Richter Scale: An instrument or logarithmic scale used to measure the magnitude of an earthquake and the energy released by an earthquake is called a Richter scale. Cave: A recess in the ground, mountain, or a valley is called a cave. Constructive Plate Margin: Constructive plate margin is a part of the theory of plate tectonics. National Parks: National parks are areas of land declared as public property by a national government, in order to protect them from human exploitation, and to develop them for recreational purposes. Capillary Water: Capillary water is the moisture stored between the soil particles, which acts as the principal source of moisture for plants. Marina: It is an artificial mooring area or dock, especially made for mooring of a pleasure craft, and is protected form the sea. Read more on biomass energy. They also examine how human culture interacts with the natural environment and the way that locations and places can have an impact on people. Information and translations of Urban geography in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. . 1. Confluence. Dendritic: Dendritic refers to the description of a stream which resembles the pattern of a tree. Biotic Factors: Biotic factors are all living organisms of an ecosystem. To help locate where a place is in the world, people use imaginary lines called latitude and longitude. [1] The recorded use of the word was as a title of a book by Greek scholar Eratosthenes (276-194 BC). Humidity: Dampness in the air is known as humidity, which is the result of the water vapor content in the atmosphere. Isostatic: Increase or decrease in the land levels due to the melting/formation of ice sheets, is an isostatic phenomenon. These sediments may be deposited by running water, wind, or ice. Heathland: Uncultivated land which has sandy soil and stunted vegetation is known as a heathland. Lessivage: The downward movement of clay contents in the soil, due to the movement of water is called lessivage. Attrition: This refers to a type of erosion occurring at the coasts, glaciers, or rivers. Denitrification: It is a geography term which means conversion of nitrates into nitrogen by the bacteria present in the soil. Privacy Notice| Mariculture: It is a branch of aqua culture, which specializes in the breeding and cultivation of marine organisms in salt water. Cliff: A tall, steep and a vertical rock surface is called a cliff. Glacier: A huge mass of ice formed by accumulation of snow is called a glacier. Pollarding: Pollarding is a system of pruning trees regularly in which the main stem of a fast-growing tree is cut, about 2 meters above ground level, to allow healthy development of the branches. Human geography is the study of the distribution of networks of people and cultures on Earths surface. Since then, the understanding of vulnerability has acquired increased complexity as a multidimensional concept . Distance Decay: The distance through which ocean waves pass after drifting away from the generating area. The situation is exactly the opposite in the Southern Hemisphere, where the seasons are reversed. Death Rate: As a part of geography terms list, death rate means the ratio of deaths to the total population in a given area at a given time. It is responsible for shaking and weakening the rocks, leaving them open to attack from hydraulic action and abrasion. Fluvioglacial: Fluvioglacial are streams or rivers, which are formed due to melting of glaciers. Warm front: Warm front is referred to the front of a mass of warm air. But sometimes, we get tangled in its complex jargon. Intertropical Convergence Zone: This is a term used to describe the convergence of the North-East and the South-East trade wind. S-wave: An S-wave is defined as a type of seismic wave, that carries rock particles in a direction, that is perpendicular to the direction in which the wave itself is traveling. Occlusion: As per geographical definitions, occlusion is an atmospheric phenomenon in which a mass of cold air surrounds a mass of warm air, and forces it to move upwards. Xerophytic: In geography, xerophytic refers to one which has adapted itself to a xeric (which means dry) environment. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Dune: A ridge made by wind-blown sand in arid or coastal areas. Drainage Basin: It is an area which is drained by a system of rivers and its tributaries. Gravitational Water: The water in a soil, which percolates to the force of gravity is known as gravitational water. The atmosphere stretches 1000 km above the sea level, but 99% of gases are trapped within the limit of 40 km. Landfill: A site where domestic, commercial, or industrial waste is disposed off is termed as landfill. Pacific Rim: The far eastern countries located at the margin of the Pacific ocean which includes Australia, China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, South Korea, Singapore, and Taiwan form the Pacific rim. Environment: Environment is the totality of conditions, surroundings, and organisms living together. They are also known as the Southern Lights and commonly appear in shades of electric greenish-blue. Energy Source: Any material that acts as a fuel is called an energy source. Geography. Trade Winds: Trade winds are the steady winds that blow towards the equator, from the northeast in the northern hemisphere, and from the southeast in the southern hemisphere. Groundwater: It is the reserve or a store of water created by percolation of water into the soil or into layers of bedrock. Each increasing step indicates a 10-fold energy increase. It is the reflection of a certain area of earth, like snow and mountains, on the surface. Choropleth Map: Choropleth Maps show the difference in regions using different colors and shading. Human Geography Definition for Kids. This activity is carried out in areas that are not suitable for any other type of farming. Economic Activity: This is about industry, jobs, earning a living and producing wealth. Kame Terrace: A flat-plain or land made up of sand and gravel, formed as the water melts in a glacial lake. Eutrophication: In geography, eutrophication is a process wherein the water bodies get excessive nutrients which stimulate proliferation of plant growth. Pressure Gradient: Pressure gradient can be defined as the rate of change of barometric pressure at a particular time in a particular region. Fossil Water: Fossil water or paleowater is groundwater, that has remained in an aquifer for millenniums. Desire Line: Desire line connects the movement of people by tracking their origin with their destination on a map. This energy is generated from dead organic or living organic materials such as wood and plants. Cusps: Small areas which resemble a beach within the beach areas are called cusps. It consists of tall evergreen trees that grow close to each other, and are known to have the maximum number of medicinal plants. The geographic study of a place usually involves . Drift: To be carried along by a river or water currents is known as drift. 'All Intensive Purposes' or 'All Intents and Purposes'? Matt Rosenberg. On Earth, solstices are twice-yearly phenomena in which solar declination reaches the Tropic of Cancer in the north and the Tropic of Capricorn in . Definition of geography in the dictionary. Sea-wave: In geographical terms, waves that indicate a horizontal energy movement, but a vertical movement of water are known as sea-waves. 3. the complex of geographical and political factors affecting or determining the nature of a state or region. ties 1. . It is mainly found in inter tidal zone of tropical coast areas. V-shaped Valley: A v-shaped valley is a valley that has a cross-sectional profile, and that is formed by the eroding action of streams. 15th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1, Latin geographia, from Greek gegraphia, from gegraphein to describe the earth's surface, from ge- + graphein to write more at carve. Audience versions of this page: Glacial Movement: The movement of glacier caused by the melting of ice, due to the friction between the ice and the surface is known as glacial movement, due to basal slipping. Neap Tide: A neap tide is a tide that occurs in the first and third quarters of the moon, caused when the difference between the high tide and the low tide is the least. Brook: Brook is a small stream that flows with gravity. Island Arc: An arc-shaped chain formed by undersea volcanic mountains is known as island arc. Glacial Diversion: A shift in the periglacial stream due to a glacial action is known as glacial diversion. Dike: It is a wall built to avoid flooding. It is also known as thermal equator. Continuous Permafrost: Continuous permafrost is permanently frozen land in the Polar regions, which remains in the same state all through the year. Volcanic Plume: Volcanic plume is a mixture of gas, lava, and other particles, that are emitted during a volcanic eruption, generated when the magma is fragmented. The use of organic materials makes biofuel different from fossil fuels. Copyright Science Struck &, Inc. Base Level: The lowest level at which process of erosion can take place is known as the base level. Wilderness: Wilderness refers to a wild and uncultivated region, such as a forest or a desert. Physical Weathering: Physical weathering, also known as mechanical weathering, is the breaking down of rocks and minerals by natural agents like wind, tree roots, action of moving water, and human activities like construction and farming. A region's weather patterns, usually tracked for at least 30 years, are considered its climate. Updates? This temperature is often below 0C. It is the study of life existing in prehistoric or geologic times, especially as represented by fossils. Find out what is magma made of. Crust: The outermost layer of the earth is called the crust. Background Extinction: Background extinction refers to the extinction of species on the Earth due to changes in the environmental conditions. There are commonly known as ecosystems. The cattle are reared in cages and are watered and fed automatically. Graben: It is the layer of Earths crust which lies at the end of a rift valley due to subsidence of its two sides. Mouth: The spot where a river joins another water body is called the mouth of the river. Therefore, the drainage system is unrelated to the rocks, that it now lies on. These crops are sold in distant regions and are not really made available for local consumption. Where the water flows as a river or stream. Green Belt: A belt or a large area which is covered with green pastures is called a green belt. we never see her from one year's end to the other. Information and translations of population geography in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Geography seeks to understand where things are found, why they are there, and how they develop and change over time. It extends from 10km to 50km above the surface of the earth. This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional. First, it emphasizes that geography is a methodology. Cultural Landscape: Cultural landscape is defined as the study of past and present uses of the land for cultivation by people. Atmosphere: Atmosphere is a very popular geography term. An Introduction to Geography. The geographic term means, the movement of plates towards each other, during which one is destroyed, as it returns to the mantle. Ozone Layer: A region of the earths stratosphere that contains a high concentration of ozone, which is responsible for absorbing the harmful ultraviolet radiation of the sun, is called the ozone layer. Pastoral Farming: Pastoral farming is a kind of farming that involves the rearing of livestock for obtaining milk, meat, wool, etc. Windward: In simple words, the term windward refers to towards the wind. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. season noun period of the year distinguished by special climatic conditions. Tornado: A tornado is a violent and destructive windstorm or column of air that extends downwards from a cumulonimbus or funnel-shaped cloud. Storm Beach: A storm beach is a steep beach that comprises sand and stones, deposited by strong storms and waves, that rise above the high watermark. Monsoon: This refers to a prevailing seasonal wind, which is of two types: summer monsoon and winter monsoon. Absolute Location: An absolute location of a place is defined by its longitude and latitude on the earths surface. Discover the activities, projects, and degrees that will fuel your love of science. Nitrogen Fixation: Nitrogen fixation is a stage in the nitrogen cycle in which atmospheric nitrogen is converted into ammonia by various bacteria, either naturally or through industrial processes. It remains dry throughout the year, except during the rainy season. This fine grained rock is formed when erupted lava cools down rapidly under water. It is the formation of cold rain or ice crystal in the cold clouds of the mid and higher latitudes of atmosphere. Alluvial Fan: Alluvial fan is a fan-shaped soil deposit formed due to sediments. Global Warming: The gradual increase in the Earths temperature, due to entrapment of greenhouse gases is known as global warming. Bankfull Discharge: It is the maximum discharge made by a river without flooding. Blowout Depression: Blowout depressions are formed in sandy areas due to erosion of sediments by winds. Biota: Biota is the collection of a wide range of plant and animal life of a geographic region. Diastrophism: Diastrophism is a process distortion by which the crusts, continents, mountains, depressions, faults, and oceanic beds are formed. Raised Beach: A raised beach is a former or ancient beach that is raised slightly above the current shoreline, due to a relative fall in the level of water. Non-renewable Resources: Natural resources that cannot be produced or regenerated, or that are formed at a very slow rate as compared to its consumption, are known as non-renewable resources. Beach Depletion: Loss of sand and shingles from the beach due to low replenishment and rising sea levels and longshore drift is called beach depletion. Lagoon: A protected water body which lies between a reef and the coastline is known as a lagoon. Equatorial Climate: Rainy and humid conditions prevailing around the tropics is known as the equatorial climate. Juvenile Water: In geography terms, water that is formed within the Earth and reaches the surface through an intrusive rock is called juvenile water. More on what is a cyclone. It is a measure of soil fertility and nutrient retention capacity.