20. 2.1.4 Public and private cloud computing Cloud storage is a method of data storage where data is stored on offsite servers the physical storage covers hundreds of servers in many locations. Domain name service (DNS) (also known as domain name system) gives domain names for internet hosts and is a system for finding IP addresses of a domain name. These can often refer to both hardware and software. 39 457591_02_CI_AS & A_Level_CS_027-067.indd 39 4/30/19 7:45 AM The same data is stored on more than one server in case of maintenance or repair, allowing clients to access data at any time. Table 1.3 summarises the link between binary, hexadecimal and denary. 1 What are the column weightings for the binary number system? Below are lists of the top 10 contributors to committees that have raised at least $1,000,000 and are primarily formed to support or oppose a state ballot measure or a candidate for state office in the November 2022 general election. Bit rate number of bits per second that can be transmitted over a network. As mentioned earlier in the chapter, Wi-Fi also uses spread spectrum technology. Buffering store which holds data temporarily. 35 457591_02_CI_AS & A_Level_CS_027-067.indd 35 4/30/19 7:45 AM Thick clients Thin clients 2 Communication 2 Pros Cons n more robust (device can carry out processing even when not connected to server) n clients have more control (they can store their own programs and data/ files) n n n less expensive to expand (low-powered and cheap devices can be used) n all devices are linked to a server (data updates and new software installation done centrally) n server can offer protection against hacking and malware less secure (relies on clients to keep their own data secure) n each client needs to update data and software individually n data integrity issues, since many clients access the same data which can lead to inconsistencies high reliance on the server; if the server goes down or there is a break in the communication link then the devices cannot work n despite cheaper hardware, the start-up costs are generally higher than for thick clients Table 2.1 Summary of pros and cons of thick and thin client hardware Table 2.2 highlights the differences between thick and thin client software. When collecting sounds, the software developer can decide on the sampling resolution he wishes to use. Bluetooth wireless connectivity that uses radio waves in the 2.45GHz frequency band. For example, a user with a medium sized network (class B) might have 284 host machines and their class B licence allows them 216 (65534; note the value is not 65536 since two values are not assigned). 36 457591_02_CI_AS & A_Level_CS_027-067.indd 36 4/30/19 7:45 AM Bus networks A bus network topology uses a single central cable to which all computers and devices are connected. 2 The devices are referred to as unmanaged since they are unable to manage delivery paths and also security in the network. In recent years, telephone lines have changed from copper cables to fibre optic cables, which permits greater bandwidth and faster data transfer rates (and less risk of data corruption from interference). It should be noted that the file reductions in reality will not be as large as this due to other data which needs to be stored with the compressed file (such as a file header). [3] 457591_01_CI_AS & A_Level_CS_001-026.indd 25 25 25/04/19 9:11 AM 1 Information representation and multimedia 1 iv) The bit-map image will contain a header. Twisted pair cable type of cable in which two wires of a single circuit are twisted together. where Jesus preached, is the dot at the very centre of the map. In the case of the DV cameras, these signals are automatically converted into a compressed digital file format. Dynamic Learning incorporates elements that all work together to give you the ultimate classroom and homework resource. 1 ; a software-based modem that uses radio waves, microwaves or infrared increase! Needs software to add realism data packages host and manage software applications can therefore. B due to the decimal or denary ( base 10 ) system of units where 1 kilo is equal 1000! 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